Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Wallasey Town Hall

Contact: Michelle Gray  Area Forum Co-ordinator

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


The Chair, Councillor Leah Fraser, welcomed the forum members and 9 members of the public to the meeting.


Minutes and Matters Arising from previous Forum - June 2009


The following points / matters arising were raised from the minutes of last meeting held on 10th June 2009:


Page 6, item 3 – question 3: Dave Hanlon confirmed that the situation re: traffic problems in Sir Thomas Street were still chaotic, especially between 4pm – 6pm.


Page 6, item 3 – question 5: Carole Thomas asked what was happening with the delivery of the new buses, which were due in September 2009.


Page 8, item 4 – question 6: Carole Thomas requested that “the Stanton Park Partnership” should read “the Central Park Partnership”. The Area Co-ordinator agreed to get this amended.


Page 9, item 4 – question 10: Father Leon Ostaszewski asked when the road improvements on Belvidere Road were due to be finished, as it was a hazard due to barriers falling down.

Chris Jones confirmed that the present phase of works was coming to an end, but that work was being carried out in phases over a number of years, due to the length of the road. The footways work was finishing this week and the carriageway being attended to. A further phase is due to begin next year.

Dave Hanlon asked how many phases were involved and Chris agreed to discuss this in more detail at the end of the meeting.


Page 9, item 4 – question 10: Father Leon Ostaszewski asked what is happening to the ABC site.

The Chair confirmed that this was being followed up, and the owner was being asked to tidy up the site.


Page 9, item 4, minute decision: Carole Thomas asked if there was a representative of the youth service at the meeting.

The Area Co-ordinator confirmed that a representative would be invited to the next meeting. The Chair introduced Mark Newman from the Youth and Play Service who was in attendance at the meeting.


Minute Decision:


Resolved that:

(i)  The Area Co-ordinator to e-mail Merseytravel to ask what is happening about the traffic congestion problems in Sir Thomas Street and Simon Finnie from Arriva re: provision of new buses due to be in operation in September 2009


(ii)  The Area Co-ordinator to arrange for item 4 – question 6 of the minutes of last meeting to be amended so that “the Stanton Park Partnership” reads “the Central Park Partnership”.


(iii)  The Area Co-ordinator to invite a member of the youth service to the next forum meeting


Age Concern

Information given on a wide range of services and activities run by Age Concern Wirral which exist to respond to a whole spectrum of needs and interests for the residents of Wirral who are aged 50 and over.


The Chair welcomed Pat Lloyd from Age Concern, to give a presentation on the work of Age Concern.


Pat informed the forum that Age Concern was responsible for managing an information, advice and advocacy service for Wirral aimed at people aged 50+, and that Wirral now has a larger population of people aged 90+..


  • The information and advice service is available on any subject, but the main areas are:
  • Finances and maximising income (there is over £3.5m if unclaimed benefits). The biggest benefit is attendance allowance, people do not have to have someone at home caring for them to be eligible for this as it is available to people with a health problem that affects their personal care.
  • Community Care, including grants, care home legislation, hospital discharges
  • Housing


The Age Concern Headquarters is at Hamilton Square, Birkenhead and offers the following services:


  • Home visits.
  • Surgeries – these are held at GP surgeries and One Stop Shops.
  • A day care service at the Devonshire Centre, Park Road North, Birkenhead – for older people with various forms of dementia and has an emphasis on activity. We are currently setting up early onset dementia support.
  • Ten Luncheon clubs, with transport.
  • Befriending service, this was set up a few months ago and there is already a waiting list for this.
  • Bereavement Support – a project funded by NHS Wirral offering support and advice for bereaved people, this service has grown rapidly.
  • Support for carers group.
  • Active Age Centre, offering a variety of activities.
  • Peace Project – this was funded two years ago from Comic Relief.
  • Elder Abuse Project – we have a large white Superlamb-banana to highlight elder abuse which has caused good success in the reporting of this.
  • Works in co-operation / partnership with the Older People’s Parliament.
  • Bathing service – this was launched last year, for older people unable to bathe themselves
  • Fair Trades Scheme – we have done a lot of work with Wirral Trading Standards on this, scheme which only allows firms registered on the scheme to be recommended.
  • United Utilities Password Scheme – this allows us to sort out bills / problems for people.


The Chair thanked Pat for her presentation and the following questions / issues were raised:


  1. Father Leon Ostaszewski – do you organise meals on wheels?

A. No, but we liaise with the organisation that deals with this.


  1. Carole Thomas – what is attendance allowance?

A. It is a benefit for people who are not mobile or who have difficulty with personal care aged 65+ years


  1. Chair – is the bathing service only available at Pensall House Centre?

A. it is available at two locations - Pensall House Centre, Pensby and Harvest Court Centre, Moreton.

Andrew Cooper added that NHS Wirral also offer a bathing service.


  1. Councillor Salter – are the receipt of scam letters covered under elder abuse?

A. Yes, we would help deal with this. The Office of Fair Trading has a Scam Busters initiative to deal with this.


  1. Dave Hanlon  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Community Engagement - "What's Been Happening in your Area" pdf icon PDF 1 MB




Inspector Julie Fletcher informed the forum that there were information packs and a newsletter available at the meeting, and that anyone wishing to receive regular updates could add their details onto the community engagement list – this information can be posted out if required. She introduced the new Sergeant for Seacombe, Sergeant Dave Hird, who has replaced Sergeant Paul Parry, and gave the following updates:


  • Section 30 Orders – there are two new areas covered by S30 orders in the Seacombe Area (Brougham Road; Percy/Palatine Road) running from 4pm each evening from 31st July 2009 to 31st January 2010. This allows for groups of youths to be moved on from the area, they can be arrested if they return within a 24 hour period. We are working closely with Youth Services and the Respect Tem to point them to activities available.


