Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Wallasey Town Hall

No. Item



Members of the Council are asked to consider whether they have any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest, in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.



The Civic Mayor referred to the recent passing of Rob Gregson, former Wirral Councillor, 2012-16, and the Council stood for a minute’s silence in tribute to his memory.


The Civic Mayor further informed that on 20 October 2017, ‘Show Racism the Red Card’, would be holding its third annual WEAR RED DAY. She had agreed in support of the National Campaign, that Councillor Tony Norbury would read a poem prior to the formal opening of the Council Meeting.


Councillor Norbury then read the poem ‘A Ritual to Read to Each Other’ by William E Stafford ©1998.


Procedural Matters


(1)  It was moved by Councillor RL Abbey and duly seconded, that - “Standing Order 9 (meeting guillotine) be applied from 9.00pm.”


Upon an amendment having been moved by Councillor Blakeley, duly seconded that “the meeting guillotine be applied from 09:15pm”, Councillor Abbey agreed to the revised timing, and the motion was then put and carried (58:0) (One abstention).


RESOLVED – That Standing Order 9 be applied from 9:15pm.


(2)  Prior to the calling of Members Declarations of Interest, The Interim Director of Law and Governance provided legal advice in relation to Agenda Item 11 B – Strategic Regeneration Framework – Cabinet decision – 2 October 2017 in relation to those Members appointed to the Planning Committee.


Declarations of Interest



Item No. and Nature of Declaration


Stuart Whittingham



Item No. 12 (i) – Notice of Motion (Minute No. 70 refers). Prejudicial – by virtue of him being an employee of Arriva (left the Chamber whilst the matter was considered and voted upon).


Janette Williamson



Item No. 12 (viii) – Notice of Motion (Minute No. 77 refers).Prejudicial – by virtue of her being an employee of DWP (left the Chamber whilst the matter was considered and voted upon).

Councillor Bernie Mooney

Item No. 6 – Cabinet Members’ Reports - Personal – by virtue of her employment.



Anita Leech

Item No. 12 (viii) – Notice of Motion (Minute No. 38 refers).Personal – by virtue of her being a member of the Prima Leasowe Community Homes Management Board.




Anita Leech

Item No. 11B – Strategic Regeneration Framework (Minute No. 64 refers).Personal – by virtue of her role on the LCR Scrutiny Panel (left the Chamber whilst the matter was considered and voted upon).



Warren Ward

Item No. 12 (viii) – Notices of Motion (Minute No. 77 refers). Personal – by virtue of him being an employee of the DWP (left the Chamber whilst the matter was considered and voted upon).


Steve Foulkes


Item No. 12 (viii) – Notices of Motion (Minute No. 77 refers). Personal – by virtue of him being a Member of the Magenta Living Board.


George Davies

Item No. 12 – Emergency Notice of Motion (Minute No. 69). Personal - by virtue of his previous employment at Vauxhall Motors.



Adrian Jones

Item No. 12 (viii) – Notice of Motion (Minute No. 77 refers). Personal – by virtue of him being  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.



To receive the Civic Mayor's announcements and any apologies for absence.



The Civic Mayor noted that apologies had been received from Councillors J Green, J Hale, A Hodson, T Jones, T Johnson, and L Rowlands.


The Civic Mayor apprised Council on the following matters:


An urgent item of business to be added to the Council Agenda at Item 12 – an Emergency Notice of Motion on Protecting the Future of the Vauxhall Plant at Ellesmere Port. The reason for urgency being the impact job losses would have on the local economy, Vauxhall being a major employer in the local area.


The many thanks received in appreciation of the Extraordinary Council meeting Freedom of the Borough event held on 15 September 2017 - from family members of the 96 Liverpool Football Club fans who had lost their lives at Hillsborough and other guests who had attended the event. She read out a letter from Margaret Aspinall, Chair of the Hillsborough Family Support Group.


The Memorial Dedication Event held on 12 October 2017 in respect of PC David Philips who lost his life 2 years ago whilst on duty in Wallasey. A small replica of the commemoration stone was on display in the Council Chamber for Members to view.


A request had been received to requisition an extraordinary meeting of Council on the subject of anti-social behaviour involving Scrambler Bikes. The Civic Mayor had agreed to the request and the meeting would take place on 11 December 2017 at a time to be confirmed.


The Civic Mayor was pleased to announce that the Council had also recently won the National Transport Award for Road Safety. The Mayor then invited Councillor Stuart Whittingham, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport to address the Council. Councillor Whittingham in doing so thanked all of the staff involved. The award was on display in the Council Chamber. 


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 207 KB

To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 10 July 2017 (one ordinary meeting and one extraordinary meeting) and on 15 September 2017 (Freedom of the Borough).

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 10 July (one ordinary meeting and one extraordinary meeting) and on the 15 September, 2017 (Extraordinary Meeting Freedom of the Borough) had been circulated to Members and it was –


RESOLVED – That the minutes be approved and adopted as a correct record.



To receive petitions submitted in accordance with Standing Order 21.



In accordance with Standing Order 21, the Mayor received petitions submitted by –


(i).  Councillor Bruce Berry on behalf of 212 residents of Moreton and Saughall Massie residents objecting to the proposal to introduce Food Waste Bins.


