Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Wallasey Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Christine Morley, Senior Democratic Services Officer  Tel: 0151 666 3820 Email:


No. Item


Welcome and introduction

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed everyone and read the webcast notice.



Councillor Jean Robinson  Chair

Simon Banks  Director of Place (Wirral) NHS Cheshire and Merseyside

Sayyed Osman  Director of Adults, Health and Strategic Commissioning, Wirral Council

Dave Bradburn  Director of Public Health, Wirral Council

Councillor Stephen Bennett  Wirral Council

Councillor Jeff Green  Wirral Council

Councillor Julie McManus  Wirral Council

Councillor Kieran Murphy  Wirral Council

Elizabeth Hartley  Director of Children’s Services, Wirral Council

Rebecca Barker  Department for Work and Pensions

Christine Carter  Vice Principal Curriculum, Wirral Met College

Sharon Clunn  Deputy Director of Contracts & Commissioning, Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust

Michael Gibbs  Deputy Chief Strategy Officer, Wirral University Teaching Hospital

Chris Lynch  CWP

Matthew Moscrop  Merseyside Police

Kirsteen Sheppard  Healthwatch Wirral

Mark Thomas  Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service


Also present:

Alan Higgins  Champs Support Team

Mark Camborne  Wirral Council

Nikki Jones  Wirral Council

Tracy Flute  Wirral Council

Vicki Shaw  Wirral Council




Apologies for Absence

Additional documents:


  • Matthew Swanborough, Chief Strategy Officer, Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH) was substituted by Michael Gibbs, Deputy Chief Strategy Officer;
  • Mark Greatrex, Chief Executive, Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust was substituted by Sharon Clunn, Deputy Director of Contracts & Commissioning;
  • Julie Gray, Wirral Met College was substituted by Christine Carter, Vice Principal Curriculum;
  • Isla Wilson, Chair CWP was substituted by Chris Lynch, NED;
  • Paul Satoor was substituted by Sayyed Osman, Director Adults Health and Strategic Commissioning, Wirral Council;
  • Marcus Shaw, Director of Regeneration and Place, Wirral Council;
  • Janelle Holmes, CEO, WUTH was substituted by Michael Gibbs, Deputy Chief Strategy Officer;
  • Louise Healey, Wirral Partnership Manager, DWP was substituted by Rebecca Barker, Disability, Employment Adviser Lead, DWP;
  • Dr Abel Adegoke, Primary Care;
  • Dr David Jones, Primary Care



Declarations of Interests

Members of the Board are asked whether they have any personal or prejudicial interests in connection with any application on the agenda and, if so, to declare them and state the nature of the interest.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2024.

Additional documents:


It was noted that Simon Banks did not attend the meeting on 18 July 2024 and should be removed from the list of those present.



That the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board on 18 July 2024 be agreed as a correct record subject to the above amendment.



Public and Member Questions

Additional documents:


No questions, statements or petitions were received.




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Additional documents:


The Public Health Principal and the Assistant Director of Neighbourhood Safety & Transport presented the report of the Director of Public Health which was the fourth report in a rolling quarterly ‘deep dive’ session for each of the priority areas. Priority 4 focussed on creating safe, healthy and sustainable places and communities in order to make a difference to reduce the variance in health in Wirral. The ‘game changers’ that had been identified as the focus for this priority were Fuel Poverty and Violence Reduction and these were being tackled as a system. It was acknowledged that this was a dynamic and evolving programme and some of the work required further development across the system. Regarding fuel poverty, part of the work had been put forward by the LGA as good practice. It was reported that a House and Health Trail Blazer Programme was to be commissioned which would have energy buddies working with Energy Projects Plus who would go into residents’ houses to help them to get out of fuel poverty and there was also the Ask Us Wirral service to help in terms of worklessness.


It was explained that the work on priority 4 coincided with a piece of work with the police and other agencies called Clear, Hold and Build which was backed by the Home Office. An operational delivery group had been set up as part of the build phase. It was reported that three delivery groups had been set up and each of those was chaired by a member of the community and each area had its own action plan. It was explained that the Home Office funding for Clear, Hold and Build had been stopped and a piece of commissioning work would be undertaken across the whole of the programme to see what the successes were and the learning and this could be brought back to the Board. The Chair thanked all those involved in each of the three areas as it has been a great partnership.


