Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Wallasey Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Michelle Gray  Community Engagement Officer 0151 691 8213

No. Item




The Chair, Councillor Darren Dodd, welcomed forum members and 7 members of the public.


Mark Camborne read a statement regarding Neighbourhood Working Statement:


A report proposing a new approach for Neighbourhood Working was recommended by Cabinet in January, and will now be voted on by all Councillors in the coming weeks.


The new Neighbourhood Working Approach will create four Neighbourhood teams in Wirral and devolve decision making and budgets directly to local communities.


It aims to tackle issues at source and target resources based on the needs of individual areas. Budgets and decision making would be devolved to local areas, to be designated according to need.


Multi-agency teams, made up of public services including the local authority, police, and health, would be based in communities.


The move will result in the abolition of the existing 11 Area Forums.


Instead, local committees, chaired by Councillors and working with residents, would have a key role in drawing down and allocating resources, based on a Neighbourhood plan which would have strong input from local people.


The benefits of joining up services and sharing knowledge are already well documented, reducing costs, promoting good practice, and enabling early intervention to reduce the demands on public services. Not only can they result in better, more effective services, but they are the way forward in terms of working more closely and effectively with Members, partners, and local people.


Wirrals budget deficit is well documented, and initial reports that this new way of working can not only reduce costs, but also result in better outcomes for local people, can only be welcomed.


Wirral still has a way to go in finalising plans for Neighbourhood Teams, but it is proposed that a Neighbourhood Team will be established in each of Wirrals’ four Parliamentary constituency areas, with staff and services being located within them.


Each team will be report to its own Public Service Board, which includes public services such as the Council, Police, Health and Education. This team will co-ordinate the delivery of a Neighbourhood Plan.


The Neighborhood Plans will be produced by each area’s Constituency Committee, to be chaired by a Councillor and including councillors, community representatives, voluntary and community sector representatives, and - by invitation - the local MP. This plan will outline each area’s needs and priorities.


An over-arching Wirral Together Public Service Board willl have overall responsibility for the successful implementation of the scheme and for the Neighbourhood Plans.


Should the proposal be agreed, teams will begin working in communities from May 1.


Neighbourhood Funding - Michelle Gray, Advised the forum that £30,000 had been released to each of the 11 Neighbourhood Forums for them to allocate accordingly the Liscard & Seacombe Panel met on Tuesday 11th December 2012 and agreed to fund a number of applications. Difficult decisions had to be made and with only having £30,000 to allocate this Neighbourhood Forum was heavily over subscribed receiving over 40 applications. Panel wanted to support those local groups that operated within the Liscard  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.


Minutes of previous meeting





East Wallasey Community Alcohol Partnership


Launched on the 25th February 2013, it is the first CAP in the North West.  Targeting the Seacombe through to New Brighton Area. The aim is 'To create a culture where young people drink responsibly, minors are only able to access alcohol under responsible and informed supervision, and safe consumption limits are understood '.


Although CAP's form part of the Government's alcohol strategy, it is very much about tailoring the project to the local needs using existing local resources.


The main areas of work will focus on reducing under 18's access to alcohol, through underage sales work; reducing proxy sales; as a consequence we should see a reduction in alcohol related anti social behaviour and look to improve the health of young people in the long term.  One of the main aims of the CAP is working in partnership with local licensed premises and seeing them as being part of the solution. 


Partners involved in the project include; Trading Standards, Wirral Licensing, Community Safety, Merseyside Police and their Police Licensing section, Targeted and Universal Youth Support, including Response and Sports and Recreation.  The CAP also looks to engage the local retailers and community/voluntary groups. 


The CAP will focus on educating children, parents, retailers and the public about the dangers of children drinking and we will look to change the perceptions that underage drinking or buying alcohol on behalf of children is acceptable.  In addition, though to be used as a last resort, non-compliance will be dealt with through enforcement.


Public Member Liscard Partnership are concerned re: off licences selling alcohol and the fact that there seems to be a new off licence opening every week.


Heidi Jones – the licensing department will be able to help you with that.  I will put you in touch with them. 



Partner Updates including - Public Question Time


Police – Inspector Justin Diggins – I would like to commend Heidi for her presentation this is a golden opportunity for the next 6-12 months.  People breaking in homes is not an issue in this area.  Urged public if they have a UPVC door please lock the door and not just lift the door handle.  Don’t leave keys near the door.  He also warned people of shed security and garages.