(ii).  Councillor Bruce Berry on behalf of 4102 signatories regarding anti-social behaviour caused by the menace of Scrambler Bikes, calling upon the Council’s Wirral Safer Hub’ to set up a dedicated task force to tackle the problem.


(iii).  Councillor Alan Brighouse on behalf of 92 residents requesting installation of a pedestrian crossing on Shrewsbury Road, Oxton (close to junction of Palm Hill and Palm Grove).


(iv).  Councillor David Elderton on behalf of 1252 residents requesting the dredging of the Ashton Park Lake, West Kirby.


(v).  Councillor Wendy Clements on behalf of 50 residents regarding speeding and inconsiderate parking – Mill Lane, Greasby.


(vi).  Councillor Wendy Clements on behalf of 329 residents concerning the lack of empty parking spaces outside local shops (Greasby), requesting the introduction of a 2 hour parking restriction in the service road.


(vii).  Councillor Lesley Rennie on behalf of 314 residents of Wallasey objecting to the proposal to introduce Food Waste Bins.


(viii).  Councillor Patrick Cleary on behalf of 98 residents requesting effective traffic calming measures and the introduction of safe crossing facilities on Derby Road, Tranmere.


RESOLVED – That the petitions be noted and referred to the appropriate Chief Officer in accordance with Standing Order 34.



To deal with questions from members of the public, in accordance with Appendix 1 to Standing Orders – up to 30 minutes.



No public questions had been received in advance of the meeting.


The Civic Mayor announced that Paddy Cleary, Unison Branch Secretary had been invited to speak on Notice of Motion (vi) – NJC Pay to Councils. She informed that given that Council might not be able to debate this Motion due to the guillotine having been invoked by the time the item of business had been reached, she had agreed that he may address the Council at this time.


Mr Cleary spoke in support of the Motion on behalf of his membership.



To receive the written reports of the Executive and Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairs, and to receive questions and answers on any of those reports in accordance with Standing Orders 10(2)(a) and 11.


Additional documents:


The Mayor introduced the summary reports from the Leader, Cabinet Members and Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) Chairs and asked for questions on any of the reports. The time allocated to Questions to Cabinet Members and OSC Chairs expired before all answers could be fully provided to all the questions asked. The Mayor indicated to Council that written responses would be provided subsequent to the meeting.


The following responses were provided at the meeting:


The Leader, Councillor Phil Davies responding to a question from Councillor Chris Blakeley on the work undertaken in respect of an impact assessment – moving Civic Function from Seacombe to Birkenhead informed that he would provide a written response on the matter.


The Leader, Councillor Phil Davies responding to a question from Councillor Brian Kenny on the number of apprentices (a 2/3rds drop) as reported in an article in The Times newspaper informed that the procedures and budget restrictions imposed by Central Government were regressive and counter-productive to the aim of getting young people into employment. He informed that the Council had agreed a £175,000 growth item to help this important project in Wirral, but he would be taking up the matter of the inflexible attitude of the Government regarding the scheme’s operation with the Minister.


The Leader, Councillor Phil Davies responding to a question from Councillor David Elderton requesting an update on the discussions with Peel Holdings re the development of Wirral Waters, the International Trade Centre (ITC) and Housing informed that ongoing discussions had confirmed Peel Holding’s intentions for residential development and that further public announcements were expected in coming months. He added that the ITC appeared to be on the back burner at present, but development of the Business Centre was close to reaching an agreement. He added that Members should and would continue to press Peel Holdings if they had any concerns over any elements of the planned project.


The Leader, Councillor Phil Davies responding to a question from Councillor Gerry Ellis on whether he was aware that of the developers (the Jack Nicklaus Group) Working Capital and their past history re housing development in Wales, informed that funding had been received from the developer and results of an 8 week assessment would be reported to the Cabinet. Relevant phases of the project would of course include due diligence.


The Leader, Councillor Phil Davies responding to a question from Councillor Phil Gilchrist regarding Wirral Growth Company and requesting that Councillors be kept informed as the preferred bidder emerges. He informed that the project had reached the procurement stage and the joint venture provided an exciting model to lever in Capital Funding. He stated that it was expected that a preferred partner would emerge by the New Year, but the matter was currently going through legal process and therefore a confidential matter. 


Councillor Stuart Whittingham - Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport responded to a question from Councillor Chris Blakeley regarding the reasons for the delay in a decision to introduce residents parking  ...  view the full minutes text for item 54.



To consider Members’ general questions to the Civic Mayor, Executive or Committee Chair in accordance with Standing Orders 10 (2)(b) and 11.



In accordance with Standing Order 10(2) the Council had been advised of three questions.


Councillor Phil Gilchrist asked a question of Councillor Stuart Whittingham – Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, on matters relating to street lighting outages, completion of repairs and expected time taken to deal with the backlog. Note: Councillor Stuart Whittingham replied to this question under the previous item (minute 54 ante refers).


Councillor Phil Gilchrist asked a question of Councillor Phil Davies - Leader of the Council, on the content of the Cabinet Portfolio Summary Reports and various projects and initiatives that had already been reported in newspapers or the Wirral View. Councillor Phil Davies replied accordingly.


