Agenda item

APP/19/01157 - Caldy Golf Club, LINKS HEY ROAD, CALDY, Alterations and extension of Clubhouse to provide improved facilities and associated improvements to car parking and access. Provision of new sport/ leisure facilities


The Director of Regeneration and Place submitted the above application for consideration.


On a motion by the Chair and seconded by Councillor G Davies it was –


Resolved (13:0:1 abstention) – That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.


2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans received by the local planning authority on 12th August 2019 and listed as follows:


Location Plan, received 12th August 2019;

201/A, received 12th December 2019

202, received 12th August 2019;

401, received 12th August 2019;

501, received 12th August 2019;

502, received 12th August 2019;

039.01.10 (Figure 6.1)/A, received 8th January 2020; and


 'Preliminary Ecological Assessment' and 'Addendum' reports (produced by Etive Ecology Ltd in June and November 2019).


3. Prior to any above ground works to the hereby approved extension taking place, samples of the facing, roofing, window materials to be used in the external construction of this development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved materials shall then be used in the construction of the development.


4. Prior to the commencement to any works, a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) shall be submitted for approval to the Local Authority.


The CEMP  shall set out measures to  manage and mitigate effects on European sites, protected and Priority Species and Habitats.


The CEMP shall include the agreed method statements as set out in the submitted in the 'Preliminary Ecological Assessment' and 'Addendum' reports (produced by Etive Ecology Ltd in June and November 2019) to mitigate or avoid adverse environmental impacts on these features including:


·  Pre-commencement check for signs of breeding birds (if required), amphibians and terrestrial mammals;

·  Noise, vibration and dust control measures;

·  Avoidance of the breeding bird season (1 March to 31 August);

·  Brown hare reasonable avoidance measures;

·  Protection measures for retained Priority Habitat hedgerow, ponds as well as boundary tree lines and woodland copse;

·  Pollution prevention measures for controlled waters;

·  Reasonable avoidance measures for terrestrial mammals:

·  All trenches and excavations should have a means of escape (e.g. a ramp);

·  Any exposed open pipe systems should be capped to prevent mammals gaining access; and

·  Appropriate storage of materials to ensure that mammals do not access them.

·  Reasonable avoidance measures for amphibians including GCN as set out in section 4 of the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA); and

·  A sensitive construction and operational lighting scheme which avoids excessive light spill on Priority Habitat, tree lines, woodland and off site fields.

·  In accordance with policy WM8 of Merseyside and Halton Waste Joint Local Plan, evidence through a waste audit or a similar mechanism (e.g. a soil management plan) demonstrating how the minimisation of waste production, efficient use of resources, including designing out waste and minimisation of off-site disposal shall be achieved


The CEMP shall be compiled in a coherent and integrated document and should be accessible to site managers, all contractors and sub-contractors working on site as a simple point of reference for site environmental management systems and procedures.


Once approved and prior to the commencement of any works, the measures set out in the CEMP document shall be implemented in full.


5. Prior to the commencement of any works a full and detailed Habitat Management Plan for the lifetime of the development shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Authority. The plan shall then be implemented in accordance with the approved details. For the avoidance of doubt, the plan should include the following:


·  Description and evaluation of the features to be managed;

·  Ecological trends and constraints on site which may influence management;

·  Aims and objectives of management;

·  Appropriate management options for achieving aims and objectives;

·  Prescriptions for management actions;

·  Preparation of a work schedule (including an annual work plan and the means by which the plan will be rolled forward annually);

·  Personnel responsible for implementation of the plan;

·  Confirmation of funding and ownership and

·  Details of a programme of monitoring and remedial measures triggered by monitoring.


6. Prior to the commencement of any works, details of the formation of the bowling green and golf practise area including a detailed planting schedule and  appropriate measures for mitigating and enhancing the biodiversity value of the site, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


7. The creation of a wildflower area to replace the existing anglers car park shall be implemented in accordance with the details contained in submitted drawing no. 039.01.10 (Figure 6.1)/A and within the 'Addendum Report' (produced by Etive Ecology Ltd in November 2019) before the extended car parking area hereby approved is brought into use.



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