Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Wallasey Town Hall
Note: The meeting will commence at 6.00pm or on the rising of the 5.15pm Extraordinary Council meeting , whichever is the later
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Council are asked to consider whether they have any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest, in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.
Minutes: Members of the Council were invited to consider whether they had any disclosable pecuniary and/or any other relevant interest in connection with any matters to be determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.
Councillor Lesley Rennie declared a personal interest in item 11(v) – Notice of Motion ‘Treating all Residents Fairly and Equitably’, by virtue of having expressed an opinion on the matter of siting of a Fire Station in Saughall Massie at a meeting of the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service. Although not listed for consideration by the Council, Councillor Rennie indicated that she would not take part in discussion of the matter should the item of business be debated. |
CIVIC MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive the Civic Mayor's announcements and any apologies for absence.
Minutes: The Civic Mayor noted that apologies had been received from Councillors Bruce Berry, John Hale, Adrian Jones, Tony Jones, Tracey Pilgrim, Cherry Povall and Warren Ward.
The Civic Mayor announced that he had recently attended one of the biggest ceremonies in Cammell Laird’s illustrious history for the keel laying of the new £150million polar research vessel also attended by Sir David Attenborough, after whom the ship was named.
The Civic Mayor also informed of the celebratory dinner held the previous week for retired Councillors Pat Williams and Harry Smith who, between them, had served on Wirral Council for over 50 years.
He further informed of his attendance at the Youth Voice Conference also held the previous week that provided young people the opportunity to discuss and debate Council policies. The event was also attended by the Cabinet Member for Children and Families.
The Civic Mayor reminded all Members of an extraordinary Council meeting to be held on Monday 14 November, to discuss the terms of the Liverpool City Region Order. |
To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Council, and the meeting of the Council, both held on 11 July 2016.
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Council Meeting, and the Extraordinary Meeting, held on 11 July 2016 had been circulated to Members.
On a motion by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Phil Davies, it was -
RESOLVED – That the minutes be approved and adopted as a correct record.
PETITIONS A. To receive petitions submitted in accordance with Standing Order 21.
B. The following petition is referred to the Council for consideration in accordance with Standing Order 34.
Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 21, the Mayor received petitions submitted by –
(i) Councillor Chris Blakeley on behalf of 2561 signatories “opposing the building of a fire station on green belt land in Saughall Massie. Planning application number APP/16/00985”.
(ii) Councillor Chris Blakeley on behalf of 26 residents of Saughall Massie “calling on the Council to refuse planning application 16/00852 for replacement stable/storage workshop buildings (as built design) at land north of Old Croft, Barnacre Lane, Saughall Massie, CH46 5NJ”.
(iii) Councillor Chris Blakeley re-presenting a petition from May Council to the Strategic Director Transformation and Resources “calling on the Council to stop lending money to other Councils as ‘mates rates’ and instead spend our money on local services, such as keeping Girtrell Court open”.
(iv) Councillor Lesley Rennie on behalf of 70 residents “calling on Wirral Borough Council to use of a share of the £260,000 grant for potholes, to tackle the condition of the road surface in Mockbeggar Drive”.
(v) Councillor Lesley Rennie on behalf of 900 residents “totally against the proposed wheelie bin changes in Wallasey, voting to keep the present service in place”.
(vi) Councillor Brian Kenny on behalf of 117 residents of Gautby/Hoylake and Worcester Roads in North Birkenhead “requesting the Council look at traffic management arrangement at the junction of Worcester and Hoylake Road, given the potential for, and number of accidents at this spot, in recent years”.
(vii) Councillor Geoffrey Watt on behalf of 73 residents “objecting to the erection of (4g) 17.5 metre high mobile phone and 15 metre high floodlights around Greenbank Road Sports Field, West Kirby”.
(viii) Councillor Les Rowlands on behalf of 25 residents requesting that Council address the problem of cars driving at speed along the pavement and cars parked on the pavement in Milner Road, Heswall.
(ix) Councillor Julie McManus on behalf of 24 residents of Asquith Avenue, Birkenhead (near Park Station) “requesting the Council to look at introduction of a residents parking scheme to alleviate the problems faced as a result of ‘all day’ commuter parking”.