Councillor Ian Lewis asked a question of Councillor Christine Spriggs - Cabinet Member for Delivering Differently, on a proposal for changing All Disability and Mental Health (item 39, Cabinet, 2 October 2017) that had been withdrawn as ‘more work was required on it’, following concerns outlined by the staff in an email to all Members of the Council (21 September 2017), and that at a subsequent meeting for staff, on 10 October 2017, it was agreed that ‘more work’ (as stated at the Cabinet meeting), included the issue of secondment of the Children with Disabilities Social Work Team. Councillor Christine Spriggs replied accordingly.



To consider and determine any references from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and any other Council Committees.


A.  The Council is advised that the Notice of Motion “Green Belt” referred from Council at its meeting on 20 March 2017 (minute 152 (1) refers) was considered by the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 5 July, 2017 (minute 6 attached). In accordance with Standing Order 7(5) the Council will be asked to consider the recommendation of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee. (Pages 65 – 68)


B.  The Council is advised that the Notice of Motion “Pavilions in Sports Grounds” referred from Council at its meeting on 20 March 2017 (minute 152 (2) refers) was considered by the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 21 September, 2017 (minute 19 attached). In accordance with Standing Order 7(5) the Council will be asked to consider the recommendation of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee. (Pages 69 – 70)


C.  The Council is advised that the Notice of Motion “Fair Votes” referred from Council at its meeting on 10 July 2017 (minute 34 refers) was considered by the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 21 September, 2017 (minute 20 attached). In accordance with Standing Order 7(5) the Council will be asked to consider the recommendation of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee. (Pages 71 – 72)


Additional documents:


In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council was asked to consider the following recommendations of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (see minutes 57 to 59 post).




The Mayor advised of a referral from Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (5 July, 2017), which originated as a Notice of Motion at Council on 20 March, 2017, “Green Belt” (minute 152(1) refers). The minute from the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 5 July, 2017 (minute 6) was attached together with the Notice of Motion.


Moved by Councillor Paul Stuart as the Chair of Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee and seconded by Councillor Steve Foulkes it was –


RESOLVED (58:0) (One Abstention) – That the resolution of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee be approved.




The Mayor advised of a referral from Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (21 September, 2017), which originated as a Notice of Motion at Council on 20 March, 2017, “Pavilions in Sports Grounds” (minute 152(2) refers). The minute from the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 21 September, 2017 (minute 19) was attached together with the Notice of Motion.


Moved by Councillor Paul Stuart as the Chair of Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee and seconded by Councillor Adam Sykes it was –


RESOLVED (58:0) (One Abstention) – That the resolution of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee be approved.




The Mayor advised of a referral from Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (21 September, 2017), which originated as a Notice of Motion at Council on 10 July, 2017, “Fair Votes” (minute 34 refers). The minute from the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 21 September, 2017 (minute 20) was attached together with the Notice of Motion.


In respect of this item, the Committee did not pass a resolution, therefore, the Council was asked to note the minutes as set out on the agenda front sheets and pages 73-74 of the agenda papers.


RESOLVED (58:0) (One Abstention) – That the minute of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Notice of Motion ‘Fair Votes’ be noted.



To receive nominations, in accordance with Standing Order 25(6), in respect of any proposed changes in the membership of committees, and to approve nominations for appointments to outside organisations.




Audit and Risk Management

Councillor Angela Davies to replace Councillor Anita Leech (Councillor Leech will become a deputy)


Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Deputy

Councillor Jerry Williams to replace Councillor Chris Spriggs


Planning Committee – Deputy

Councillor Brian Kenny to replace Councillor Christina Muspratt.



Outside Bodies


Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust

Councillor Mike Sullivan (to be re-appointed for 3 year until 27 September, 2020)


Liverpool Airport Consultative Committee

Councillor Ron Abbey to replace Councillor Phillip Brightmore


Liverpool City Region Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Gillian Wood to replace Councillor Anita Leech


Mersey Port Health Committee

Councillor Mike Sullivan to replace Councillor Stuart Whittingham as a member

Councillor Stuart Whittingham to replace Councillor Tony Jones as a deputy


West Kirby Charities

Councillor Eddie Boult (to be re-appointed until 16 October, 2021)

Councillor David Elderton (to be re-appointed until 7 September, 2021)

Ms Johanna Wynne to replace Mrs Gill Conlon (appointed until 30 January, 2021)



In accordance with Standing Order 25(6) the Council was requested to deal with the following matters in respect of the membership of committees and appointments to outside organisations.




Audit and Risk Management

Councillor Angela Davies to replace Councillor Anita Leech (Councillor Leech will become a deputy).


Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Deputy

Councillor Jerry Williams to replace Councillor Chris Spriggs.


Planning Committee – Deputy

Councillor Brian Kenny to replace Councillor Christina Muspratt.


Outside Bodies


Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust

Councillor Mike Sullivan (to be re-appointed for 3 years until 27 September, 2020).


Liverpool Airport Consultative Committee

Councillor Ron Abbey to replace Councillor Phillip Brightmore.


Liverpool City Region Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Gillian Wood to replace Councillor Anita Leech.


Mersey Port Health Committee

Councillor Mike Sullivan to replace Councillor Stuart Whittingham as a member.

Councillor Stuart Whittingham to replace Councillor Tony Jones as a deputy.


West Kirby Charities

Councillor Eddie Boult (to be re-appointed until 16 October, 2021).

Councillor David Elderton (to be re-appointed until 7 September, 2021)

Ms Johanna Wynne to replace Mrs Gill Conlon (appointed until 30 January, 2021).


