Agenda and minutes

Venue: Eastway Community Centre, Knutsford Road, Moreton CH46 8TN

Contact: Tracey Smith  Area Forum Co-ordinator

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


The Chair welcomed Forum members and 20 members of the public to the meeting of the Leasowe, Moreton and Saughall Massie Area Forum in Moreton. Apologies for absence were received from Jason Borlase, Faith representative.


Two weeks ago, Councillor Moon, Cabinet member, had accepted an invitation to attend this evening to discuss the Strategic Asset Review. He had given two hours’ notice that he was unable to attend.


Councillor Blakeley expressed his extreme displeasure that Councillor Moon had not fulfilled the commitment to this area forum; the short notice was outrageous and did not allow time for a substitute Cabinet member to be invited.


The Chair invited Forum members to introduce themselves.


Area Co-ordinators Report pdf icon PDF 930 KB

  • minutes of last meeting and matters arising


The minutes of the last meeting were incorporated into the Area Co-ordinator’s report. Inspector Kolokotroni requested an amendment to the second sentence of the first paragraph of the Police update, to read that there has been a slight increase of one offence to nine offences, instead of nine offences this year compared with one offence for the same period last year.


There were no matters arising.


Minute decision:

Resolved:  That  

(i)  the minutes of the Area Forum meeting of 2 July 2008 be confirmed as a   true record, subject to the amendment highlighted.;

(ii)  the Area Co-ordinator be thanked for her report.


Local Development Framework


Andrew Fraser, Strategic Development Department, Corporate Services, gave a presentation on the Local Development Framework.


He explained the new style Development Plan is a single document that replaces the Unitary Development Plan for Wirral dated February 2000, and will operate alongside the Regional Spatial Strategy.  The framework provides guidance for assessing planning applications and allocating land for new developments for the next 15-20 years.


Consultation has just begun on the core strategy and Wirral Council will be pleased to receive comments on the various parts of the document.


The next stage will be to translate the objectives into spatial polity options and identify the preferred options.  The draft core strategy will be compiled and after examination by an independent inspector will be submitted for approval by the Secretary of State.  The aim is to adopt the Core Strategy in 2011.


Members of the public can become involved in the consultation by asking for a copy of the Plan, by adding their names to the contact database, or by submitting comments by letter, email or fax.  The deadline for comments is 5 pm, on 27 March 2009.  The contact details are: Strategic Development, Corporate Services, Town Hall, Wallasey. CH44 8ED.  Email, phone: 691 8225 or fax 691 8188.


A report will be presented to Cabinet that summaries all the comments received and will explain how those comments have been taken into account for the next stage.  At the end of the process, the document will go to full Council for final approval and adoption.


Councillor Blakely stressed the importance of the document that will shape the future of Wirral, and urged members of the public to respond to the consultation and have their say.


Andrew Fraser gave reassurance that the documents are straight-forward and easily understood, so people can grasp the principles quite quickly and respond.


Bob Seddon replied that he did not find the documents to be straight-forward.  It is difficult to understand on first reading, but becomes easier as the information is absorbed.  Most members of the public are not familiar with ‘Council speak’, it should be written in plain English and the language needs to be simplified.


Minute decision: 

Resolved:  That Andrew Fraser be thanked for the presentation.



Public Question Time


Q  [Margaret]   It’s consultation, consultation, consultation at the moment. There needs to be better ways of keeping the people of Wirral informed on what is going on. The people sitting round the top table tonight almost exceeds the number in the audience. There needs to be less consultation and more publicity and notice about meetings


Q  The state of the pavements in Moreton.  Iceland have done a very good job outside the store, but who is responsible for the rest?


A  [Cllr Blakeley}  We are informed by the manager that the whole area is under the control of Iceland stores.  Iceland have said they will repair the whole area of 20 sq metes.  We are finally getting the Council to take some action as a duty of care to make the area safe.  Put a bollard in to stop people riding on the pavement.


Q  Dangerous Parking.  Most people are willing to pay 50p for Iceland’s car park but there is parking on Borrowdale Road, including the pavements.  The vision of motorists is obscured on both sides by parked vehicles.  We have not got sufficient parking facilities in Moreton.


