Agenda item


Report to follow.


The Health and Wellbeing Board considered a report that provided an update on the Healthy Wirral Vanguard Programme that was being sponsored and delivered by all Wirral Health and Social Care Partners. Jo Goodfellow, Programme Director Healthy Wirral, attended the meeting to present the report and responded to members questions.


The Board had previously been been briefed that the Wirral Health and Social Care Community application to the national NHS New Models of Care Vanguard programme had been successful.  The application had been driven by all health and social care partners from across the system. This was a significant national opportunity to redesign all the norms which were currently accepted about the current approach for health and social care commissioning and provision and offered both the local population and colleagues a radical new way of working, which was hoped would drive a much more integrated and sustainable system going forwards, helping to meet the dual challenges of improving quality and reducing cost.


The local Vanguard Programme would be known as Healthy Wirral to reflect the Wirral Partners vision that people will live longer, healthier lives regardless of where they live on Wirral.


Members were informed that the Healthy Wirral Programme had been asked to submit a Value Proposition to NHS England New Care Models Team to describe its new model of care and the funding sought over the three year period (2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18) to enable the delivery of the New Care Model. The Value Proposition had been submitted on 30th June and had been subject to a number of iterations to clarify the details of costing within the plan.


The Healthy Wirral Programme had been allocated £3.46m in tranche one of 2015-16 funding, with the opportunity to bid in December 2015 for a second tranche of funding for 2015-16. The Healthy Wirral Programme Management Office had allocated £3.46m to the work streams under implementation in 2015-16.


The report outlined the work streams that included: Expansion of Integrated Care Co-ordination Hubs, Development of level one of the local social prescribing model, Older People’s Pathways of care, Diabetes Pathways of Care – Development of a Diabetes Community Service, Respiratory Pathways of Care, Wellness, Rapid community response teams that provide an urgent response to GPs where patients are in crisis but do not require acute hospital care, Single front door model to enable people attending the A&E department to be signposted to the most appropriate care setting and Population Health Management and Interoperability of local IT systems to create a new single care record.


Members were advised that a Healthy Wirral Launch Event was being held on 25th/26th November 2015 at the Floral Pavilion, New Brighton which would be open to Wirral Partner organisation staff (25th November) and the public (26th November). All Partner organisations had been asked to nominate Healthy Wirral Champions who would be provided with training to support them in their role. Additional champions would be sought at the launch event.


Jo Goodfellow responded to questions and informed members that she would report back to a future meeting of the Board to report how Vanguard was impacting.


Members welcomed the report and the Chair offered the Board’s congratulations to Jo Goodfellow and thanked all those who had worked on Vanguard.


Resolved – That the progress of the Healthy Wirral Vanguard Programme be noted.

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