Members asked about benefit maximisation,


the sustainability of the future funding for Clear, Hold and Build; and

the capacity of Ask Us Wirral.


It was acknowledged that it would be useful to invite the Assistant Director of Housing and some colleagues from the registered social landlord sector specifically on a housing item to be added to the work programme. It was clarified to Members that there were two pilot neighbourhoods projects and that programme was very much about grass roots community development to create supportive communities and it was very important for the Council to work with them. It was noted that work around social prescribing was proving to be successful.


The Chair proposed an addition to the recommendation to add in: and monitor performance. This was seconded by Councillor McManus and agreed by assent.


Resolved - That


1. The update on progress against the agreed strategic direction and implementation plan for Priority Area 4 - ‘Create safe and healthy places for people to live that protect health  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.



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Additional documents:


The Business Development and Volunteer Manager of Healthwatch Wirral presented the Annual Report of the Chief Executive Officer of Healthwatch Wirral which outlined the key achievements of Healthwatch Wirral for the year 2023/2024. The Annual Report contained work around ADHD medication shortages and Healthwatch had worked with partners to better support people awaiting medication. Healthwatch were also working with the Safeguarding Partnership to make sure safeguarding was more widely and consistently practised. It was reported that Healthwatch had played an integral part in a wide range of topics including health, social care, dental care, mental health, access to Primary care and ensured that inclusive practises were adopted and reduced barriers to people accessing health. It was highlighted that Healthwatch had reduced the number of people going to A&E and they had called people on pathway zero to check that they had all the help that they needed.


Healthwatch had helped to set up an independent steering group, and a carer’s alliance has been set up and provided representation at the Carer’s Partnership Board to ensure that unpaid carers had a voice.


Healthwatch were working on Phase 2 of the Primary Care Access Recovery Plan which included work around cutting bureaucracy and helping people navigate the system.  A bespoke training programme for front line staff had been developed to help the receptionists and staff at a GP practice know what was available in Wirral. It was noted that Healthwatch Wirral played a role in the de-escalation of complaints.


Members asked questions about high intensity service users and requested further information regarding the response plans for neurodiversity and ADHD in 2024/2025 and the LGA peer review.


In response to a member question about PTSD and ADHD it was clarified that a PTSD and ADHD report was due to be published in the next week regarding why people had waited so long to get a diagnosis.


Resolved: That the report be noted.




Additional documents:


The Strategic Lead of the All Together Fairer Programme presented the report which set out what can be done over 3 to 5 years to reduce inequalities within Cheshire and Merseyside. The All Together Fairer Programme was launched in 2022 by the publication of the All Together Fairer report (sometimes called the Marmot report) was based on statistics about health and health inequalities across Cheshire and Merseyside. Following engagement with Health and Wellbeing Boards, this resulted in recommendations based around eight themes which are highlighted in the report. It was highlighted that each of the themes had about a dozen recommendations which were all evidence based which set out what can be done to reduce health inequalities. It was reported that an Altogether Fairer Board functions at a Cheshire and Merseyside level and beneath that there was an All Together Fairer Leads meeting which meets every six weeks.  It was a body of work that existed through an overarching framework which had been pulled together into the Health and Care Partnership Strategy which was due to be agreed at the October 2024 Health and Care Partnership Board.


Members asked about the twenty indicators and the Health and Care Partnership Board. It was clarified to Members that Rebecca Mellor was active as the All Together Fairer Wirral Lead. The Director of Public Health explained that the Health and Wellbeing Strategy had taken into account the elements of the All Together Fairer report.


The Chair proposed an addition to the recommendation to state, “and the twenty indicators be monitored and brought back to the Health and Wellbeing Board.” This was agreed by assent.


Resolved: That the updates provided within this report on the All Together Fairer programme, and the progress taking place within Wirral, linked to Wirral’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy implementation be noted and the twenty indicators be monitored and brought back to the Health and Wellbeing Board.