RESOLVED – That the above appointments be approved.


Transport for the North (TfN) - Incorporation as a Sub-National Transport Body pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Council is requested (as the Local Highway Authority) to consent to the making of Regulations by the Secretary of State to establish Transport for the North (TfN) as a Sub-National Transport Body, under S102J of the Local Transport Act 2008. 


The consent of each Highway Authority within the area of each Combined Authority is required to the making of Regulations by the Secretary of State as the Regulations contain provisions giving TfN highway powers to be exercises concurrently with the Local Highway Authorities.



Council noted that the consent of each Highway Authority within the area of each Combined Authority was required to the making of Regulations by the Secretary of State as the Regulations contained provisions giving TfN highway powers to be exercised concurrently with the Local Highway Authorities.


Proposed by Councillor Phil Davies

Seconded by Councillor George Davies


Council consent to the making of Regulations by the Secretary of State to establish (TfN) as a Sub-National Transport Body, under S102J of the Local Transport Act 2008. 


RESOLVED (58:0) (One Abstention) - That Council consent to the making of Regulations by the Secretary of State to establish Transport for the North (TfN) as a Sub-National Transport Body, under S102J of the Local Transport Act 2008. 



APPROVAL: To consider any recommendations of the Executive or Council Committees which require the approval or consideration of the Council.


International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)


A.  Adoption of the IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism (Pages 81 – 84)

(Letter from the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and IHRA press release, attached)




B.  Strategic Regeneration Framework (Pages 85 – 158)

(Minute 41, Cabinet Report and SRF document attached)




C.  Members Allowance Scheme (Pages 163 – 168)

(Report attached)


NOTING: The following matters are drawn to the Council’s attention for noting.


CABINET – 17 JULY, 2017


  1. Revenue Monitoring 2017/18 Quarter 1 (to June 2017)(Pages 159 – 160)

(Minute 25 attached, report available upon request)


  1. Capital Monitoring 2017/18 Quarter 1 (to June 2017)(Pages 161 – 162)

(Minute 26 attached, report available upon request)




Additional documents:


In accordance with Standing Order 5 (2) five matters had been submitted for approval or consideration (see minutes 63 to 67 post).




Proposed by Councillor Phil Davies

Seconded by Councillor George Davies


That this Council formally adopts the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of anti-Semitism, namely:


“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred towards Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”


The recommendation was put and carried (58:1) (One abstention).


RESOLVED (58:0) (One abstention) – That the IHRA definition that “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred towards Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities” be formally adopted. 




Councillor A Leech having earlier declared an interest in this item left the Council Chamber whilst the matter was debated and voted upon.


The recommendations of the Cabinet of 2 October, 2017 in respect of the Strategic Regeneration Framework (minute 41 refers) were submitted for the adoption by Council.


On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor George Davies, it was recommended to Council that -


(a)  the Strategic Regeneration Framework be adopted as a material planning consideration in relation to development proposals which come forward; and


(b)  the Strategic Regeneration Framework be used to inform the content of the emerging Core Strategy Local Plan.


One amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:


Proposed by Councillor Stuart Kelly

Seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell


“Council declines to accept the recommendations of Cabinet and refers the matter back to Cabinet to reconsider its recommendations for the following reasons:

1. Some of the aspirations within the regeneration framework do not align with existing land use planning policies in the existing UDP and the emerging local plan


2. The emerging local plan and any future Site Specific Local Plans and Neighbourhood Plans are the appropriate method of determining land use allocations for planning purposes”


Following a debate and Councillor P Davies having replied, the amendment was put and lost (22:33) (One abstention).


The original motion was put and carried (33:22) (One abstention).


RESOLVED (33:22) (One abstention) - That


(1)  the Strategic Regeneration Framework be adopted as a material planning consideration in relation to development proposals which come forward; and


(2)  the Strategic Regeneration Framework be used to inform the content of the emerging Core Strategy Local Plan.




The recommendations of the Independent Panel on Members’ Allowances – 17 July, 2017 – Members’ Allowances Scheme were submitted for adoption by the Council.


On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor George Davies, it was recommended to the Council that the report and recommendations contained therein be agreed.


RESOLVED (One abstention) – That the recommendations of the Independent Panel on Members’ Allowances (17 July, 2017) Members’ Allowances Scheme be adopted.




The recommendations of the Cabinet made at its meeting on 17 July, 2017 in respect of the Revenue Monitoring 2017/18 Quarter 1 (to June 2017) (minute 25 refers) were submitted for the approval of the Council.


On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor George Davies, it was:


RESOLVED (One abstention) - That


(1)  the Quarter 1 forecast year end overspend of £4.2 million, of which £3.9 million relates to Children’s Services and related legal costs, be noted;


(2)  the £8.5 million distribution from the Revenue Budget Contingency be approved;


(3)  the receipt of £0.18 million of New Homes Bonus Returned Funding Grant, which will be added to General Fund Balances, be noted;


(4)  Officers continue to identify actions and take measures to effectively manage the overall budget and reduce the impact of the projected overspends;


(5)  the £1.225 million ‘one-off’ funding from General Fund balances for an extended borough wide programme of tree maintenance works be approved; and


(6)  the £0.125 million for a rolling programme of tree inspection and maintenance be added to the Council budget projections from 2018/19 onwards, be noted. 