A  [Cllr Blakely]:  I agree all the roads are insufficient.  All the roads are protected by waiting restrictions.  The problem we have is that the Council will not act on dangerous parking unless you have an accident record, and whilst it is an offence to drive on pavements it has to be witnessed by eye witnesses.


A  [David Green]  In terms of double yellow lines or parking restrictions, we have to work within the financial resources we have.  In terms of parking which causes obstructions, my parking wardens have no powers.  The Police take action against people who are causing an obstruction.  There is no law to stop people parking on pavements as long as they are not causing obstructions.  We have implemented six regulation orders in specific areas, which prevent people parking on pavements, particularly on roads with terraced housing.


Q  Parking on the pavements and also double-banking, especially in one-way streets.


Q  The parking scheme the Council brought out about two years when the Council was offering to put carports in Council housing for a fee was very good.  Most residents at the Lingham end of the estate took up that option.  The offer was £140 when they were doing repairs to the pavements. There is also a danger of double parking or triple parking.


A  [David Green]:  We do offer a reduced rate whilst we are re-constructing the pavements, but if it is not part of re-construction, we have to charge the actual cost. The Council do not make a profit and cannot offer a subsidy,  it is the actual cost of doing the job.


Q  The pavements around Moreton are a disgrace.


Q  Consultation. Why have I never been consulted, and never been told when this building is going to close?  Where will we be, how big an area will be given?  What are  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Partner Organisations Update

  • Merseyside police/Community Safety
  • Fire Service
  • Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • NHS Wirral
  • Older Peoples Parliament


Streetscene – Integrated Transport Block Funding.


David Green, Director of Technical Services, explained that in the 2007/08 financial year, two of the eleven Area Forums have already opted to have a share of the Integrated Transport Block at their disposal to fund local schemes. The delegation of the funding gives area forums the opportunity to think creatively of the improvements they would like to see introduced in their areas.


The Council’s Cabinet had received very positive feedback on the success of the scheme in the two areas involved, and is now inviting each area forum to consider whether it wishes to receive de-centralised funding in 2009/10.  The money can be used to provide lowered kerb crossings, modest local signposting and road lining schemes. Officer input will be available to all area forums to guide them in the decision-making process. The total budget for the Integrated Transport block is now £200,000 which, apportioned across the eleven Area Forums, would equate to around £18,000 per Area Forum. The alternative would be to administer the funding centrally.


The Council’s Cabinet wishes to receive feedback on the consultation at its meeting on 19 March.


The 20’s Plenty Initiative is related matter and the views of area forums are being sought on areas for inclusion in next year’s programme. The pilot has operated successfully in other areas, and suggestions are invited for roads in this locality that would be suitable for the scheme.


Members of the Area Forum expressed their views on the proposal, but did not reach a consensus view. Members of the public contributed to the debate.


The Chair advised that only Councillors and Community Representatives on the Area Forum are entitled to vote. He agreed that it would be useful to ask members of the public to express their views informally on whether the money should be delegated, before a formal vote is taken.


Members of the public demonstrated by a show of hands that they were all in favour of the proposal to de-centralise the funding.


Minute decision:  Resolved:  That this Area Forum is in favour of receiving an equal share of the Integrated Transport Block.


NHS Wirral:  Councillor Blakely expressed dissatisfaction that there is no representative present from the Primary Care Trust,  despite it being a huge organisation with ample personnel and resources. 


NHS Foundation Trust:  Alistair Bardsley advised that literature was available to the public at the back of the room. There is information on what is happening in terms of new buildings and improvements in facilities.  The Trust is working very hard to reduce the number of ‘super bugs’. For the three months July – September 2008 the number of Clostridium difficile cases reduced by 37% - from 124 cases to 78.


The Foundation Trust is keen to involve public members in helping it shape future services, and to recruit more members. Application forms and more information were available at the back of the room. Public Members for this area can take any issues members of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Date of future meetings


Minute decision: Resolved:    That the next meeting be held on 10 June 2009 at St Mary’s Centre, Saughall Massie Road.


The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and contribution and closed the meeting of the Area Forum.