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Additional documents:


The Assistant Director of Public Health presented the report of the Director of Public Health which detailed the proposed process to produce a new Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for Wirral. It was noted that the Health and Wellbeing Board had the responsibility for the publication and update of the local Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) and the Director of Public Health would have delegated responsibility to oversee and update the development of the PNA. A further report was to be brought to the Board when the draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for 2025 – 2028 was ready for public consultation and ahead of signing off the final publication of a new PNA for Wirral on or before 30th September 2025. It was reported that where appropriate some aspects of the work would be done on the Cheshire and Merseyside footprint to ensure consistency and benchmarking and enable work with the ICB pharmacy team.  It was highlighted that the primary purpose of the PNA was to set out an objective assessment of the need within the local population that might be addressed by community pharmacies and to provide an objective and up to date overview of the range of provision within the Borough.


The Primary user of the PNA was the NHS commissioners of pharmacy which was the ICB Pharmacy Team who would use it when they received an application to establish a new pharmacy or extend hours.


It was agreed that a PNA workshop would be held in October 2024 with Public Health and colleagues from the ICB.


Members asked about the national shortage of medications for ADHD on Wirral.  In response to a Member question regarding the timelines in Appendix 1, the project plan that sat behind that was to be provided.


The Chair proposed an addition to recommendation 1 to state: and arrange a workshop to facilitate this.


The Chair proposed a change to recommendation 2 to replace the word sign-off with the word agree.


The above amendments were seconded by Councillor Julie McManus and agreed by assent.


Resolved: That the Director of Public Health, as a full member of HWBB, acts on behalf of the Board to undertake the necessary steps to produce and publish an updated Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment on or before 30th September 2025, and that in doing this, the Director of Public Health will:


1. Ensure the Health and Wellbeing Board be engaged in the process and a workshop be arranged to facilitate this.

2. A draft PNA for Board to review and agree ahead of statutory public consultation be produced.

3. A final report for Health and Wellbeing Board with the final, post-consultation, PNA for Board’s approval prior to publication be produced.


SEND Improvement Update pdf icon PDF 150 KB

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Additional documents:


The Director for Children, Families and Education presented the report which provided an update on the improvement programme for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) for the Local Area in Wirral. The report included the Written Statement of Action Impact Group Tracker which monitored progress against the areas identified for improvement in the Local Area SEND Inspection and Improvement Notice. It was noted that the local area continued to meet the requirements of the improvement notice and at the meeting on 23 July 2024 the Department for Education had agreed to move 2 of the 10 written statement of action areas to business as usual and the metrics and performance of those two areas would continue to be monitored. It was reported that in the quarterly review of the metrics against the trajectories as part of the written statement of action tracker, 20 out of 27 were on track against the trajectory and 7 were not. Details of several areas were highlighted, including Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) compliance and complaints, and co-production training.


The Chair asked about the fortnightly meetings with the ICB and the stuck cases were discussed. Members asked about the number of people who had completed the SEND training and an increase was to be reported first to the SEND Board and the figures would be reported at the next Health and Wellbeing Board.


It was clarified to Members that waiting well was about the support that could be put in place for a child while waiting for a service and the Director for Children, Families and Education would bring something back regarding the range of support offered. Members discussed the responsibility of monitoring the SEND Board.


The Chair proposed the addition of a third point to the recommendation to state that: 3. The Director of Children, Families and Education reviews the format, presentation and nature of the data contained in future reports in consultation with the Chair of Health and Wellbeing Board to ensure that it enables the Board to monitor performance effectively.


This was seconded by Councillor Jeff Green and agreed by assent.


Resolved: That

1. The SEND improvement work delivered though the Local Area SEND Partnership Board be noted and endorsed.

 2. The Health and Wellbeing Board continue to receive regular reports to enable the Board to monitor performance against the Written Statement of Action in relation to the areas identified for improvement in the Local Area SEND Inspection and Improvement Notice be agreed.

3. The format, presentation and nature of the data contained in future reports be reviewed by the Director of Children, Families and Education in consultation with the Chair of Health and Wellbeing Board to ensure that the Board be enabled to monitor performance effectively.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 135 KB

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Additional documents:


The Chair presented the report of the Director of Law and Corporate Services which gave the proposed work programme for the following Municipal Year.


It was agreed that the following items would be added to the work programme:


·  Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Workshop

·  Performance Framework

·  Housing and Health report including mould and damp


Resolved: That subject to the above additional items, the proposed Health and Wellbeing Board work programme for the remainder of the 2024/25 municipal year be noted.