Cabinet takes the majority of the key (major)
decisions that are made on behalf of the Council and decisions may
be delegated to individual Cabinet Members. The Cabinet comprises
the Leader of the Council and nine other members, each with
responsibility for an individual portfolio. These are:
CABINET 2019/20
Leader of the Council
Councillor Pat Hackett
Finance & Resources
Councillor Janette Williamson
Children Families and Education
Councillor Tom Usher
Adult care Health and Wellbeing
Councillor Christine Jones
Housing and Planning
Councillor Stuart Whittingham
Community Services
Councillor Julie McManus
Environment and Climate Change
Councillor Elizabeth Grey
The Local Plan (Deputy Leader)
Councillor Anita Leech
Culture and Tourism
Councillor Christine Spriggs
Regeneration and Growth
Councillor Tony Jones
Any key decision that the Cabinet or Cabinet
Member takes is open to scrutiny and if a decision is “called
in” for scrutiny it cannot be implemented until further
consideration has been given to the matter in question by the
decision maker.