Agenda and minutes
Venue: Floral Pavilion Theatre
Contact: Pat Phillips
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Board are asked whether they have any personal or prejudicial interests in connection with any application on the agenda and, if so, to declare them and state the nature of the interest. Minutes: Members were asked if they had any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in connection with any application on the agenda and, if so, to declare them and state the nature of the interest.
No such declarations were made. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Jeff Green, Mr A Cannell, CEO Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Mr A Crawshaw NHS England, Mr P Davies Healthwatch, Ms S Cumiskey,Cheshire and Wirral NHS, Partnership Trust, Dr P Naylor, Wirral CCG, Ms K Howell, CEO Wirral NHS Community Trust, Mrs J Webster, Head of Public Health, Mr G Oakford, Mersey Fire and Rescue, Mr J Berry, Mersey Fire and Rescue, Chief Superintendent John Martin, Merseyside Police and Ms K Prior, Healthwatch. |
To approve the accuracy of the Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Formal Board on 11 November, 2015. Minutes: Resolved – That the accuracy of the Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Formal Board held on 11 November, 2016 be approved as a correct record. |
GROWTH PLAN To receive a verbal presentation.
Minutes: Alan Evans, Strategic Investment and Partnership Manager, attended the meeting and provided the Board with a verbal presentation on the Wirral Growth Plan. The report gave details of the strengths and weaknesses in the area together with the opportunities, threats, the growth plan scope, the vision for Wirral including the Northern Powerhouse gateway, Inputs/Resources, Action Areas, Outcomes, Impacts, outcomes around the 2020 pledges and next steps including developments at Wirral Waters.
Members welcomed the programme and the opportunity to link in and help and discussed how best to support this work. Fiona Johnstone suggested that as a starting point to draw people together a nominated key link for each organisation be circulated and it was agreed that Alan Evans be invited to attend a future meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board to inform members about the progress at Wirral Waters.
Resolved – That Alan Evans be thanked for the presentation and the contents noted. |
REVIEW OF HEALTH & WELLBEING STRATEGY AND THE WIRRAL PLAN PDF 172 KB Minutes: Further to the Health and Wellbeing Board development session held on 13th January 2016 (minute 18 refers), the Board considered an update presented by Rose Boylan, Strategy Manager, on the latest developments of the Wirral Plan, 20 Pledges and emerging Strategies. The Board discussion included a focus on: How the Wirral Plan and 20 Pledges related to the work of the Board; How the Plan related to the emerging NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plan; and How the Board could add value to help deliver more effective and efficient partnership working to achieve our priorities.
The Board agreed that a follow up discussion was required to understand and agree, within the Wirral Plan and emerging strategies:- Which strategies were top priorities for the Board; and Which strategies does the Board wish to; Lead; Influence; or be kept informed – included in Figure 1 of the report. To help inform the follow up discussion, the report brought together some supporting information. This aimed to draw out the strategic linkages between the draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Wirral Plan in order to help partners agree the future focus, priorities and strategic direction for the Board. Councillor Phil Davies cautioned against duplicating work and suggested the focus be on how, as a Board, members could add value to the whole agenda. Members agreed that the way forward would be to construct a draft dashboard which would identify the key areas of focus and how this would have maximum value.
Resolved – That
1) Rose Boylan, Strategy Manager, be thanked for the report. 2) a draft dashboard identifying the key areas of focus and how this would have maximum value be prepared and submitted to a future meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board. |
FIVE YEAR FORWARD VIEW OF MENTAL HEALTH PDF 125 KB Minutes: Members considered a report of Sheena Cumisky, Chief Executive, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership presented by Mr Lam and Ms Suzanne Edwards. As part of the NHS Five Year Forward View, NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens had commissioned an independent taskforce to produce a ten-year strategy for improving mental health outcomes across health and care. The taskforce was chaired by Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind, with Jacqui Dyer, an expert by experience and carer, as Vice Chair. The taskforce had put an emphasis on co-production with people with mental health problems and carers, over twenty thousand of whom had responded to the consultation and shaped the report. The report built on issues covered in recent mental health policy, particularly the Department of Health’s (DH) 2011 report, No Health without Mental Health, and the 2015 report on children’s mental health, Future in Mind. It identified that significant progress had been made in areas such as public attitudes, improved outcomes, and developing services like psychological therapies. However it was reported that there were also huge challenges; an increase in people using services, insufficient funding, lack of parity between physical and mental health care, differences in funding between CCGs, and variations in outcomes in local areas mean that must more needs to be done. The report called for a ‘fresh mindset’ with leaders taking ‘decisive steps’ to make improvements in the three main areas of prevention, seven-day services and integrated physical and mental healthcare. Within this there should be a focus on people at high risk of developing mental health problems, such as those in poverty or unemployed, people facing other forms of discrimination and children and young people – the age at which many mental health problems started. The report had set out recommendations for national and local organisations in the areas of commissioning, workforce, regulation, data and funding. £1 billion additional investment would be required to make the improvements. NHS England had accepted the recommendations in the report. It was expected that the measures identified would be reflected in local sustainability and transformation plans, and in how CCGs allocated their budgets.