(x) Councillor Stuart Kelly highlighted presentation to Council of a 2857 electronic petition and 1180 comments at the close of the ‘Green Bin’ changes consultation on 9 September opposing the proposed change to size or frequency of collections. An additional 420 names had been recorded online since then. An additional 538 names had been collected in paper form, bringing the total opposition to Labour’s green bin proposals to 3815.
RESOLVED – That the petitions be noted and referred to the appropriate Chief Officer in accordance with Standing Order 34.
PUBLIC QUESTIONS To deal with questions from members of the public, in accordance with Appendix 1 to Standing Orders – up to 30 minutes. Minutes: No public questions had been received.
LEADER'S, EXECUTIVE MEMBERS' AND CHAIRS REPORTS PDF 143 KB To receive the written reports of the Executive and Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairs, and to receive questions and answers on any of those reports in accordance with Standing Orders 10(2)(a) and 11.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor introduced the summary reports from the Leader, Cabinet Members and Policy and Performance Committee Chairs and asked for questions on any of the reports.
Councillor Treena Johnson asked a question of the Cabinet Member for Public Health.
Councillor Janette Williamson stated in response: · She felt sad that people could live this way, and welcomed the opportunity provided at Council for Members to ask questions on the subject. A Public Health England report on the matter was being drafted for presentation to the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 28 November.
Councillor Chris Blakeley asked questions of the Leader and Cabinet Members for Transformation, Leisure and Culture, Housing and Community Safety, Adult Social Care, Highways and Infrastructure, Environment and for Public Health.
In response comments included:
Councillor Phil Davies stated in response: · His agreement that Councillors should be involved in all consultations relating to the proposed development of the Hoylake Golf Resort and any highways related matters, and that all reasonable steps would be taken to ensure this. He will consult with the groups mentioned.
Councillor Ann McLachlan stated in response: · Community safety, reducing anti-social behaviour and ensuring residents felt safe is a top priority for Wirral residents, however she was not aware that any ‘free’ security was being provided for private businesses and that she investigate and a full written response would be provided to Councillor Blakeley, copied to all Councillors.
Councillor George Davies stated in response: · The Selective Licensing Scheme has now identified almost all properties which require a license and legal action is being taken against those landlords or agents who have not obtained a license. He had attending a meeting the previous week and it should be noted that the government had now stopped roll-out of any new schemes. Work would continue in the 4 areas within Wirral and Members would be kept informed.
Councillor Chris Jones stated in response: · Transitional arrangements for individuals affected were continuing, and the matter of the installation of a new lift at Tollemache Road was under consideration by planning officers.
Councillor Bernie Mooney stated in response:
· The matter of fly tipping and enforcement continues to challenge, new legislation introduced in May 2016 will enable Wirral to enforce penalties alongside other actions to bring about behavioural change. Financial constraints continue to squeeze the Council’s contracts, but if Councillor Blakeley could provide the address / location, she would ensure the circumstances would be investigated. She would also look at the schedules.
Councillor Janette Williamson stated in response:
· The matter of alcohol related deaths and suicides linked to drugs and alcohol were of concern to all. The Council’s Alcohol Strategy and consideration of associated death / suicides were to be considered by the Health and Care Performance Panel at its meeting scheduled for the 7 December.
Councillor Adam Sykes asked a question of the Cabinet Member for Children and Family Services.
Councillor Tony Smith stated in response: · He noted that the recent discussions at national level regarding establishing new Grammar Schools was ... view the full minutes text for item 53. |
MEMBERS' QUESTIONS To consider Members’ general questions to the Mayor, Cabinet Member or Committee Chair in accordance with Standing Orders 10(2)(b) and 11. Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 10(2) the Council had been advised of two questions.
Councillor Phil Gilchrist asked a question of the Leader in relation to a Liverpool City Region wide Carriageway Asset Management Plan, the use of the Growth Fund for investment in the region’s roads, and how the Leader would ensure the improvement of Wirral’s roads.
Councillor Phil Davies replied, and informed that the agreement reached to create the Mayoral Combined Authority with significant devolved powers required a more strategic approach to managing transport matters across the region, crucial for the growth of Wirral and neighbouring districts. The deal brought with it greater funding opportunities and the opportunities to speak with one voice, particularly in negotiations with government, Highways England, public transport and freight operators and the rail and air travel authorities. He added that the arrangements for the Key Route Network presented excellent opportunities for the future of the Wirral’s strategic network, and would also provide a catalyst for continuing to improve management of the remaining roads which are important to Wirral.
