Agenda item

APP/18/00694: Vacant Land to the rear of 240-240b Wallasey Village, Wirral, CH45 3LP - Erection of two single storey detached dwellings


The Corporate Director for Delivery Services submitted the above application for consideration.


A Ward Councillor addressed the Committee.


It was moved by Councillor I Lewis and seconded by Councillor D Elderton that the application be refused for the following reasons:


“The application is not of a scale that relates well to surrounding properties and the effect on the current standard of amenity would result in a cramped and overdeveloped appearance”


The motion as put and lost (5:7)


On a motion by Councillor S Frost and seconded by Councillor G Davies it was:


Resolved ( 7:5) That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


The developmentherebypermittedshallbebegunbefore the expiration of 3 years fromthedateof thispermission.


The developmentherebypermittedshallbecarriedout inaccordancewiththeapproved plans received bythe localplanningauthorityon29th May2018and listedas follows:plan/drawingnumber1735 01 RevisionA (date02.07.18).


Beforeanyconstructioncommences,samplesofthebrickandrooftilematerialsto beusedinthe externalconstructionofthisdevelopmentshallbesubmittedtoandapprovedinwritingbytheLocal Planning Authority.Theapproved materialsshallthenbe used in the constructionofthe development.


Unlessotherwiseagreed in writing and in linewiththesurfacewatermanage hierarchy,a scheme for thedisposalof foulandsurfacewaters fortheentiresiteshall be submitted to andapproved in writing bythe localplanning authority.Fortheavoidanceofdoubt thissitemustbedrained on a separate systemcombiningjustpriortoconnectionto the public combinedseweragesystem.Anysurface waterdraining to thepublicsurfacewatersewermustberestrictedto amaximumpassforwardflow of 10 l/s.Thedevelopment shall be completed,maintained and managed in accordancewith the approved details.



NotwithstandingtheprovisionsoftheTownandCountryPlanning(GeneralPermittedDevelopment) Order2008(oranyOrderrevokingorre-enactingthatOrder)noexternalalterationsorextensions shallbecarriedoutto the buildingsherebyapproved.




Priortothecommencement of development,detailsofall boundarytreatment shall be submitted to andagreed in writing with the LocalPlanningAuthority.Theapproved boundarytreatmentshallbe erected beforethedwellingsherebyapprovedareoccupiedandretainedas such thereafter


Ascheme forthe provisionofbat boxesonsite tomitigateforthe potentiallossofbatroosts shall be submittedto and agreed inwritingwiththeLocal Planning Authoritybefore developmentcommences. The bat boxes shall be installed beforethefirstoccupationofthe building.


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