Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Assembly Hall - Birkenhead Town Hall
Contact: Anna Perret Democracy Business Manager
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Council are asked to consider whether they have any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest, in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Members of the Council were invited to consider whether they had any disclosable pecuniary and/or any other relevant interest in connection with any matters to be determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.
No such declarations were made.
CIVIC MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive the Civic Mayor's announcements and any apologies for absence.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Civic Mayor noted that apologies were received from Councillors Colin Baldwin, Chris Carubia, Naomi Graham, Gail Jenkinson, Tony Jones, Paul Martin, Ruth Molyneux and Amanda Onwuemene, Jason Walsh, and Vida Wilson
The Civic Mayor welcomed Members to Birkenhead Town Hall and spoke of his Honour to have served as Mayor in Wirral and thanked to his wife Irene Williams who helped support over 300 Mayoral engagements.
Highlights of the Civic Year included the opening of the Landican Memorial Gardens, welcoming the Peruvian ambassador, meeting with Guides and Scouting groups, Attending 100th Birthday parties, and meeting isolated residents in their homes.
The Civic year had also included the annual Mayors Tea Dance, Civic Ball and the Liverpool Santa Dash, raising money for the Mayoral Charities. The Civic Mayor also noted his appreciation to the many heritage and cultural groups in Wirral, noting that the Hidden Gardens of Oxton event was supported by 90 Volunteers.
The Civic Mayor also expressed his gratitude to the team who supported the Open Golf Tournament in Hoylake, noting that the event had been a great success. Thanks also went to the Deputy Mayor, The Civic Office, family, and friends for their support during the Civic Year.
ELECTION OF CIVIC MAYOR 2024/25 To elect the Civic Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral for the municipal year 2024/25. Additional documents: Minutes: The Civic Mayor invited nominations for election of the Civic Mayor for the ensuing municipal year.
On a motion moved by Councillor Jeff Green, seconded by Councillor Paul Stuart and, in the absence of any other nominations, it was,
Resolved (unanimously) – That Councillor Cherry Povall be elected Civic Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral for the 2024/25 municipal year.
Councillor Povall proceeded to make her declaration of acceptance of office and the retiring Civic Mayor, Councillor Williams vacated the Chair. Councillor Povall occupied the Chair. The new Civic Mayor welcomed her guests and spoke to her election. |
ELECTION OF DEPUTY CIVIC MAYOR 2024/25 To elect the Deputy Civic Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral for the municipal year 2024/25. Additional documents: Minutes: The Civic Mayor invited nominations for the election of a Deputy Civic Mayor for the ensuing municipal year.
On a motion moved by Councillor Paul Stuart, seconded by Councillor Jeff Green and in the absence of any other nominations, it was
Resolved (unanimously) – That Councillor Brian Kenny be appointed Deputy Civic Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral for the 2024/25 municipal year. The new Deputy Civic Mayor proceeded to make his declaration of acceptance of office |