Issue details

Parking Enforcement Contract Renewal Options

The Council has a legal duty to maintain the safe flow of traffic on its network under the Traffic Management Act 2004. Part of this duty is to deliver a Parking Service which

includes the enforcement of on and off-street parking restrictions, the initial processing of penalty charge notices up to and including Notice to Owner stage and the issuing of resident, country park and staff parking permits and parking dispensations. The service also provides emergency cover for the school crossing patrol service. The incumbent contractor is NSL Limited, Registration No. 06033060. The Council have worked with NSL for almost 20 years.


The purpose of this report is to seek approval for a 5-year extension to the Council’s current parking enforcement contract with NSL Limited.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant people impact;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/05/2023

Decision due: 24 Jul 2023 by Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Contact: Simon Fox, Assistant Director: Highways and Infrastructure Email: Tel: 0151 606 2334, Steve Atkins, Senior Network Operations Manager Email:


Agenda items


  • Parking Enforcement Contract Renewal Options