The recommendations from the Cabinet meeting of 17 July, 2017 in respect of the Capital Monitoring 2017/18 Quarter 1 (to June 2017) (minute 26 refers) were submitted for the approval of the Council.


On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor George Davies, it was:


RESOLVED (One abstention) - That


(1)  the spend at Quarter 1 of £4.8 million, with 25% of the financial year having elapsed be noted and that this is suppressed by the inclusion of amounts that were charges against 2016/17 in accord with accounting practice;


(2)  the revised Capital Programme of £88.0 million be agreed; and


(3)  agreement be given to the Growth Fund scheme being amended to provide a combination of business loans and grants rather than just loans. 




Notices of motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(1), are attached. They are listed in accordance with Standing Order 7(2), and the full text of each motion is attached. The Mayor, having considered each motion, in accordance with Standing Order 7(4) has decided that they will be dealt with as follows:


Additional documents:


Notices of Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(1) were reported to the Council. The Civic Mayor having considered each motion, in accordance with Standing Order 7(4) had decided that they would be dealt with as follows:


Emergency Notice of Motion – Protecting the Future of the Vauxhall Plant at Ellesmere Port.

To be debated.


(i). Tyred Campaign

To be debated.


(ii). Eastham Walk-In Centre

To be debated.


(iii). Saving our NHS for Wirral’s People

To be debated.


(iv). Care Leavers Council Tax Exemption

To be debated.


(v). Disabled Workers and the national Minimum Wage

To be debated.


(vi). NJC Pay to Councils

To be debated.


(vii). New Ferry

To be debated.


(viii). Universal Credit

To be debated.


(ix). Action on Scrambler Bikes

Extraordinary meeting of the Council to be scheduled for 11 December 2017.


(x). Tougher Action on Fly-Tipping

Referred to Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


xi). Making More Time For Pedestrians

Referred to Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


xii). Wirral Well-Made Need for Infrastructure Support

Referred to Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee.




(1)  the Notice of Motion, ‘Action on Scrambler Bikes be referred to an extraordinary meeting of Council scheduled for 11 December, 2017;


(2)  the Notice of Motion, ‘Tougher Action on Fly-Tipping’, be referred to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee;


(3)  the Notice of Motion, ‘Making More Time for Pedestrians’, be referred to the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee; and


(4)  the Notice of Motion, ‘Wirral Well-Made Need for Infrastructure Support’ be referred to both the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee.




Proposed by Councillor Phil Davies

Seconded by Councillor George Davies


“This Council is extremely concerned at the announcement yesterday by the PSA Group, owners of Vauxhall, that it intends to shed 400 of the 1,800 staff at the Ellesmere Port plant by the end of the year.


Council agrees to take all appropriate action to help ensure the future of the plant at Ellesmere Port and to protect the jobs on this site which are so vital to the economy of Wirral and the wider area.”


Following a debate and Councillor P Davies having replied, the motion was put and carried (58:0) (One abstention).


RESOLVED (58:0) (One abstention) – That the motion be approved.




Proposed by Councillor Phil Davies

Seconded by Councillor Ian Lewis


“On Monday 10 September 2012 a coach bound for Liverpool carrying 53 people from the Bestival music festival on the Isle of Wight, left the road and crashed into a tree instantly killing Michael Molloy (18), Kerry Ogden (23) and the coach driver, Colin Daulby (63), and left others with life changing injuries. The inquest into the crash found that the front nearside tyre which was actually older than the coach itself, at 19 years, was responsible for the crash. In 2014, Liverpool City Council unanimously agreed a motion in support of Michael’s mother Frances calling for a change in the law requiring a ban on tyres older than six years on commercial vehicles. Despite the wide spread public and political support for this campaign, no change in the law has been made, shamefully leaving others are risk from faulty and dangerous tyres.


Council notes that Frances Molloy has launched “Tyred” – the official campaign to pressure Government – to change the law to ban the use of tyres older than ten years on commercial vehicles.


Council wholeheartedly supports “Tyred” and instructs the Leader of the Council to write to the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition to call together cross-party support for a change in the law.


Council further resolves to support the “Tyred” campaign until such a change in the law is achieved and to draw the attention of the Local Government Association, especially its Environment and Transport Board, to this Council’s view that the concerns should be fully addressed.


Finally, Council asks the Chief Executive to write to all schools in the Borough asking them to require coach and bus operators they use for school trips etc to adhere to the provisions set out in the Tyred campaign. Council should also ask officers to look at our own procurement procedures with a view to inserting an appropriate clause in any contracts with commercial operators and to also ensure that this standard applies to our own vehicle fleet.”


Following a debate and Councillor P Davies having replied, the motion was put and carried (58:0) (One abstention).


RESOLVED (58:0) (One abstention) – That the motion be approved.




Proposed by Councillor Moira McLaughlin

Seconded by Councillor Julie McManus


“This Council condemns the closure of the Eastham Walk-In Centre with just five days’ notice, causing massive inconvenience to local people and with no prior consultation with elected members and the public.


Council demands that Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group provides a definitive date by which Eastham Walk-In Centre will re-open, as promised by its Chief Officer, Simon Banks, at the meeting of Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the 13th September 2017.


Council expects any future changes – including urgent changes to NHS services – to be formally notified to the Council and the public of Wirral at the earliest opportunity in order to ensure that meaningful consultation takes place and no resident loses out as a result. Council asks The Leader of the Council to write to the CCG outlining its concerns.