Councillor Phil Gilchrist asked a question of the Cabinet Member for Highways and Infrastructure in relation to traffic and pedestrian controlled lights between Eastham Rake and Bolton Road, and what work can be done to adjust the system to reduce the un-co-ordinated stopping and starting of the flow of traffic on the New Chester Road.
Councillor Stuart Whittingham replied, and informed that the signal junctions along this section of the A41 operated under a system which attempts to vary the operation of the signals in relation to vehicle numbers on each leg of the junction, so that optimal operation of the junction is achieved. Unfortunately, detectors have been damaged and presently impact on the efficiency of the junction until repaired. He further confirmed that one of the identified schemes included in the Transport Investment ‘Pipeline’ for Wirral was a package of measures to improve the capacity and flow of the A41 Corridor. Further work is being undertaken with regard to that transport ‘pipeline’ and priorities for investment, and this project has been highlighted as being one of City Region importance, due to the strategic nature of the A41 corridor.
Councillor Stuart Kelly asked a question of the Leader in relation to the adequacy in the management of Children’s Services and the delaying of proposals to introduction of the new operating model until members can be fully satisfied that it will be fit for purpose.
Councillor Phil Davies replied, stating that the new operating model provided a structure and platform to deliver not only the improvements required to Children's Services but all the Council priorities as set out in the Wirral Plan. That included delivering the Council’s pledges, achieving agreed outcomes for communities and residents, focused service delivery and securing the most suitable delivery models going forward. It was not therefore appropriate to postpone the implementation of the new operating model.
MATTERS REFERRED FROM POLICY AND PERFORMANCE COMMITTEES OR OTHER COUNCIL COMMITTEES PDF 91 KB To consider and determine any references from the Policy and Performance Committees and any other Council Committees.
The Council is advised that the Notice
of Motion “Setting Clear Targets for Wirral Waters”
referred from Council at its meeting on 14 March, 2016 (minute
120(1) refers) was considered by the Business Overview and Scrutiny
Committee on 12 July, 2016 (minute 4 is attached).
(1) That a Spotlight Session with Peel Holdings giving a presentation be held, to which all Members of the Council would be invited and, dependent on the number to attend the session be held at Peel Holdings’ office in Tower Quays.
(2) That regular updates be provided to this Committee throughout the forthcoming year with an update to all Members annually.”
B. The Council is advised that the Notice of Motion “Reducing Pedestrian Casualties in Wirral” referred from Council at its meeting on 14 March, 2016 (minute 120(3) refers) was considered by the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 12 July, 2016 (minute 5 is attached). (Pages 55 – 56)
(1) That the Notice of Motion be agreed.
(2) That this Committee consider an item at the September meeting on the subject of ‘Reducing Pedestrian Casualties’, to which the Road Safety Manager, the Pedestrian Association and Merseyside Police be invited to attend.” Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council was asked to consider the following recommendations of the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee (see minutes 56 to 57 post).
NOTICE OF MOTION "SETTING CLEAR TARGETS FOR WIRRAL WATERS" Minutes: The first matter requiring approval was in relation to theCouncil having been advised that the Notice of Motion “Setting Clear Targets for Wirral Waters” referred from Council at its meeting on 14 March, 2016 (minute 120(1) refers) was considered by the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 12 July, 2016 (minute 4 refers).
The Council was asked to consider the following recommendation of the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee: “Resolved –
(1) That a Spotlight Session with Peel Holdings giving a presentation be held, to which all Members of the Council would be invited and, dependent on the number to attend the session be held at Peel Holdings’ office in Tower Quays.
(2) That regular updates be provided to this Committee throughout the forthcoming year with an update to all Members annually.”
On a motion by Councillor Mike Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Ron Abbey, it was –
RESOLVED (58:0) (One abstention) –
That the recommendations of the Business and Overview Committee in respect of the Notice of Motion “Setting Clear Targets for Wirral Waters”, be agreed.
NOTICE OF MOTION "REDUCING PEDESTRIAN CASUALTIES IN WIRRAL" Minutes: The second matter requiring approval was in relation to theCouncil having been advised that the Notice of Motion “Reducing Pedestrian Casualties in Wirral” referred from Council at its meeting on 14 March, 2016 (minute 120(3) refers) was considered by the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 12 July, 2016 (minute 5 refers).
