Agenda and minutes

Venue: Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Committee Room One, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED

Contact: Michelle Gray  Area Forum Co-ordinator

No. Item


Welcome, Introduction & Apologies:


  • Minutes are a summary of the meeting, issues raised with individual officers after the main meeting are actioned separately.


Apologies were made for the change of room.  The Chair, Councillor Adrian Jones, welcomed forum members and 16 members of the public.  He then went on to introduce Tony Kenwright and Peter Cummings and David Ball who will be giving presentations.  Apologies were received from Cllr John Salter, NHS and Richard Hoare from Arriva who could not attend due to personal reasons however Michelle Gray announced that if anybody had any questions for Richard Hoare they could direct them to her at the end of the meeting or e-mail him on 



Matters Arising From Minutes of Last meeting - Including Area Co-ordinators Report: pdf icon PDF 311 KB


  • Amendments

On page 3 of the report should read John Drew.


  • Play Builder

The allocated Play Builder amount for Central Park is £50,000 for play area improvements. The development of the year 2 Playbuilder has been put on hold. The Play Builder grant has been de-ring fenced, and a final decision as to how much grant  Wirral will be allocated to complete the year 2 programme has yet to be announced by the government.


We now have £16,000 from Playbuilder to spend on improvements at Central Park. The original allocation of funding for Playbuilder was reduced as part of the Government’s Spending Review and we have looked to use that money to do some work on all of the play areas included in the programme rather than reduce the number of sites. Although I commented on the bandstand issue I have no “ownership” of this and do not know who it belongs to at the present time. More particularly I commented on the fact that it was not a functioning bandstand but a shelter that looked like a bandstand!


Q: David Hanlon, Central Park, we had Roger Calvert here last time, since then, the football dressing rooms are in a state.

A: Cllr Adrian Jones, Money is available for Football Pitches, this will be raised with Roger Calvert. (response received 7th April 2011):


  • The money that is available for football pitches is for improving the pitches particularly the drainage. The Council has however made funding available over the next two years for pavilions and park buildings and currently a condition survey is being undertaken to help decide what work is required. All Park buildings are now the responsibility of Asset Management in the Department of Law, HR and Asset Management who will be doing the work. Dave Hanlon may however have been referring to the cleanliness of the pavilion which I will bring to the attention of our staff who do the cleaning if there is a problem.


Q: Diane Ledder I was astonished to read in the paper that the Council had found £50k to do the shops up.  We were wondering if it was the same £50k put aside ring fenced for the park.  I have raised this at every meeting.  It best not be the play fund money as it was specifically ring fenced to deal with the park.

Q: Cllr Adrian Jones, Liscard Hall is no longer with us but when it was there were many meetings about this and £50k was set aside and they want to know if that is the same money.

Q: Diane Ledder they said they could not find it for the park and now they have!

A: David Ball it is different money, it comes from a grant from central funds.

Comment: Carole Thomas needs to be clarified as it is confusing.


(response received from Roger Calvert 7th April 2011):


Empty Shops Funding:


David Ball – explained that the Council had received a government grant of just overt £52k and that Cabinet had agreed that this funding should be targeted to three areas - Bromborough District Centre, New Ferry District Centre and Brighton Street/King Street in Egremont.. The money which is split equally in three ways and totals £17,500 for Egremont can be spent to tackle the issues of empty shops which are a major issue in the Egremont area. However, it needs to be noted that the money, though welcome, will not tackle all of the empty shop issues that the area faces. 


Cabinet met in early 2011 and wants to work with Area Forums to develop proposals for the funding which will then be reported by to Cabinet for final approval.


Neil Mitchell from the Regeneration Team is the Project Officer and he will work with Members, traders and the Community to develop the proposals for the funding.


Q: Cllr Darren Dodd asked why was it decided that none of the money would be spent in Liscard Town Centre the money could be better spent there?

A: David Ball said that a report was put to Cabinet which identifies it is a difficult process to allocate funding. The basis used was the current list of vacancy rates which identified areas with the greatest need and Brighton Street and King Street have very high vacancy rates.  It should be noted that the Council is working actively with Liscard Traders to address the challenges they face.. 


Comment: Carole Thomas you have been working heavily over the past 2 years with Liscard Traders and have a good working relationship.


Q: Father Leon Ostaszewski – Can the money be spent on existing shops?

A: David Ball – the money needs to be used to bring empty properties back into some form of productive use.