The NHS is now facing its seventh year of chronic underfunding by successive Conservative governments. People in Wirral are seeing the appalling consequences of the continuing attacks by Conservative politicians on this country’s most treasured institution.


Council demands that the Government reverses this underfunding and opposes the enforced closure of life-saving local services such as Eastham Walk-In Centre.”


One amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:


Proposed by Councillor Wendy Clements

Seconded by Councillor Adam Sykes


Delete paragraphs 4 and 5, and insert:


“Council welcomes the additional £55.98 million announced in April, and the further £20.74 million of government funding announced on 15th June 2017, to help A&E Departments deal with winter pressures – of which £990,667.00 has been awarded to Wirral University Teaching Hospital.


Council urges the Trust’s Chief Executive and Board to ensure this money, together with the extra investment in the NHS since 2010, is used to continue the improvement in patient care for all residents of Wirral, including Eastham.”


Following a debate and Councillor M Mclaughlin having replied, the amendment was put and lost (17:41) (One abstention).


The original motion was put and carried (41:17) (One abstention).


RESOLVED (41:17) (One abstention) -


This Council condemns the closure of the Eastham Walk-In Centre with just five days’ notice, causing massive inconvenience to local people and with no prior consultation with elected members and the public.


Council demands that Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group provides a definitive date by which Eastham Walk-In Centre will re-open, as promised by its Chief Officer, Simon Banks, at the meeting of Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the 13th September 2017.


Council expects any future changes – including urgent changes to NHS services – to be formally notified to the Council and the public of Wirral at the earliest opportunity in order to ensure that meaningful consultation takes place and no resident loses out as a result. Council asks The Leader of the Council to write to the CCG outlining its concerns.


The NHS is  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71.




Proposed by Councillor Phil Gilchrist

Seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell


“Council welcomes the developing relationship between itself and the Clinical Commissioning Group and the Foundation Trusts that provide services to the public of Wirral.


Council recognises that this involves frequent and regular contact with Officers as part of developing the Wirral Plan and ensuring that valued services meet local needs.


Council, having considered the process followed by the Clinical Commissioning Group in recent months, is firmly of the view that the process of consultation with Councillors and ward members was misjudged and inadequate, causing undue distress and anxiety with a failure to engage at the earliest stage.  This was highlighted by the way in which the 'temporary' closure of the Eastham Walk-In Centre was brought about.


Council believes that the free flow of information on proposals under consideration is necessary for the successful development of future working relationships in the best interests of the services provided for Wirral's people.


Council notes that the ‘Sustainability and Transformation Plans’ are now being described as ‘Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships’.  The 'partnership' Wirral’s people expect to see must not undermine the foundations and principles of our National Health Service, developed through the vision put together by William Beveridge and put into place by Nye Bevan.


This Council will, therefore, remain opposed to changes and savings which place the achievements of our NHS at risk.


In order to study the real impact of any proposals being developed, Council…


a)  urges that when officers from the Local Authority and NHS organisations work closely together, they ensure that  adequate reporting processes are in place and are effective so as to enable Councillors to provide a democratic voice at all stages;


b)  wishes to be assured that proposals developed by all partners, including this Council’s officers, will involve the opportunity for democratic input at all stages.”


The topic having been debated as part of the previous Notice of Motion (Eastham Walk-In Centre – minute 71 refers) the motion was put and carried (58:1) (One abstention) without debate.


RESOLVED (58:1) (One abstention) – That the motion be approved.




Proposed by Councillor Wendy Clements

Seconded by Councillor David Elderton


Council notes that:


1. OFSTED has identified support given to care leavers in Wirral is a key issue.


2. A 2016 report by The Children’s Society found that when care leavers move into independent accommodation they begin to manage their own budget fully for the first time. The report showed that care leavers can find this extremely challenging and with no family to support them and insufficient financial education, are falling into debt and financial difficulty.


3. Research from The Centre for Social Justice found that over half (57%) of young people leaving care have difficulty managing their money and avoiding debt when leaving care.


4. The local authority has a duty of care to care leavers as ‘Corporate Parents’.


Council believes that:


1. To ensure that the transition from care to adult life is as smooth as possible, and to mitigate the chances of care leavers falling into debt as they begin to manage their own finances, they should be exempt from paying council tax until they are 25.


2. To write to the Minister of State for Children and Families, urging him to introduce a national exemption for care leavers from council tax up to the age of 25.


One amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:


Proposed by Councillor Janette Williamson

Seconded by Councillor Bernie Mooney


To be added:


“Council would like to acknowledge the hard work over the last year of its officers on amending Wirral's Council Tax Base to exempt Care Leavers up to the age of 25 from paying Council Tax.  As a Labour Council we recognised the importance of such a move, after the issue was highlighted to us by the Children's Society's 'Wolf at the Door'.  We have acted on that and are pleased to announce that as from April 2018 our amended policy will be implemented.  


We note that our Care Leavers will already face significant financial barriers as a result of this Conservative government's cruel austerity programme, which disproportionately affects young people. Cuts to working age benefits, proliferation of zero hours contracts and the increase in sub-standard rented housing mean our vulnerable young people are not given the same life chances previous generations were at the same age. 