The Council was asked to consider the following recommendations of the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee: “Resolved –
(1) That the Notice of Motion be agreed.
(2) That this Committee consider an item at the September meeting on the subject of ‘Reducing Pedestrian Casualties’, to which the Road Safety Manager, the Pedestrian Association and Merseyside Police be invited to attend.”
On a motion by Councillor Mike Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Ron Abbey, it was –
RESOLVED (58:0) (One abstention) –
That the recommendations of the Business and Overview Committee in respect of the Notice of Motion “Reducing Pedestrian Casualties in Wirral”, be agreed.
VACANCIES To receive nominations, in accordance with Standing Order 25(6), in respect of any proposed changes in the membership of committees, and to approve nominations for appointments to outside organisations.
Committee Memberships: People Overview and Scrutiny Councillor Chris Blakeley to replace Councillor John Hale as a deputy.
Environment Overview and Scrutiny Councillor Chris Blakeley to replace Councillor Cherry Povall as a deputy.
Outside Bodies: Wirral University Teaching Hospital Foundation NHS Trust Current appointees: Councillor Kathy
Hodson and
Councillor Christina Muspratt. Cheshire and Wirral NHS Partnership Trust Current appointee: Councillor Phil Gilchrist. Minutes: The Council was requested to deal with the following matters in relation to amendments to Committee memberships:
People Overview and Scrutiny · Councillor Chris Blakeley to replace Councillor John Hale as a deputy.
Environment Overview and Scrutiny · Councillor Chris Blakeley to replace Councillor Cherry Povall as a deputy.
The Council was also requested to deal with the following matters in relation to appointments to the following outside bodies:
Wirral University Teaching Hospital Foundation NHS Trust · Councillor Kathy Hodson and Councillor Christina Muspratt (be re-appointed for a further three year period, until 17 October, 2019).
Cheshire and Wirral NHS Partnership Trust · Councillor Phil Gilchrist (be re-appointed for a further three year period, until 17 October, 2019).
RESOLVED –That the appointments be approved.
To consider any recommendations of the Executive or Council Committees which require the approval or consideration of the Council.
A. Revenue Monitoring 2016/17 Quarter 1 (Pages 57 – 68) Minute 27 and the report to Cabinet (18 July, 2016) are attached and the Council is recommended to approve the amended revenue budget 2015/16.
B. Capital Monitoring 2016/17 Quarter 1 (Pages 69 – 84) Minute 28 and the report to Cabinet (18 July, 2016) are attached and the Council is recommended to approve the revised capital programme of £58.97 million.
C. Core Strategy Local Plan – Wirral Retail and Leisure Study Update (Pages 85 – 102) Minute 32 and the report to Cabinet (18 July, 2016) are attached and the Council is recommended to approve the Core Strategy Local Plan – Wiral Retail and Leisure Study Update.
D. Chief Officer Structure – The New Operating Model (Pages (103 – 108) The Council is recommended to agree the recommendation of the Employment and Appointments Committee (25 July, 2016) Minute 3(8) below:
“That this Committee RECOMMENDS to Council that the Council’s Pay Policy be amended to reflect a change in the title of grade from ‘Strategic Director’ (Spinal Column Points 1-5) to ‘Senior Director’ (Spinal Column Points 1-5), as the Strategic Director is to be replaced by the three new senior posts. There are no changes to the salaries for this grade.”
The Council’s Pay Policy 2016/17 may be found here (Council 14 March, 2016, Minute 110 refers):
E. Liverpool City Region Devolution Agreement – Adoption of Cooperation on Local Planning (Pages 107 – 176) Member Decision and supporting report (26 July, 2016) are attached and the Council is recommended to agree adoption of the Statement of Cooperation on Local Planning.
F. Council Constitution - Scheme of Non-Executive Delegation of Functions to Officers (Part 3, Schedule 4A Part 1) (Pages 177 – 206) The report to Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee (4 October, 2016) is attached and the Council is recommended to approve amendments to the Council Constitution - Scheme of Non-Executive Delegation of Functions to Officers (Part 3, Schedule 4A Part 1). Minute 19(1) (to follow).
The following matter, determined by the Cabinet, is drawn to the Council’s attention in accordance with the Constitution (copies of the related report can be provided for Council members on request).