Community Safety – Mike Collins – Unfortunately break ins in schools have risen but we have been at the seen quite quick.  Urged public if they see anyone suspicious to report them.  Explained community safety operate over 100 cameras over Wirral.  Mike explained her was the manager in charge of the dog fouling team which has been successful and also community safety are in partnership with trading standards with regards to cold callers and trying to get people to report them.  Bonfire night was successful and community safety now have super soakers in the back of their vans which saves fire engines being called to small fires. 


Merseyside Fire and Rescue – Mike Buratti – bonfire was extremely successful one of the highest performing in Merseyside down by 36%.  Managed to identify youths involved in fires and we are now working with them.  Road traffic collisions are down.  Accidental dwelling fires are down. 


Public Member – we have been granted traffic calmers in King Street.  Seen people measuring; when will this been done?


Chris Jones – I have meeting with Colas and we try to manage work on highway as best as possible.  There is a meeting on 25th February to go through the job and give us a programme date.  I will push tomorrow for a start date and get back to you. 


Public member – could you explain why you have gone ahead with a zebra crossing outside the Boot Inn when there was no need to replace it?


Chris Jones – I will take your details and get back to you.


Cllr John Salter – it is on the left hand side as you go around by the Boot Inn.  It will be put back in when work has finished. 


Cllr Bernie Mooney – mentioned in last forum re: Windhey and you came along and put black stuff in but its back again and holes appearing all up the road. 


Chris Jones – under section 58 of the Highways act we have a duty of care.  We are constantly monitoring this notice so we have put united utilities on notice to say we feel they have a problem with their sewer. 


The Chair Cllr Darren Dodd thanked all who attended and closed the meeting.



Next Area Forum Meeting


Future Meetings will be advertised on the internet or alternatively contact Michelle Gray (0151 691 8213) for further information about future meetings.


Additional Information:





Project Details


Awarded a contribution of:


The Open Door Centre

To deliver Beating the Blues to 200 young people. Beating the Blues is the most results driven CCBT available and the recommended treatment for mild / moderate depression and anxiety in recent National Institute for Clinical Excellence guidelines. Young people who complete the course show distinct improvement in quality of life and prospects, The link between depression, alienation and drug use is well documented. Whilst we help young people to cope in the immediacy, the course also works in a preventative capacity to prevent the young person’s condition deteriorating further. Depression and anxiety are very common but there is a reluctance to access support, due to stigma. This reluctance is a key contributor to suicide being the biggest killer of men under 35 in the UK, our centre strives to directly address. Of our 54 service users who have completed or currently undertaking the program since opening 8 months ago over 40% have accessed no previous support, despite displaying long term symptoms. Young people see us as a more approachable, friendly and accessible avenue of support. There will be many thousands of secondary beneficiaries such as the friends, family and loved ones of a young person currently experiencing these issues.



Liscard & Egremont Partnership

The funding is for the printing of a newsletter. The newsletter provides information to the local community about events, issues in the area. The funding will provide for 5/6 editions of the news letter.



The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (The LGF)

Funding would enable us to run an awareness raising campaign targeting LGB people in the Wirral in order to raise awareness of: Legal rights, What hate crimes and incidents there are and how to report it, Where victims of hate can access relevant services to support their wellbeing. Following engagement with groups and organisations in the Wirral, we are aware that LGB communities within the area suffer from limited visibility, and our project would work to combat this.  We would distribute a number of support and information resources throughout each Wirral neighbourhood area, aiming to increase LGB people’s community safety through, Distribution of ‘Schools Packs’ providing tools for schools to tackle homophobic bullying, Distribution of a hate crime awareness raising poster campaign and information resource, Distribution of our ‘I Exist’ guide which contains information about legal rights and ways in which discrimination can be challenged. Development of a Neighbourhood level leaflet and poster containing information about local provision, ensuring that LGB people have access to relevant and LGB-affirmative support services. Outreach activity at relevant events (one in each area) to further raise awareness amongst mainstream service providers and the wider community.




Wirral Intensive Family Support Group

We are currently expanding our service user participation group and developing a volunteer service to assist families support. We are  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.