Fiona Johnstone, Director of Public Health offered to work with Sheena Cumiskey and others to bring a report to the Health and Wellbeing Board that would involve an Audit identifying what needs to be done at a local level and suggested setting up a sub group to take up this work.
Resolved - That
1) the report be noted. 2) a further report be brought to the next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board that would respond to what our health and social care system was planning to do to respond to the report’s recommendations. |
NHS ENGLAND - QUARTERLY ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT PDF 133 KB Minutes: Mr Richard Freeman, NHS England attended the meeting and presented the quarterly accountability report to the Board. The report outlined the national and regional context together with specific updates on priorities that the Local Teams were responsible for delivering and progress against established milestones.
It was reported that the Delivering the Forward View: NHS planning guidance 2016/17- 2020/21 had been published in December 2015, setting out national priorities for 2016/17 and longer-term challenges for local systems. It outlined the need to deliver the Five Year Forward View, to restore and maintain financial balance and to deliver core access and quality standards for patients.
The guidance required health economies to create Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) using place-based planning methodologies. CCGs were being given the ability to influence an increasing proportion of the local and regional NHS commissioning resources, including primary care and specialised services. This would put them in a better position to match investment decisions with the needs and aspirations of their local communities, for example to improve primary care and mental health services. Additionally, a Sustainability and Transformation Fund (STF) would be dedicated to delivering initiatives such as the new care models through and beyond the vanguards, primary care access and infrastructure, technology roll out-out, and to drive clinical priorities such as diabetes prevention, learning disability, cancer and mental health.
It was noted that there was a requirement to develop two separate but connected plans: • A five year Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP), place-based and driving the Five Year Forward View; and • A one year Operational Plan for 2016/17, organisation-based but consistent with emerging STP.
Mr Freeman informed the Board that there were 9 extremely challenging ‘must do’s’ for 2016/2017 which were detailed in the report.
Resolved – That;
1. the report be noted. 2. the Board receive future updates from NHS England. |
TRANSFORMING CARE: IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL PLANS ACROSS CHESHIRE & MERSEYSIDE PDF 488 KB Minutes: Members of the Board considered the document ‘Transforming Care: Implementation of National Plans across Cheshire and Merseyside’.
The purpose of the report was to update Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Wellbeing Boards with regard to the national, regional and local programme of work with regard to Transforming Care for people with Learning Disabilities.
As a result of the Winterbourne View Review: Concordat: Programme of Action (2012) NHS England was committed to improving the health and outcomes of people with learning disabilities and autism, and transforming services to improve the quality of care throughout peoples’ lives.
Transforming Care for People with Learning Disabilities - Next Steps, (July 2015) had outlined an ambitious programme of system wide change to improve care for people with learning disabilities and/or autism, and behaviour that challenges (learning disabilities).
Next Steps (July 2015) had set out clear expectations that six organisations - NHS England, Department of Health (DH), Local Government Association (LGA), Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), Care Quality Commission (CQQ) and Health Education England (HEE) - would work together more effectively, to drive forward change.
There was now a single shared Transforming Care programme that recognised the scale of the change required, and ensured that the underlying causes of why so many people remain in, and were continuing to be placed in, hospital settings were being addressed.
The five areas in the Transforming Care programme were detailed in the report.
Resolved - That the report be noted. |
HEALTHY WIRRAL: VALUE PROPOSITION To receive a verbal presentation. Minutes: John Develing, Wirral CCG, attended the meeting and gave Members a verbal presentation on Healthy Wirral: Value Proposition. It was reported that a whole series of engaging events had been undertaken including 30 workshops and over 1000 online surveys that had resulted in 29000 hits. There had been a successful outcome of responses that included; people wanted to take a greater role in their own health and the confidence that the NHS would be there for them when they needed it, the need for a service that would be integrated and the need to make the best use of community assets. It was reported that response was awaited from the NHS on how the proposition had been received and how it would be funded.
Resolved – That;
1. John Develing be thanked for the verbal report. 2. the report be noted. |
Minutes: Fiona Johnstone, Director of Policy, Performance and Public Health informed the Board that correspondence had been received from NHS England for a member of the Health and Wellbeing Board to sit on the Primary Care Committee as a non-voting representative. The role required someone who would provide strategic oversight. The Board was informed that Graham Hodkinson would be willing to undertake this role and there being no other nominations it was;
Resolved – That Graham Hodkinson, Director of Adult Social Services, be nominated to sit on the Primary Care Committee as a non- voting representative. |
DATE OF NEXT FORMAL BOARD MEETING The date of the next formal Board meeting is Wednesday 13 July, 2016 at 4:00pm in Committee Room 1 Town Hall, Wallasey. Minutes: The date of the next formal Board meeting would be Wednesday 13 July, 2016 at 4:00pm in Committee Room 1 Town Hall, Wallasey. |