Cabinet – 18 July, 2016 (Pages 207 – 208) Minute 25 – Financial Monitoring Out-turn Reports for 2015/16. Additional documents:
Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 5(2), six matters were submitted for approval by the Council, and one matter for noting by the Council (see minutes 60 to 66 post).
REVENUE MONITORING 2016/17 QUARTER 1 Minutes: The first matter requiring approval was in relation to the Revenue Monitoring 2016/17 Quarter 1 and the recommendations from Cabinet of 18 July, 2016 (minute 27 refers)
It was moved by Councillor Phil Davies and seconded by Councillor George Davies that the recommendations of Cabinet of 18 July, 2016 (minute 27 refers) be approved.
The Head of Legal and Member Services indicated that a Recorded Vote would need to be taken on this item.
A ‘card vote’ was then taken and the Council voted as follows:
For the motion (58) Councillors R Abbey, T Anderson, C Blakeley, E Boult, A Brighouse, P Brightmore, D Burgess-Joyce, C Carubia, P Cleary, Mrs W Clements, A Davies, G Davies, P Davies, W Davies, P Doughty, D Elderton, G Ellis, S Foulkes, P Gilchrist, J Green, P Hayes, A Hodson, K Hodson, T Johnson, C Jones, S Kelly, B Kenny, A Leech, I Lewis, A McLachlan, M McLaughlin, J McManus, C Meaden, D Mitchell, B Mooney, C Muspratt, T Norbury, M Patrick, D Realey, L ReecesJones, L Rennie, D Roberts, L Rowlands, P A Smith, W Smith, C Spriggs, J Stapleton, P Stuart, M Sullivan, A Sykes, T Usher, J Walsh, GCJ Watt, S Whittingham, I Williams, KJ Williams, S Williams and J Williamson.
One abstention – Councillor P Hackett.
RESOLVED (58:0) (One abstention) - That the recommendations contained within minute 27 of Cabinet be agreed.
CAPITAL MONITORING 2016/17 QUARTER 1 Minutes: The second matter requiring approval was in relation to the Capital Monitoring 2016/17 Quarter 1 and the recommendations from Cabinet of 18 July, 2016 (minute 28 refers).
It was moved by Councillor Phil Davies and seconded by Councillor George Davies that the recommendations of Cabinet of 18 July, 2016 (minute 28 refers) be approved.
The Head of Legal and Member Services indicated that a Recorded Vote would need to be taken on this item.
A ‘card vote’ was then taken and the Council voted as follows:
For the motion (58) Councillors R Abbey, T Anderson, C Blakeley, E Boult, A Brighouse, P Brightmore, D Burgess-Joyce, C Carubia, P Cleary, Mrs W Clements, A Davies, G Davies, P Davies, W Davies, P Doughty, D Elderton, G Ellis, S Foulkes, P Gilchrist, J Green, P Hayes, A Hodson, K Hodson, T Johnson, C Jones, S Kelly, B Kenny, A Leech, I Lewis, A McLachlan, M McLaughlin, J McManus, C Meaden, D Mitchell, B Mooney, C Muspratt, T Norbury, M Patrick, D Realey, L ReecesJones, L Rennie, D Roberts, L Rowlands, P A Smith, W Smith, C Spriggs, J Stapleton, P Stuart, M Sullivan, A Sykes, T Usher, J Walsh, GCJ Watt, S Whittingham, I Williams, KJ Williams, S Williams and J Williamson.
One abstention – Councillor P Hackett.
RESOLVED (58:0) (One abstention) - That the recommendations contained within minute 28 of Cabinet be agreed.
CORE STRATEGY LOCAL PLAN - WIRRAL RETAIL AND LEISURE STUDY UPDATE Minutes: The third matter requiring approval was in relation to the Core Strategy Local Plan – Wirral Retail and Leisure Study Update and the recommendations from Cabinet of 18 July, 2016 (minute 32 refers)
It was moved by Councillor Phil Davies and seconded by Councillor George Davies that the recommendations of Cabinet of 18 July, 2016 (minute 32 refers) be approved.
RESOLVED (58:0) (One abstention) - That the recommendations contained within minute 32 of Cabinet be agreed.
