Agenda and minutes

Venue: Greenleas Primary School, Green Lane, Wallasey CH45 8LZ

Contact: Andy Brannan  Area Forum Co-ordinator

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


The Chair, Councillor Paul Hayes, welcomed the forum members and 16 members of the public to the meeting of the Area Forum at Greenleas Primary School.


Apologies were received from Barry Humphries, Inspector Julie Fletcher, Inspector Peter Kolokotroni, Councillor W Duffey and Martin Revans.  



Minutes and Matters Arising from previous Forum


The Area Co-ordinator, Andy Brannan, gave an overview of his report, copies of which were available for members of the public at the meeting.  The minutes of the meeting of the Area Forum on 22 October 2008 were included on pages 3-12 and a written update on all issues raised on pages 13-15 of the report, and asked if anyone wished to raise any issues on these:


The chair raised the following issues:


You Decide – an update on this would be reported at the next meeting, as there had been a delay in receiving information from officers on this.


Strategic Asset Review (SAR) – the review and the closure of Wallasey Village Library and Guinea Gap Baths were strongly opposed. Councillor Bob Moon was asked to attend the meeting to answer questions on the review, but sent his apologies. The chair agreed to pass on any questions relating to the review on to the SAR representatives, and the following were raised:


1.  Anne McArdle - what does the local community want to put into Wallasey Village Library and has any consultation been done on what the building could be used for (it would be good to see some community facilities in the area)?

Chair – a meeting was held with the Director of Regeneration on possible uses for the building / community transfer, and are still in contact over the future of the building. Officers are not keen to put in a library service.

Councillor Wood – there has been one bid, from St Georges Primary School for a classroom and local community facility, but this is still open for discussion as it couldn’t take place until after Council on 11th February.

Councillor Rennie – informed the forum that she had requested a copy of the policy on this at a meeting with the Director of Regeneration and was informed that it had not been written when the review went out to public consultation. Once the details of what the policy means are received we will be working to get a permanent solution for the future of the building, as don’t want this to be mothballed. She had been advised by the Director to talk to the community and try and get people from the business community / solicitors / accountants to see if they will help / get involved in this, and we will be actively seeking those people.  There will be a small dowry to help community groups to set up the initiative, but not to continue to run it. We would like to see some sort of library facility in the area as consider Wallasey Village Library to be strategically placed, and feel that the Liscard area is not practical. We will hold public meetings and request that ideas on the use of the building be passed to the forum.

Anne McArdle welcomed the comments as it is important that the community is involved in the future use of the building.

2.  Geoff Gorman  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Local Development Framework


John Entwistle (Corporate Services) gave a presentation on the Local Development Framework (LDF).


The LDF is a new style development plan that will replace Wirral’s Unitary Development Plan (UDP) and be used alongside the Regional Spatial Strategy, covering the North West of England, issued by the Secretary of State. The LDF will be a key legal document covering 15-20 years and will consist of a Core Strategy and a spatial plan, and there are opportunities to consult on this at each stage of a long process until its submission to the Secretary of State.  The proposed adoption date for the LDF is 2011.


Forum members had already received a copy of the Issues, Vision and Objectives consultation document, covering issues, vision (to 2025 with 15 main elements linked to the Sustainable Community Strategy) and 29 objectives. Anyone wishing to get involved can request a copy of the consultation document by adding their details to the list available at the meeting or by contacting Hazel Edwards (0151 691 8225 / The deadline for comments is 5pm on 27 March 2009. Anyone wishing to be kept involved in the LDF process can request to be added to our contact database again by contacting Hazel Edwards.


The Chair thanked John Entwistle for his presentation and the following questions / issues were raised:


1.  Geoff Gorman - is this new planning system/strategy capable of changing planning decisions that have already been made?

A. - The new Development Plan has no weight as yet and the Unitary Development Plan will continue to be the plan that all planning applications are determined against, until such time as the Core Strategy for the Borough is adopted, which is anticipated to be in 2011.

2.   Geoff Gorman - how have the issues of the flood land at New Brighton been taken into account with regard to the new Morrisons supermarket?

A. - The planning application for the Neptune development was subject to a Flood Risk Assessment. Wirral Council has also commissioned a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, which will consider and assess all aspects of flood risk around the coastal areas of the borough and in respect of Climate Change.

3.  Geoff Gorman - new statistics on Climate Change have been released and in particular about the risk from flooding – will this be taken into account at New Brighton? Why is Neptune building another ‘sea defence’ wall in front of their development if the coastal defences are adequate? There is evidence that there is erosion of land in the area around the application site. What will be done about this?

A. - The planning application for the Neptune development has already been determined and was subject to a flood risk assessment, which formed part of the application, that included looking at the existing sea defences and coastal protection and will have taken issues on Climate Change into account. There are some reserved matters still to be implemented as part of that application; however there  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Integrated Transport Block


Dave Green gave an update on the Integrated Transport Block (ITB) Funding (detailed on page 23 of the Area Co-ordinators report).


