Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Wallasey Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Pat Phillips
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Board are asked whether they have any personal or prejudicial interests in connection with any item on the agenda and, if so, to declare them and state the nature of the interest. Minutes: Councillor P Gilchrist declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 7 – Public Health Annual Report by virtue of his appointment as Chair of the Cycle Forum. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor P Davies, Councillor J Green, Julia Hassall, Director of Children’s Services, David Allison, Chief Executive, Wirral University Teaching Hospital, Andrew Crawshaw, NHS England and Sheena Cumiskey.
To approve the accuracy of the Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Formal Board on 15 April, 2015. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the accuracy of the Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Formal Board held on 15 April, 2015 be approved as a correct record.
NHS ENGLAND - QUARTERLY ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT Verbal report – Richard Freeman. Minutes: The Chair indicated that this item was to be deferred until the next Formal Board Meeting. |
BETTER CARE FUND QUARTERLY REPORT PDF 84 KB Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Director of Adult Social Services which provided an overview of the latest position of the Better Care Fund (BCF). The report highlighted that significant service redesign and transformational change was underway via various schemes, notably, 6 key priority areas which would impact on hospital admissions. These were detailed within the appendices attached to the report.
Jacqui Evans, Head of Transformation, Adult Social Services attended the meeting to provide an overview of the report and responded to Members questions.
Ms Evans circulated a summary of all the schemes indicating that to date there was nothing to be escalated or at risk and all schemes were on track. Ms Evans further circulated the dashboard which was a requirement of NHS England and a snapshot of the BCF activity to date which was monitored monthly.
It was reported that Wirral was in the top 3 nationally in relation to performance and that in relation to the carer’s data a more accurate picture would be provided to the next Board meeting.
In relation to patient discharges to residential care it was envisaged that performance would improve on this throughout the year but the department would continue to work with NHS England and participate in shared learning with health partners which had proved very productive.
In response to a Member, Ms Evans indicated that the agreed performance target of reducing non-elective admissions was different than the target reported within the CCG plan, the original target was set at 5% but the Department had taken a revised position during the winter period. There was however a 1.5% growth target.
The Director of Adult Social Services thanked all those officers and organisations that had undertaken a huge amount of work in relation to urgent as this was a significantly challenging target.
Members of the Board indicated that they felt the BCF was working in the right direction and that the benefits of joint working were now evident. A Member reiterated that the Board should be cautious not to lose sight of surges in activity and that health partners were seeing pressures throughout the year not just in Winter.
The Chair congratulated all officers for their excellent work and indicated that she had visited both intermediate care bed providers and Arrowe Park and saw evidence that urgent care was working well.
That the report be noted.
HEALTH & WELLBEING STRATEGY - PRIORITIES PDF 221 KB Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Director of Public Health inviting Members to comment on the proposed outline of the new Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
A development session of the Board was held on 26 May 2015 to discuss the strategic aims and the six areas for action were discussed and it was agreed that these areas would be developed further.
Attached to the report was the draft framework for discussion.
The Strategic Director, Families and Wellbeing commented that this was a well written strategy that focused on people’s life course and fitted in well with the Council Plan.
Members reiterated the need for the Strategy to align with work undertaken on Vision 2018 and have clear links to ‘Healthy Wirral’ which was shortly to be introduced. Members further highlighted the need to ensure that the work undertaken by the Board encompassed employment, housing and education as well health and social care.
The Director of Public Health indicated that the priority area on high blood pressure was chosen following evidence based information as an estimated 40-45,000 adults in Wirral currently had high blood pressure but were not aware of it and that high blood pressure was the second biggest risk factor for premature death and disability after smoking. She indicated that the priority now was for people to get to know their numbers to avoid high blood pressure.
Chief Superintendent John Martin indicated that the police Authority had looked at this issue and launched a campaign encouraging officers to undertake blood pressure checks, this led to some staff reorganisation and impacted on services as some officers had to be put on ‘light duties’ and were unable to continue their driving duties.
Dr Naylor, Wirral CCG indicated high blood pressure was not the major problem it was the impacts of having high blood pressure and the increased risks such as heart attacks and strokes.
It was commented that there was a need to ensure that those with mental health were not disadvantaged as they did not access mainstream services.
Mr Develing, Wirral CCG indicated that the priority area fitted in with the Vanguard project in relation to educating people and getting the message across, need to outline the benefits of knowing your numbers and offer the public a different experience.
That the report be noted. |
PUBLIC HEALTH ANNUAL REPORT PDF 74 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Public Health introduced this year’s Public Health Annual Report which was based on a practical evidence based report produced by the Kings Fund in 2013 setting out what can be done, how it affected Health and the associated business case for action. Each of the nine priority areas had been reviewed to see what was being done locally and to highlight ways in which we could strengthen our impact.
The 2014 Public Health Annual report provided recommendations within each chapter for action. Many of the actions linked closely with the aims of the existing Corporate plan to support vulnerable people, promote good health and a positive environment and encourage employment opportunities.
The Director of Public Health thanked Members for picking up the key messages that came out of the last annual report on social isolation and for the many events held and their help to raise awareness.
She further indicated that Wirral had already done a lot in relation to the nine priority areas e.g. hubs etc. and thanked officers in particular Ms Helen Armitage, Public Health Unit, for their help in putting together the annual report.
A Member congratulated the Director of Public Health and her team on an excellent report which had great examples of the many schools projects undertaken with impressive results.
That the Annual Report be noted and the Director of Public Health and her staff be thanked for all their hard work in putting together the report. |
Wirral New Model of Care Vanguard - Update PDF 73 KB Minutes: The Board considered an update from the Executive Director of Strategy and Organisational Development, Wirral University Teaching Hospital in relation to the progress to date on the development and implementation of the Wirral New Model of Care Vanguard.
Mr J Develing, Wirral CCG indicated that the Vision 2018 had now been replaced by Vanguard, the business case had been submitted the outcome of which would be shared with the Board once known and the engagement process was yet to be undertaken.
Further update reports would be submitted to the Board in due course.
That the update report on Vanguard be noted and further update reports be submitted to the Board’s meetings in due course.
Mr Simon Gilby and Mr Paul Murphy Minutes: The Chair indicated that this would be the last meeting both Mr Simon Gilby and Mr Paul Murphy would be in attendance.
The Chair on behalf of the Health and Wellbeing Board thanked them both for their valuable contributions and wished them both well for the future.
DATE OF NEXT FORMAL BOARD MEETING The date of the next formal Board meeting is the 11 November, 2015. Minutes: The date of the next Formal Board meeting is the 11 November 2015. |