CHIEF OFFICER STRUCTURE - THE NEW OPERATING MODEL Minutes: The fourth matter requiring approval was in relation to the Chief Officer Structure – The New Operating Model and the recommendation from the Employment and Appointments Committee of 25 July, 2016 (minute 3(8):
“That this Committee RECOMMENDS to Council that the Council’s Pay Policy be amended to reflect a change in the title of grade from ‘Strategic Director’ (Spinal Column Points 1-5) to ‘Senior Director’ (Spinal Column Points 1-5), as the Strategic Director is to be replaced by the three new senior posts. There are no changes to the salaries for this grade.”
On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor George Davies it was –
RESOLVED (35:23) (One abstention) – That the Council’s Pay Policy be amended to reflect a change in the title of grade from ‘Strategic Director’ (Spinal Column Points 1-5) to ‘Senior Director’ (Spinal Column Points 1-5), as the Strategic Director is to be replaced by the three new senior posts. There are no changes to the salaries for this grade.
LIVERPOOL CITY REGION DEVOLUTION AGREEMENT - ADOPTION OF COOPERATION ON LOCAL PLANNING Minutes: The fifth matter requiring approval was in relation to a Member Decision and supporting report (26 July, 2016) to agree adoption of the Statement of Cooperation on Local Planning.
It was moved by Councillor Phil Davies and seconded by Councillor George Davies that the Liverpool City Region - Statement of Cooperation on Local Planning be approved.
RESOLVED (58:0) (One abstention) - That the Liverpool City Region Devolution Agreement – Adoption of Cooperation on Local Planning be agreed.
COUNCIL CONSTITUTION - SCHEME OF NON-EXECUTIVE DELEGATION OF FUNCTIONS TO OFFICERS (PART3, SCHEDULE 4A PART 1) Minutes: The sixth matter requiring approval was in relation to the recommendation of the Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee (4 October, 2016) minute 19(1), to approve amendments to the Council Constitution - Scheme of Non-Executive Delegation of Functions to Officers (Part 3, Schedule 4A Part 1).
It was moved by Councillor Denise Roberts and seconded by Councillor Ron Abbey that the Scheme of Non-Executive Delegation of Functions to Officers (Part 3, Schedule 4A Part 1) as amended, be approved.
Two amendments which had been circulated in the Council Summons supplementary agenda pack were submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:
Proposed by Councillor Chris Blakeley Seconded by Councillor David Elderton
“Amendment to Minute 19 (1)
Delete a) and b) of the recommendation and replace with:
that no changes be made to the existing scheme and the matter be referred back to the Standards and Constitutional Oversight Working Group for further consideration.
Minute 19 (2) and 19 (3) remain unaltered”.
Proposed by Councillor Phil Gilchrist Seconded by Councillor Alan Brighouse
“Delete recommendations 1 (a) and (b) and insert…
Council understands the motivation for administrative adjustments having regard to the suggested titles enshrined in the new operating model. Council believes that the reporting arrangements for both delegated council and executive decisions taken by officers are not yet adequate or sufficiently developed for Members to be fully aware of the decisions being taken within the governing framework. Council seeks a clearer overview of the operation of the delegation given to officers.
Council needs to be confident that, given the range of activities being undertaken and the limited opportunities for scrutiny that exist, there are reasonable reporting mechanisms.
Council, therefore, does not accept the suggested amendments until there is a full appreciation of the need for Members of all parties to know what is being done in their name”.
On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor George Davies it was moved that the amendments be put to the vote without debate.
A vote was taken on Councillor Davies’ motion and was carried (52:6) (One abstention).
Prior to votes on the amendments and substantive motion, Councillor Chris Blakeley and five Conservative Members rose to request that Conservative Members names be recorded a in respect of each vote on the amendments and substantive motion.
The first amendment moved by Councillor Chris Blakeley was put and lost (23:35) (One abstention).
Conservative Members in favour of Amendment one - Councillors T Anderson, C Blakeley, E Boult, D Burgess-Joyce, Mrs W Clements, D Elderton, G Ellis, J Green, P Hayes, A Hodson, K Hodson, I Lewis, L Rennie, L Rowlands, A Sykes, G Watt, and S Williams.
The second amendment moved by Councillor P Gilchrist was put and lost (23:35) (One abstention).
Conservative Members in favour of Amendment two - Councillors T Anderson, C Blakeley, E Boult, D Burgess-Joyce, Mrs W Clements, D Elderton, G Ellis, J Green, P Hayes, A Hodson, K Hodson, I Lewis, L Rennie, L Rowlands, ... view the full minutes text for item 65. |
MATTER FOR NOTING - FINANCIAL MONITORING OUT-TURN REPORTS FOR 2015/16 Minutes: On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor George Davies, it was –
RESOLVED (58:0) (One abstention) – That minute 25 (Cabinet – 18 July, 2016) – Financial Monitoring Out-turn Reports for 2015/16, be noted.