We further note that austerity has pushed more young people into statutory intervention each year - a direct result of Tory Government policies which have hit the least well-off most harshly.  This was highlighted by Alison Michalska, president of the Association of Directors of Children's Services recently when she said that austerity policies and an increasingly fragmented approach to public services by this government were taking a toll on communities and punishing the most economically fragile households.  She further said "the unintended consequence of the government's austerity programme has been to drive up demand for child protection services as more and more families find themselves  ...  view the full minutes text for item 73.




Prior to consideration of this matter, and having declared an interest in this matter, Councillor L Reecejones left the Council Chamber whilst the matter was debated and voted upon.


Proposed by Councillor Stuart Kelly

Seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell


Council notes and endorses the All Age Disability Strategy at Priority Two (Young people and adults with disabilities have access to employment and are financially resilient) and notes that, in drawing up the Strategy, people with disabilities have told us “they should have the same access to education and work as all citizens” and that “everyone has a unique contribution to make and when this is recognised, people will feel and be valued”.


Council, therefore, expresses its disappointment that Birkenhead MP Frank Field (chair of the Work and Pensions Select Committee) has fallen into the trap of advocating a lower wage for people with certain disabilities. (Pages 106-113).


Council notes that no reliable evidence has ever shown that this is effective and it also perpetuates the stereotype that some disabled people are worth less than others.


Council believes that Mr Field’s views are both wrong and insulting and invites Frank Field MP to withdraw his suggestions and to apologise.


Having applied the guillotine in accordance with Standing Order 9 the Council did not debate the matter, and having been formally moved and seconded, the motion was put to the vote.


One amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:


Proposed by Councillor Moira McLaughlin

Seconded by Councillor George Davies


Delete everything after the first paragraph and insert the following:-


“Council welcomes the ambitious Government target to assist a further one million people with disabilities into employment, but recognises that progress in achieving this has, so far, been slow and that there are substantial challenges involved, as set out in the work of the eleven contributors, including Frank Field M.P. in the report “ Opportunities for All -Transforming Employment For All Disabled People And Those With Health Problems,” recently produced by the Learning and Skills Institute and the Shaw Trust.


Council regrets that the findings of the Parliamentary Work and Pensions Select Committee, as set out by its Chair Frank Field have been distorted by some to indicate that a reduction in the National Living Wage is advocated, and notes with concern the distress this misrepresentation may have caused to people.


Mr Field has clearly stated that though the impact of the National Living Wage for disabled people and those seeking to employ them has been examined by the committee, there is no suggestion that any disabled person should receive less than the National Living Wage and that his preference is that it should remain sacrosanct.


In fact, Frank Field’s contribution recognises that to achieve the ambitious Government target will require a change of culture and attitude in society as a whole, and will need to put the experience of those with disabilities at the centre of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74.




Proposed by Councillor Janette Williamson

Seconded by Councillor Chris Spriggs


This Council notes that:


·  National Joint Council basic pay has fallen by 21% since 2010 in real terms


·  NJC workers had a three-year pay freeze from 2010-2012. This was compounded by the fact an agreement was reached to forgo a 1% pay rise shortly afterwards. This puts Wirral Council workers’ pay BEHIND all North West councils who follow NJC pay.


·  Local terms and conditions of many NJC employees have also been cut, impacting on their overall earnings, the 4 days unpaid leave amounts to a further 1.6% pay cut.


·  NJC pay is the lowest in the public sector


·  Job evaluated pay structures are being squeezed and distorted by bottom-loaded NJC pay settlements needed to reflect the increased National Living Wage and the Foundation Living Wage


·  There are growing equal and fair pay risks resulting from this situation


This council therefore supports the NJC pay claim for 2018, submitted by UNISON, GMB and Unite on behalf of council and school workers and calls for the immediate end of public sector pay restraint. NJC pay cannot be allowed to fall further behind other parts of the public sector. This Council also welcomes the joint review of the NJC pay spine to remedy the turbulence caused by bottom-loaded pay settlements.


This Council also notes the drastic ongoing cuts to local government funding and calls on the Government to provide additional funding to fund a decent pay rise for NJC employees and the pay spine review.


This Council therefore resolves to:


·  Call immediately on the Local Government Association to make urgent representations to Government to fund the NJC claim and the pay spine review and notify us of their action in this regard.


·  Write to the Prime Minister and Chancellor supporting the NJC pay claim and seeking additional funding to fund a decent pay rise and the pay spine review.


·  Meet with local NJC union representatives to convey support for the pay claim and the pay spine review.


Having applied the guillotine in accordance with Standing Order 9 the Council did not debate the matter.


Prior to the vote on the motion, Councillor Phil Davies and fifteen Labour Members rose to request a ‘card vote’.


A ‘card vote’ was then taken on the motion and the Council divided as follows:


For the Motion (58) Councillors R Abbey, T Anderson, B Berry, C Blakeley, E Boult,  A Brighouse, P Brightmore, D Burgess-Joyce, C Carubia, P Cleary, W Clements, A Davies, G Davies, P Davies, W Davies, P Doughty, D Elderton, G Ellis, S Foulkes, P Gilchrist, P Hackett, P Hayes, K Hodson, AER Jones, C Jones, S Kelly, B Kenny, A Leech, I Lewis, M McLaughlin, J McManus, C Meaden, D Mitchell, B Mooney, C Muspratt, T Norbury, M Patrick, T Pilgrim, C Povall, D Realey, L Reecejones, L Rennie, PA Smith, W Smith, C Spriggs, J Stapleton, P Stuart, M Sullivan, A Sykes, T Usher, J Walsh, W Ward, G Watt, I Williams, KJ  ...  view the full minutes text for item 75.




