Agenda and minutes

Venue: Wallasey Central Library, Earlston Road, Wallasey CH45 5DX

Contact: Andy Brannan  Area Forum Co-ordinator

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


The Chair, Councillor P Hayes, welcomed forum members and 11 members of the public to the New Brighton and Wallasey Area Forum meeting being held at Wallasey Central Library, Earlston Road.


Apologies were noted from Sgt Justin Diggins, Insp Peter Kolokotroni, Dr Syhmal Mukerjee, Martin Revans and Ann Lavin.



Area Co-ordinator's Report pdf icon PDF 3 MB


The Area Co-ordinator, Andy Brannan, went through previous minutes pointing out the matters arising on page 4. There were no Matters Arising from the last forum as all the issues raised were answered on the evening.


2.1) Sue Taylor gave additional information on minute decision 4.8 from the last report: The cage on the Tower Grounds has now been removed and the new equipment is in place.



Area Forum Partner Updates


3.1) Srg Mike Moroney: Merseyside Police


On the 8th Feb 2010, a trial operation called Operation Leopard was carried out in Wallasey. The operation consisted of officers with cameras on their bodywear targeting anti social behaviour hotspots. Feedback was initially given from the community about which areas to target and any individuals who were continually causing problems. Once individuals were filmed, they were warned they were captured on film and this would be used if their behaviour persisted.  The operation proved successful and will be repeated in March.


The Police have been carrying out a number of road spotlight days targeting vehicles that do not have any road tax, insurance and for speeding. 6 vehicles were removed for no tax. Legislation has also changed giving the Police the power to remove cars from private land if they no tax. If anyone knows of any such vehicles please contact the Police.


3.2) Srg Mark Smith; Merseyside Police


Crime is dropping in the area with 2778 less crimes reported than the same time last year and also 138 less for youth disorders.


We have carried out Operation Martin to target any potential premises selling alcohol to underage people. The operation was successful and no premises caused an offence.


 After complaints from residents the Police carried out a number of speeding operations which resulted in 6 endorsement penalties being given.


3.3) Dave Hanlon -What was the response to projecting information on the side of the building?


InspSeb Hornby -Information was projected onto the side of Natwest Bank. This was used to publicise information about the knife campaign and other messages to the community. This method of publicising messages will be used again in the future.


3.4) Cllr Tont Pritchard -Do the Police work with the DVLA to check if any drivers do not have insurance?


InspSeb Hornby -All insurance companies need to register with the Police Database. This information is then relayed to the Police cars who can then check if a driver has insurance.


3.5) Cllr Sue Taylor  -Victoria Road and Grosvenor Road has suffered from issues of anti social behaviour lately.


Police -Police Community Support Officers have spent time in the area recently as they are aware of the issues and the youths that are congregating in the roads.


3.6) Mark Johnson -I have taken photographs of youths congregating outside my house and the library. Am I breaking the law doing this?


Police -If he is in a public place and takes a photo, he isn’t breaking the law. This is the purpose of Operation Leopard.


3.7) Steve Preston -The Council’s Community Patrol Team now wearing body worn cameras after receiving specialised training. Any footage captured on these cameras can be used by the Police.


3.8) Dave Hanlon -A number of people have rang on the Radio Merseyside phone line to complain that they have been stopped by the Police for having no insurance when they do have valid insurance. Does this usually happen?


Police -It is  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Public Question Time


4.1) Resident -I have rang Streetscene on a few occasions regarding the parking on Caithness Road and Seabank Road.  People park right up to the end of the junction and the only way to get out is to inch out until nothing is coming. Can yellow lines be installed?


Cllr Sue Taylor -There is a similar problem at the other end of Seabank Road by Manville Road. There have been two accidents when people have to edge out of the road. Joseph Smith from Streetscene has been out to look at the issue.


Dave Green -If a vehicle is parked causing an obstruction then this is an issue for the police to deal with. Yellow Lines depend on a Personal Injury Accident and priority is given to areas that have had the highest number of incidents. Unfortunately the council does not have enough resources to look at all the roads were issues have been raised. These 2 areas will be looked at to see if there is anything that can be done instead of installing yellow lines.


Cllr Tony Pritchard -We previously consulted with residents on Caithness Drive to see if they would like yellow lines. Most residents indicated that they wouldn’t like to see yellow lines as this would take away from of the car parking spaces.  Speeding along Seabank Road is the biggest problem and we have tried to lobby for additional traffic lights at the junction.


Dave Green -The council recognises that speeding is a issue faced across the whole Borough. If agreed by the full council, we will be introducing 20mph zones (this proposal has now been passed)


4.2) Terry Edwards -There is a large amount of fly tipping around the ex-Max Spielman building. After the building was taken over by West Wallasey Van Hire and alterations were done, fly tipping appeared and the owner claimed it is on his land. However part of this land looks to be public land?


Cllr Leslie Rennie -This issue has been looked into before and it does appear that the fly tipping is on the land owned by West Wallasey Van Hire.


Dave Green -Even though the fly tipping appears to be on private land the Council does have some powers to make people remove the waste. By potentially serving a notice on the owner of land, hopefully something could be done.


4.3) Mark Johnston -Since the traffic wardens have gone parking has become a big issue with people parking anywhere they want, a lot of time causing a obstruction.


Dave Green -If the cars are parked on double yellow lines, this is a decriminalised offence and the Council have the powers to do something about this. If a car is parked causing in a way to cause an obstruction only the Police can do something about it and the traffic wardens do not have any powers when a car is parked in this way.


4.4) Joan Roberts -Are there any develops being made to Bayswater Road  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Future meetings / Presentations

Wednesday 23rd June 2010 (Venue to be confirmed)


Agreed Wednesday 23rd June 2010



Any Other Business


There was no other business to be declared and the Chair thanked everybody for their comments and attending and the meeting was closed at 8pm.