In Autumn 2006 the forums were consulted on how this funding would be allocated. Nine of the forums requested that the funding remain in a central pot for funding larger schemes. Two of the forums (Heswall/Pensby/Thingwall and Bromborough/Eastham) requested that the funding be allocated by the forums. The success of this initiative piloted in 2007/08 in these two Area Forums, has led to continued de-centralisation of funds for 2008/09 for the two forums and officers being requested to consult with the remaining nine Forums to determine if they wish to receive de-centralised funding (this will be approximately £18,000 per area forum) for allocation on traffic schemes. If the forums decide to opt for this the funding they will be supported by an officer form Technical Services, who will offer guidance, advice, ideas and information on costs, risks, pitfalls etc. The funding would have to be spent within the financial year it is allocated. A report on the forums’ recommendations will be taken to Cabinet on 19th March 2009, so the decision needs to be made by 20th February 2009.


Community Speed Watch Areas – there are seven pilot areas currently in place and these are successful. Members of the forum are being requested to put forward suggestions for additional community speed watch areas for consideration as the scheme is being expanded. Suggestions are required by 20th February 2009.


The Chair thanked Dave Green for his update, the Forum debated this proposal and the following questions / issues were raised:


1.  Member of the public - what is the 20 is plenty scheme?

A.   Seven areas were identified to take part in a pilot voluntary speed reduction scheme aiming to bring accidents down to zero by reducing the speed of traffic in the area using signage rather than traffic calming measures, such as speed humps, by engaging with the areas and carrying out consultation to get motorists to reduce their speed.


The following suggestions were put forward:

  • Rowson Street (by Stoneacres)
  • Grove Road, Wallasey Village
  • Mount Pleasant Road
  • St Georges primary school area
  • Greenleas primary school area
  • Mount primary school area
  • Mariners Park / Seabank Road / Manor Road (it is dangerous crossing the road to get to the bus stops)


Councillor Wood added that the primary school areas are to be targeted by the Police from 23rd February, but could be considered for this scheme.


The Chair mentioned that there had been an accident at Seabank Road / Manor Road recently.


2.  Councillor Pritchard asked if the scheme was aimed at side roads rather than main roads.

A.  All suggestions should be put through, as this is only one aspect of what we can do. The Local Transport Plan (LTP) could be used for putting in a pedestrian refuge or extra lineage. The two schemes are complementary to each other. The 20 is  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Partner Organisation Updates / Public Question Time




Sergeant Mark Smith informed the forum that he was based at Moreton Police Station and provided the following information:


  • Crime figures had been reduced by 13% in the past 12 months (compared to the same period in the previous year) with 250 less crimes in the Wallasey area.


  • There will be an open day at Moreton Police Station on the 7th March 2009, anyone wishing to attend should contact the station.


  • Monthly newsletters are now being produced by each neighbourhood inspector, anyone wishing to receive regular updates can receive this via e-mail or post if they let us have their details.


  • All police officers have been issued with a blackberry to enable them to get information and carry out spot checks without having to go back to the station, allowing them to spend more time on the beat.


Sergeant Justin Higgins informed the forum that he was based at Manor Road Police Station and provided the following information:


  • There was an open day at Manor Road Police Station yesterday, which was very successful with nearly 100 visitors. The tours last around two hours and includes looking at fingerprinting facilities and work with police dogs. A further open weekend has been arranged for 9th -10th May 2009; anyone wishing to attend should contact me as the tours are very popular and get booked up quickly.


  • Seabank Road – we are familiar with the problems in this area and conduct regular enforcement campaigns. Rowson Street and Grove Road are also monitored.


  • An initiative targeting diversionary activity, for young people responsible for anti-social behaviour (ASB), in an appropriate way is being piloted in this area. It involves sending the young people on training courses with the Army, and linking in with vocational colleges at the end of the course to ensure it is an evolving process. The project is to be rolled out to the Merseyside area.


  • An initiative targeting drug dealers / unlawful activities, to try and recover unlawful drugs / stolen property has resulted in 23 search warrants and 24 arrests.


  • A five year anti-social behaviour order (most are normally only issued for two years) was secured for 19 year old Daniel Berry, following a long history of anti-social and criminal behaviour, he was banned from entering the Sherlock Lane area of Poulton. This is a useful tool to correct behaviour.


  • Hamilton Road / Mount Road area – youths causing disturbance, please let me know of any incidents in the area as will look into this, but it takes time to put corrective actions into place.


The chair thanked Sergeant Smith and Sergeant Higgins and the following questions / issues were raised:


  1. Barbara Hardcastle – there was a meeting at the Town Hall re: the sale of drugs paraphernalia, do you know anything about this and does it stop the sale of goods (such as seeds being sold as souvenirs)?

A.  Sergeant Smith – this would depend on the bye-law in place.

Sergeant Higgins – it  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Date of next meeting

June 2009 (Venue to be confirmed)



The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 23rd June 2009, at a venue to be confirmed.


A member of the public asked if the next meeting could be held at the Floral Pavilion and the chair requested that the area co-ordinator check its availability.


Resolved that:     The area co-ordinator to look into the availability of the Floral Pavilion for the next forum meeting




Any Other Business


There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8.45pm