Proposed by Councillor Warren Ward

Seconded by Councillor Irene Williams


Council expresses its outrage that it is over six months since New Ferry was shaken to its core by an explosion in the town centre – leaving many people homeless, businesses damaged or destroyed and people nearby in terror, and the Government has still provided no financial assistance.


This Council commends the actions of its officers who have worked tirelessly to help restore order and normality to the community, and help residents and small businesses to get their lives back on track. Council support has included £300,000 from its scarce reserves.


Despite a long-awaited visit months after the explosion by the minister, Jake Berry MP, during which he heard of the heart-breaking stories of those affected by the blast, Council is astonished that the minister has taken the view that the explosion in New Ferry was not sufficiently serious to qualify for Government assistance and that the cost of recovering from the explosion should fall on the shoulders of Wirral Council Tax payers.


Council also condemns the u-turn by Wirral Conservatives, who, having originally backed Labour’s call for Government to provide financial assistance, is now arguing that Wirral Council Tax payers should provide the funding.


Council also notes that the Government has taken a very different stance in response to the Grenfell Tower tragedy, where substantial public funding has been made available to help residents with urgent needs such as housing.


Council agrees that The Leader of the Council should write to Chancellor of the Exchequer, highlighting the impact which the explosion is still having, and requesting him to include funding in the forthcoming Autumn Statement to deal with emergency needs of residents and businesses in New Ferry and the wider regeneration plans which have been drawn up.


Having applied the guillotine in accordance with Standing Order 9 the Council did not debate the matter.


One amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:


Proposed by Councillor Adam Sykes

Seconded by Councillor Andrew Hodson


Paragraph 1: delete: ‘expresses its outrage that it is over’ and insert ‘notes that in the’


Paragraph 1: delete: ‘Government has still provided no financial assistance’ and insert: ‘Cabinet has agreed that the costs of recovery would be met from the Councils own resources (Cabinet, 17th July 2017, p.9 Revenue Monitoring 2017/2018 to June 2017 refers).’


‘Council further notes that in the Strategic Regeneration Framework agreed by Cabinet on 2nd October 2017 that “High level discussions with Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government have taken place to secure investment for the area.”’


Paragraph 2: deleteits scarce’ and insert ‘reserves of £9.4 million allocated for emergencies and unforeseen circumstances’


Paragraph 4: delete all after ‘Council’ and insert ‘notes the contents of the letter from the Leader of the Conservative Group to the Leader of the Council concerning New Ferry which included the paragraph:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 76.




Councillors W Ward and J Williamson having earlier declared interests in this item left the Council Chamber whilst the matter was debated and voted upon.


Proposed by Councillor Chris Jones

Seconded by Councillor Paul Stuart


Council condemns the government’s misnamed “Universal Credit” scheme as an extension of past Tory/LibDem and current Tory policies crafted to shift to the poorest and most vulnerable in our society the burden of the bank-driven world debt crisis of 2008. 


Further, Council calls on the government to listen to the people, listen to members of the Parliamentary Conservative Party who see their votes slipping away, and abandon its Universal Credit proposals.


Universal credit will, for people in or out of work, conflate or replace most of the discrete benefits to which they are now entitled. The LGA shows an expectation of average weekly income cuts of £11.18 from the change to UC but with potentially devastating immediate income gaps of several weeks for the very neediest. These benefits can include those for housing, child care, disability, limited capability for work, caring, etc.


Council notes that following a recent DWP presentation, explaining how the shift from the previous arrangements will be put into effect, Councillors who attended became aware that the government’s arrangements are too incompetently orchestrated to avoid severe financial distress amongst Wirral’s most vulnerable and neediest individuals, families and children. 


As the change to UC is intended to begin its Wirral “roll out” during November there are well founded fears that it will precipitate a desperately hungry Christmas-time for many already low-income Wirral residents, negating the very spirit of the Christmas message and forcing more people to rely on foodbanks.


Whilst declaring profound opposition to the seemingly vindictive and cruel speed of the change to UC, Council also observes that the measure is consistent with seamless continuation, by the present Tory government, of the preceding ConDem collaboration government’s neoliberal austerity measures. 


Finally, Council notes that the Leader of the Conservative Group has already shown his willingness to make a stand against his own government when he believes they are wrong by voting against the hated Bedroom Tax. Council calls on Councillor Lewis to show similar resolve and oppose Universal Credit.


Having applied the guillotine in accordance with Standing Order 9 the Council did not debate the matter, and having been formally moved and seconded, the motion was put to the vote.


One amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:


Proposed by Councillor Phil Gilchrist

Seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell


Delete paragraph 1 and replace with…


Council notes that the speed and manner of the roll-out of Universal Credit is causing considerable concern amongst residents entitled to help with their housing costs and caught in the changing administration of benefits.


Council welcomes the detailed analysis of the problems experienced with the roll-out reported  in the House of Commons Library Research Paper of 3October 2017 as set out here…  ...  view the full minutes text for item 77.