  • Halloween / Bonfire Night – an environmental / visual audit will be carried out on Wednesday and Thursday to make sure the area is as clean as possible prior to these. A clean up will start next week following completed questionnaires received from 73 residents.


  • Army Initiative – this involved identifying young people, channelled through the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Team, and engaging them with Army / police Officers to get them to try and re-educate them and show them the problems anti-social behaviour causes. The initiative is not to reward bad behaviour but to reduce crime / ASB. This has been successful and has led to the following:
    • Males - three have joined the Army and three more are in the process of joining the Army; one has found full-time employment and three are in college
    • Females – three are attending a 13 week Army preparation course and one is joining the Navy.


The Chair thanked Inspector Fletcher; and congratulated the Police on their successes within the area. The following questions / issues were raised:


1.  Councillor Jones – congratulated the Police on the Army Initiative as this was a first class approach leading to prevention of young people going down a criminal path by catching them early.

Dave Hale added his congratulations and felt that this was the way forward, but asked if people with three previous convictions wee barred from the armed forces, or if being part of this initiative would mean that they may be accepted.

A. The Army has a problem with recruitment, criminal convictions do not necessarily bar people from joining the armed forces, unless the crimes are very serious. It may be that the person is not allowed to join for 12 months, to show that they can behave responsibly, and we have support measures in place to help with this.



2.  Carole Thomas – Is Mischief Night the same night as Halloween.

A. Mischief Night is an American tradition and is often used by young people to behave badly. It is the night before Halloween, and we count this as a key date. This year we are looking  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Public Question Time


The following questions / issues were raised:


  1. Ken Harrison – residents in Seacombe are not able to get to Mill Lane Hospital by bus.

A. The Area Co-ordinator agreed to raise this with Arriva and report back to forum members on this.

Dave Hanlon added that the 433 goes to Mill Lane, but Ken confirmed that this did not stop near the hospital. The Chair confirmed that Arriva would be asked for information on the available routes.


  1. Carole Thomas – What is happening re: youth provision for Wallasey, is this to be provided at the Fire Station?

A. Chair confirmed that the Area Co-ordinator will arrange for a presentation on this at the next forum meeting.


  1. Dave Hanlon – A report to the Sustainable Communities Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 21 September 2009 included the information on expenditure programmes for parks, including £60k for Central Park – what is this to going to be spent on?

A. The Area Co-ordinator confirmed that this is not yet known and the Chair agreed to contact Parks and Gardens to find out more on this and report back.


  1. Carole Thomas asked if this information could be shared with all of the Community representatives and the Area Co-ordinator agreed to arrange this.


  1. Dave Hanlon – raised issue of survey / consultation arrangements covered by National Indicator Nos. NI 4 and NI 7; covering involvement of residents and local authority requirements on participation with the community and voluntary sector.

A. Chair requested that Dave e-mail this issue to Mark Camborne who will respond directly.


Carole Thomas added that NI 7 had been sent by the Voluntary and Community Sector to the Third Sector for a response.


  1. Member of the Public – could we have an update on the libraries, as I use Earlston library on a weekly basis?

A. Chair – my understanding is that the Council going to bring libraries back up to standard. Mark Camborne added that all libraries are to remain open and resources (staffing and equipment) are to be brought back to status prior to the closures.


  1. Member of the public – there were some positive proposals with in the Strategic Asset Review, such as the hub for Liscard. Have these proposals been abandoned and are we to be consulted on these?

A. Chair – The £20m that the Council was going to borrow is no longer being sought. There is no longer a need to put parts of libraries into the hubs as the libraries are to stay open. Mark Camborne added that the Strategic Asset Review is still underway, and the libraries were part of phase one, and the hubs are no longer being considered. Mark agreed to request a report / detailed presentation on this for the Liscard / Seacombe area for the next forum meeting.


Minute Decision – resolved that:


(i)  The Area Co-ordinator to request information on bus routes from Seacombe to Mill Lane Hospital

(ii)  The Area Co-ordinator to arrange for a presentation, on youth  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Date of future meetings

Wednesday 10 February, 2010


The Chair informed the forum that it was proposed to hold the next meeting at Seacombe Library and asked for views on this suggestion.


Mark Camborne requested that the library staff be consulted on this prior to any agreement. It was agreed that the Area Co-ordinator to contact the library to discuss this.


Dave Hale asked if the pa system was portable and the Chair confirmed that a pa system would not be required as it was a smaller venue.


It was agreed that the next meeting would be held at Seacombe Library, on 10th February 2010, subject to confirmation with library staff.


Minute Decision – Resolved that: the next meeting to be held on 10th February 2010 at Seacombe Library (subject to confirmation).


Any Other Business




Father Leon Ostaszewski informed the forum that 1977 was the Centenary of Birkenhead as a borough, next year it will be the centenary of Wallasey as a Municipal borough. There will be an exhibition at Wallasey Central Library, on 21st July 2010 for one month. There will be a book of photos available at Williamson Museum for a cost of about £12-£14. The site of the other Wallasey Town Hall, bombed during World War II, will be included and there will be a vintage fire engine brought over from Waterloo for the event.  


The Chair thanked everyone for attending, closed the meeting at 9pm, and requested that people visit the stands / Respect Bus.