Agenda and minutes

Venue: Williamson Art Gallery & Museum, Slatey Road, Birkenhead CH43 4UE

Contact: Louise Harland-Davies  Area Forum Co-ordinator

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


The Chair, Councillor P Williams, welcomed Area Forum members and 18 members of the public to the meeting in Oxton.


Area Co-ordinator's Report (includes matters arising) pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Minutes and Matters arising from the October Forum:


The Area Co-ordinator drew attention to Appendix 1 of matters arising from the October 2009 meeting relating to the topics:-


Euston Grove: Building Control Officers have contacted the owner’s agent regarding the wall and have been advised that details of the costs of repairs are awaited from the surveyor/contractor.  Advice on the anticipated start date on site to carry out the repairs to the wall will be advised as soon as the costs have been received.


Streetscene’s Call Monitoring Procedures: The Contact Centre Team Leader had advised that contact centre advisors initially take the customer’s details – name, address and phone number – and log the request for service on to the Customer Relationship Management system (CRM).  At the end of the call, a CRM reference number is given, and the customer is given an expectation as to what will happen next, including timescales.

If the customer calls about an existing enquiry, the advisor will interrogate CRM to see if there are any progress notes.  The advisor can also arrange call backs and can also log emails received from members of the public and third parties such as Neighbourhood Wardens, on to CRM.

The Chair explained that one of the areas of concern was that people get through to Streetscene and they are put on hold whilst the advisor contacts another Department.  


Mark Smith, Streetscene Manager: replied that a rigorous approach is taken to dealing with calls through the calls centre.  The operators should be dealing with the issue at source, and not refer to colleagues in other Council Departments.  Set scripts are issued to ensure a consistent approach is taken to dealing with standard queries.  When an unusual query is received, the operator would take the details and speak to the service manager in the back office. 


A member of the public pointed out that a reference is not always given at the end of the call, and it is necessary to ask for one.  In his experience, there is a delay, the call appears to be disconnected, before it is reconnected and the reference number is given.


Mark Smith replied that all enquiries should have a reference number.  He asked for practical examples where the correct procedures are not being followed and they will be investigated.


Councillor Doyle had contacted Streetscene earlier in the day on behalf of a colleague who had a problem with their bin.  He was given a reference number as a matter of course, and told the enquiry would be logged.


Appendix 1 included an update on spending on You Decide 09/10


The sum of £10,037 has been allocated for Youth Activities and young people are being identified to participate in the activities.

Andy Wild’s post as Community Sports Officer, was funded in 2008/09.  The report shows his success in the area and should be applauded.


The Area Co-ordinator apologised for the delay in issuing the Area Forum Streetscene Update – January 2010, copies of which  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Public question time


Mr Lennon

I would like to express my concern about an arrangement between a voluntary organisation and Wirral Council.

It is my understanding that a Central Government initiative was responsible for Wirral undertaking a series of conservation area character appraisals which were conditional upon a withdrawal of central government funding in the event of any failure to implement the programme.

There are, I believe, 24 designated conservation areas throughout Wirral.  For no obvious reason, only 16 of these areas were selected for inclusion in the programme of the preparation of character appraisals.  Oxton Village conservation area, to the understandable consternation of the Oxton Society, was amongst those excluded from the programme.

The Oxton Society, anxious to discover the reasons for this exclusion, accepted the opportunity for a delegation from the Society to meet with senior officers from the Authority.  Although no reason was given for the exclusion of Oxton Village conservation area from the appraisals programme the Authority initially declined to reverse its decision.  Desperate to ensure that Oxton Village would be able to share in the potential benefit of a character appraisal and the subsequent compilation of an Area Management Plan, the Society and the Authority agreed that the Oxton Society would provide a degree of expertise and that the Society and the Authority would share the £5,000 cost of engaging the services of specialist consultants

This is remarkably similar to a recent previous arrangement when, in return for the offer of a contribution of £1,000, again from the Oxton Society, the Authority agreed to engage specialist consultants to examine the case for an extension of Oxton Village Conservation area. 

Primarily as a Council taxpayer, but also as a lifelong member of the Oxton Society, I have concerns about the current arrangement.

I have received no response from the Conservation Officer [Matthew Crook].  I believe that the Area Co-ordinator is aware that the Authority’s record of response to correspondence is abysmal.  I can give instances where the Local Authority has ignored correspondence.

In desperation, I sent a sheet containing 13 questions, and ask the Officers here this evening because the Local Authority has declined the opportunity to respond in any mature way.

Area Co-ordinator


Matthew Crook has shared information with me, and I sent the responses to you by email this morning.

You’ve raised serious matters, as the Conservation Officer is not here  to deal with the matter and you have had a response by email I do not think that we can deal with the matter further at this meeting. There is an official complaints procedure you can go through if you remain dissatisfied.

Brian Christian

OPP forum

Attendance at forums.  We have ‘away days.’  If it is a subject of interest and you have an awareness programme you will get people to attend.  Would it be possible to change the ethos of the forum and instead of getting the general public to bring questions, choose a subject which will affect the area directly, and this would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Partner Updates


Partner Updates were incorporated into Section Two of the Area Co-ordinator’s Report.


Brian Griffiths drew attention to a ‘Face the Public’ meeting on 10 February at West Kirby Civic Centre, when senior officials from the Police, Local Authority and Primary Care Trust will be available to any questions that members of the public may have.


Future meetings

Ø  Wednesday 23 June 2010 venue to be confirmed



Wednesday, 23 June 2010 at a venue to be advised.

The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and contribution and closed the meeting of the Area Forum at 8.35 pm.