Notices of motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(1), are attached. They are listed in accordance with Standing Order 7(2), and the full text of each motion is attached. The Mayor, having considered each motion, in accordance with Standing Order 7(4) has decided that they will be dealt with as follows:
(i) Hillsborough Disaster To be debated.
(ii) Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Charter The Civic Mayor to refer to the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
(iii) Green Bin Collection Changes The Civic Mayor to refer to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
(iv) Inward Investment The Civic Mayor to refer to the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
(v) Treating all residents fairly and equitably The Civic Mayor to refer to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
(vi) Performance Management – Reporting Arrangements The Civic Mayor to refer to the Business, Environment and People Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
(vii) Recognising the contribution of our Friends Groups The Civic Mayor to refer to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Additional documents:
Minutes: Notices of Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(1) were reported to the Council. The Civic Mayor having considered each motion, in accordance with Standing Order 7(4) had decided that they would be dealt with as follows:
(i) Hillsborough Disaster – to be debated.
(ii) Motor Neurone Disease Charter - to be referred to the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
(iii) Green Bin Collection - to be referred to Cabinet to be considered alongside the outcome of public consultation on revisions to the Council’s waste collection processes.
(iv) Inward Investment - to be referred to Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
(v) Treating all residents fairly and equitably - to be referred to the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
(vi) Performance Management Reporting Arrangements - to be referred to the Environment, Business and People Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
(vii) Recognising the contribution of our Friends Groups - to be referred to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
1) The Notice of Motion, ‘Motor Neurone Disease Charter’, be referred to the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
2) The Notice of Motion, ‘Green Bin Collection’, be referred to Cabinet to be considered alongside the outcome of public consultation on revisions to the Council’s waste collection processes.
3) The Notice of Motion, ‘Inward Investment’, be referred to Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
4) The Notice of Motion, ‘Treating all residents fairly and equitably’, be referred to the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
5) The Notice of Motion, ‘Performance Management Reporting Arrangements’, be referred to the Environment, Business and People Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
6) The Notice of Motion, ‘Recognising the contribution of our Friends Groups’, be referred to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
NOTICE OF MOTION DEBATE - HILLSBOROUGH DISASTER Minutes: Proposed by Councillor Ron Abbey Seconded by Councillor Brian Kenny
“On April 15th 1989 a disaster at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield led, ultimately, to the deaths of 96 innocent fans who had left home that morning to watch a football match.
Due to crowd control mis-management those fans, whose ages ranged from 10 to 67, had the life crushed out of them.
Contrary to the facts the S*n published a front page story with the banner headline ‘The Truth’ which contained blatant lies.
Here are a few of the lies:
“Drunken Liverpool fans viciously attacked rescue workers as they tried to revive victims and police officers, firemen and ambulance crews were punched, kicked and urinated upon!”
This was printed in a national British newspaper, The S*n!
For this reason we ask all retailers and vendors of newspapers to stop selling the S*n.
We applaud the group called ‘The Total Eclipse of the S*n’ for their endeavours to rid our city region of this newspaper”.
Councillor Ron Abbey spoke to his Motion and read out the names of those residents of Wirral who had died as a result of the Hillsborough Stadium tragedy on April 15, 1989. Their names are listed below:
The Motion was put and carried (59:0).
RESOLVED (59:0) – That
On April 15th 1989 a disaster at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield led, ultimately, to the deaths of 96 innocent fans who had left home that morning to watch a football match.
Due to crowd control mis-management those fans, whose ages ranged from 10 to 67, had the life crushed out of them.
Contrary to the facts the S*n published a front page story with the banner headline ‘The Truth’ which contained blatant lies.
Here are a few of the lies:
“Drunken Liverpool fans viciously attacked rescue workers as they tried to revive victims and police officers, firemen and ambulance crews were punched, kicked and urinated upon!”
This was printed in a national British newspaper, The S*n!
For this reason we ask all retailers and vendors of newspapers to stop selling the S*n.
We applaud the group called ‘The Total Eclipse of the S*n’ for their endeavours to rid our city region of this newspaper.