Committee details

Urgency Committee

Purpose of committee

If a decision on an issue is required as a matter of urgency, and if time allows under the provisions of the Access to Information Rules as set out at Part 4(2) of this Constitution, then a Committee will be called comprising of the Leader and/or the Deputy Leader together with the Group Leaders or other members of Opposition Groups such as are required to meet political balance rules. The decision may be within the terms of reference of another committee, but this will not invalidate the decision as the arrangements to discharge the function in cases of urgency.


A matter of urgency sufficient to call this committee will be as determined by the Leader or, in the absence of the Leader, two of the Group Leaders (or Deputy Leader) with advice from one or more statutory chief officers. The Committee must consult with the Chair of the relevant Committee wherever it is reasonable and practicable to do so.


In all cases the reason for the urgency shall be clearly stated and recorded in the minutes of the meeting and reported to the next meeting of Full Council.



Wirral Council is fully committed to equalities and our obligations under The Equality Act 2010 and Public Sector Equality Duty. 


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