Agenda and minutes

Venue: Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED

Contact: Michelle Gray  Area Forum Co-ordinator

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

·  Area Forums are an ideal opportunity for you to meet your local ward councillors and reps from Wirral Council, Police, NHS Wirral, Fire and Rescue Service and Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the Older People’s Parliament and ask them questions about issues in your neighbourhood. 



The Chair, Councillor Karen Hayes, welcomed all forum members and 21 members of the public, particularly Phil Cowderoy from Energy project Plus who was here this evening to promote the Warmer Wirral Project.



Minutes of previous meeting (June 2010)


Issues that had been raised at the previous meeting in June had been actioned and where detailed on pages 6 & 7 of the Co-ordinators Report.


The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.


Mark Camborne gave a verbal response re the HMRI issue: Several discussions have recently taken place with John following a letter from Councillor Jones. John is specifically interested in the implications of the “in-year” HMRI budget reduction of £1.5m and its impact on his area. The HMRI team will be specifically speaking to him about this.


In terms of the Objective 1 money, Merseyside is currently in a transition period. The amount of money available is significantly reduced on what was available under the former Objective 1 Programme and it is being targeted to a range of business and employment measures. John has been sent information in the past about the funding that has gone into his area but most of this is now historic. It can be provided again if needed. If John, or any other members of the partnership want to discuss specific funding sources or funding opportunities then they can speak with John Crutchley (691 8310) or Ray Squire (691-8096).


Update on - 20mph signs in Hampstead Road and Park Road.  Both of these roads are formal 20mph zones and have road humps on site. The lower 20mph speed limit is indicated correctly by means of gateway signs on each of the roads within area/zone. In this instance whilst Hampstead Road is a different name than Parkside Road, it is essentially the same route and has the gateway signage at its junction with Liscard Road. The regulations issued by the Department for Transport preclude the use of additional repeater 20mph signs within such a zone, however 4 white 20 roundel markings have also been placed on the carriageway on Parkside/Hampstead Road.


The same situation applies for Park Road, this too has a series of road humps and gateway signs at its junction with Poulton Road to indicate it is a 20mph zone.


We have had a petition from residents of Park Road for traffic calming. We have undertaken speed surveys within Park Road that traffic speeds are indeed commensurate with what we would expect from a traffic-calmed 20mph zone. We will be reporting upon this to a forthcoming Highways Scrutiny Panel.


It is my view that as these roads already benefit from physical calming measures within a 20mph zone, we do not need to erect the Drive Accidents Down 2zer0 signs (which are non-regulatory).



Wirral's Future - be a part of it


The Lead Officer Mark Camborne gave an update on the biggest consultation that Wirral has carried out.  The aim of the consultation is to be comprehensive and flexible to properly engage with staff, residents, stakeholders, businesses and community groups across Wirral,


Principles are: led by independent task forces made up of key stakeholders, wider possible level of public engagement, to inform the setting of Council priorities & budgets, to be delivered on an annual basis to inform the corporate plan.


There are four areas of Questionnaire are:


  • Living in Wirral
  • Children & Young People
  • Adult Social Services
  • Economy & Regeneration


Four stage approach: develop issues papers for task forces (4 weeks), task forces review issues & develop options papers (6 weeks) public consultation on options (6 weeks), task forces review feedback & revise options (4 weeks).


Final options report: consultation feedback collated into report, report to tasks forces to revise options, final options published, final options report to go to Cabinet.


Mark Camborne encouraged everyone to take part and have there say.


For future information and updates on consultation visit our website




Transport Question & Answer Session (Arriva)


Simon Finnie and Richard Hoare both from Meresytravel both answered residents issues and queries around travel.  Richard will attend the next area forum in February 2011.


Richard Hoare to keep Michelle Gray updated on all travel issues for Liscard & Seacombe



Public Question Time pdf icon PDF 528 KB

  • Opportunity to ask questions to any of the forum members

Additional documents:


Liscard Traders


On behalf of the Head of Housing & Regeneration David Ball, the Lead Officer, Mark Camborne, read out the following statement:


Liscard Town Centre is one of the most important retail areas in Wirral. However, in recent years, along with a number of other retail areas in Wirral it has begun to experience retail market decline primarily because of the way in which retail market have changed. This includes more out of town shopping centres and the development of internet shopping.  This decline can be seen in the increasing number of vacant shops, the lack of variety and choice in the goods available in shops, an increasing number of charity and low cost shops and issues in the environment of the retail centre. Whilst Liscard centre has these challenges it also has a number of strengths which need to be built upon to address the market decline.


For some time now the Liscard Traders Association, local councillors and officers of the Council have been meeting on a monthly basis to address the detailed retail challenges that Liscard faces. This has included looking in detail at car parking issues, highways issues, signage for the town centre, voucher schemes to encourage more shoppers into the centre, reducing the number of vacant shops, exploring what new retail investment could be attracted to Liscard, exploring the opportunities for inter-trading between businesses in the town centre and looking at marketing and branding.


These actions are now forming an emerging plan for the town centre and will continue to be driven forward over the coming months. The availability of financial grant monies is very constrained but there are a number of improvements which can be made at low or no cost and these are being fully explored at the present time.


The next few months will see a number of these initiatives being developed and the intention is to keep the Area Forum advised of developments. 


Finally, to encourage everyone to consider “shopping local” wherever possible and supporting all of your retail businesses in Liscard Town Centre. We all need to support each other and continue to work constructively together to bring the town centre successfully through the current challenges.


Minute Decision – David Ball to be re-invited to the next area forum in February 2011 to do a more detailed presentation


Public Question time & open forum


The Chair Karen Hayes informed the forum and residents that all partners present have produced an update for the area forum and these where in the co-ordinators report.


Resident – raised concerns for the area especially around Charlott Road and the adjoining roads, there are major problems with Anti-social behaviour and drug dealers.


Sergeant Justin Diggins - informed the forum that there are operations in place and this area will be monitored.


Jim Thompson - informed the forum that it is important that we report all issues or concerns and this can be done confidential through Crimestoppers.


Resident – also raised concerns over private landlords who  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Refreshments & Open Session

  • To chat to forum members personally in private


Any Other Business


The Chair Karen Hayes informed the forum of the expenditure for this area forum:


You Decide 2010/2011 - £23,275


  • Activities/Opportunities for young people in youth clubs £5,200
  • Litter Bins on our Street   £2,000
  • Big Tidy Up with strategic partners and community   £1,200
  • Alleygates  £12,000
  • Mobile Diversionary Sport Activity for you people   £2,000
  • Community & Environment Day/Big Give Away   £875


Winter Resilience - £5,000


Grit Bin Suggestions:


1)  Sherlock Lane footbridge

2)  Wickham Close

3)  Tobin Street/Brighton Street

4)  Cliff Road/Torrington Road

5)  Fox Hey Road/Breck Road

6)  Wallasey Road/Knaresborough Road

7)  Love Lane near school

8)  St Pauls Road

9)  Shakespeare Road

10)King Street area


Integrated Transport Block - £18,200


  • Mainwaring and Poulton Roads (2)
  • Breck Road - near Junction of Buckingham Ave
  • Kings Street North bound near Garage


Next Area Forum Meeting


The next meeting will be held on Thursday 17th February 20101 - venue to be confirmed.



Energy Project Plus

  • Energy Projects Plus (EPP) – “working towards a sustainable future”, officers will be attending our forum to promote the Warmer Wirral project that is managed by EPP and funded by Wirral Council



Phil Cowderoy from Energy project Plus was available this evening to promote the Warmer Wirral Project and to speak to anyone at the end of the area forum.