Agenda and minutes

Venue: Claremount Methodist Church Hall (Sandy Lane Entrance), Claremount Road, Wallasey, CH45 6UE

Contact: Andy Brannan  Area Forum Co-ordinator

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


The Chair, Councillor P Hayes, welcomed forum members and 9 members of the public to the New Brighton and Wallasey Area Forum meeting being held at Claremount Methodist Church Hall, Claremount Road, Wallasey.


Apologies were noted from Barry Humphries (New Brighton Community Representative)


The Chair announced that Barry Humphries has resigned from his post as New Brighton Community Representative and thanked him for the work he had done so far.



Area Co-ordinator's Report pdf icon PDF 946 KB


·  Matters Arising from June 09

·  You Decide Results for New Brighton and Wallasey



The Area Co-ordinator, Andy Brannan, went through previous minutes pointing out the matters arising on page 11 and highlighted the fact that the results of the ‘You Decide’ surveys were now all submitted and awaiting perusal.  A copy of these minute were available to the members of the public at the meeting. 


He explained again what the ‘You Decide’ scheme was and invited anyone with any questions to contact him personally and he would be happy to help.  A panel meeting will be held next week to discuss the results of the ‘You Decide’ surveys which will be bought to the next area forum. 


The Area Co-ordinator then gave an overview of the Governance Review which he explained was how the Council is to be governed.  He asked all members of the public to take a handout at the end of the meeting on how they can be involved. 


He also explained about the Coastal Management Plan which is a new consultation that the Council are involved in and proceeded to give an overview of the report that was available to all forum members and the public. 


Chair – stated he was not happy with the Governance Review report so if anybody wanted more information to see him at the end.  The forum is also happy to announce that Wallasey Village Library is to stay open and congratulated all campaigners involved. 



Area Plans Update


The Chair explained to the members of the public what the area plan is and the fact that it is a few years old now so has gone to be renewed.  Members of the public are being encouraged to voice their opinion.  He explained that each area forum has a plan and they will all be looked at to see what needs doing etc and then bring to the next meeting.


Public Question Time and Area Forum Partner updates


Rod Jones (Wirral University Teaching Hospital) – Gave an overview of his intense report which was available to all members of the public at the meeting.  Stated that the hospital maintained its previous excellent high standards in a maintenance check. 


Shymal Mukherjee (Primary Care Trust) – Gave an update on Swine Flu.  New Swine Flu centres have now opened within Tesco, Bidston and Asda, Liscard.  Immunisations start in the next few weeks.  Also in relation to the ‘Voice of Wallasey’, Dr Mukherjee attended the meeting last month and informed all attendees of the forum meeting that they need to elect a new Chair which means that the ‘people’ will have a direct influence on the Health Service in Wallasey


Victoria Centre Hospital now has a walk in centre which is open from 8am to 8pm.  Doctors are available there and there is an x-ray machine however all emergencies should still to the A & E department in Arrowe Park Hospital. 


4.1 Q – Are we not eligible for the Swine Flu vaccination if our GP does not contact us?


Shymal Mukherjee – GPs will be contacting all those eligible patients first however contact your GP anyway for more information. 


Inspector Peter Kolokotroni (Merseyside Police) – Gave an overview of the substantial report that was available to the public at the meeting.  Informed all attendees that crime is down, notably criminal damage and burglaries dwelling.  There will be more Policing over bonfire night.  Can look on their web page for all other information


Sergeant Justin Diggins (Merseyside Police – New Brighton) – Again, gave an overview of his substantial report that was available to the public at the meeting.  Spoke briefly of ‘Operation Argos’ in relation to terrorism training however due to the fact that no business managers attended he did not get into more detail.  He has received a lot of calls regarding Rake Lane Cemetry and would like to reassure members of the public that he matter has now been resolved.  Merseyside Police received 25 phone calls in September in relation to this and none this month which is an excellent result. 


Egerton Street – the drugs raid and warrants have had a positive affect – 1 person has been evicted and another eviction is going through. 


Inspector Peter Kolokotroni added that they now do Chaperoned Army Courses to teach troubles youths discipline.  It has been very successful and has got youths into employment or college.


4.2 Q – Are there any regulations for fireworks before bonfire night?

Justin Diggins This is something that we are trying to target.


Peter Kolokotroni They are not allowed to be set off after 11pm.  Every school child and retailer has had a letter addressing issues and reinforced law and legislation and consequences.  We are also making random checks at retailers .


Member of the public thanked Merseyside Police for their reponse.


4.3 Q Cllr S Taylor – Is there a specific period of when fireworks  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Future meetings/presentations

Thursday 25th Feb 2010 (Venue to be confirmed)



Agreed Thursday 25th February 2010


Any Other Business


There was no other business to be declared and the Chair thanked everybody for their comments and attending and the meeting was closed at 8pm.