Parks and Countryside Service Procurement Exercise (PACSPE):

·  Informing on the latest progress



Mark Smith updated the forum on the developments for this service.  Costs the council around 13.5 million and covers areas such as parks & country services, cemetery services, rangers, beach/life guards, etc.


The council is currently reviewing this service and Cabinet resolved procurement on service delivery.  This service will be delivered by an external contractor and will deliver the same or a better service that is already in place.


Key Points:

  • Contract to go out to an external organisation
  • Tenders to be in by Mid April 2011
  • Decisions made by June 2011
  • Award to a single contractor by early September 2011
  • New contractor in place by Christmas 2011
  • Series of workshops with members and staff and those who are interested in the following subject areas:
    • sports/clubs
    • golfing
    • bereavement services
    • parks & countryside
  • One large contract worth around 8 million, awarded to the best tender


All to be held at Wallasey Town Hall:

3rd March 2011   Committee Room 1 Parks and Open Spaces

8th March 2011   Committee Room 3 Bereavement

5th March 2011   Committee Room 3  Golf

23rd March 2011   Committee Room 1 Sport and Recreation


Q: Cllr D Knowles been down this route a number of times when delegated the bins to Biffa, Streetscene, Colas, Wirral Partnership Homes and a lot of our workforce works for them now.  Can you see one provider looking after parks and gardens as I can think of companies who will look after football pitches and maintain them?  Am I jumping ahead?


A: Mark Smith at the moment with have existing Council work force protected by TUPE transfer.  We ask big providers what the feeling of sub contractor would be and most firms have said they would carry out the work themselves. 


Q: Father Leon Ostaszewski next year there are no park keepers – is that correct in Central Park?

A: Mark Smith we do have Rangers.


Q: Cllr Darren Dodd I am not happy with this, we will have to bring in a non local firm as there isn’t a local firm big enough. 

A: Mark Smith it will attract a National Firm with big presence who will set up local office.  The Council have various local labour policies to make sure local people employed. 


Q: Diane Ledder re: allotments at the moment I am a tenant of the Council am I going to cease being a WBC tenant?

A: Mark Smith will be kept outside the scope and I can confirm the allotments will be managed the same way.


Q: Diane Ledder I am the Chair of Central Park Partnership and since the ranger retired in December I have had a lot of texts, e-mails etc.  The Wall Garden is popular and there is no one to make arrangements with for photos, school visits etc.  The gardens are not open at weekends and am not happy with this.

Comment: Cllr Adrian Jones people in Liscard and Seacombe are aggrieved.

A: Mark Smith I will take it away with me. 


Q: The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


What's been happening in your local area:


Q: With regards to the motorbikes along the promenade at weekends, ones with 3 wheels use the beach and I reported them a child had no helmet on.  What is happening?

A: Andy Bragg it is public land so they need insurance and they certainly should not be on the beach, we are aware of them.  We do stop them and they do generally have insurance and once they have been stopped they rarely come back. If they haven’t got a helmet on then we would be reluctant to chase them as if they get injured we are responsible. 

A: Jim Thompson we are doing other things as well.  There are a lot of cameras around Wirral which will produce a photo of evidential value and Community Patrol are also on the beach on a regular basis. 


Q: I have seen quads with no helmets!

A: They don’t need a helmet as it is 3/4 wheels it is the drivers’ choice.


Q: Stan Thompson the camera at Magazine Lane, is it working?

A: Steve Preston, yes.


Q: There is a spate of burglaries at the moment, travelling type have took residence!

A: Andy Bragg we are suffering at the moment.  As we speak staff are out issuing 2 warrants.  There have been a number of arrests.  Leaflets highlight to close doors properly and phone numbers are on the news letter.  Please be careful, lately people have been kicking footballs over the back walls and when the residents go and get it they get money robbed.


Comment: Father Leon Ostaszewski Wirral Partnership Homes hosted a meeting and I would like to thank the Community Safety Team and Police for their input, nice lunch as well.


Merseyside Fire and Rescue:

Tony Mooney explained that there was a full report in the papers. (pages 9 – 10)


Q: Stan Thompson how is the youth project going?

A: Tony Mooney going very well.  Duke of Edinburgh and Fire Cadets soon which offers youth club, qualifications and a youth hub.  We will also be running obesity and lifestyle classes.  Schools will be actively involved abd are on board and want us. The Police will be our joint agency so this will give us a good chance of catching them before the anti social behaviour begins.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust:

Jo Goodfellow Ice and snow in December had our staff walking into work then we had to deal with swine flu and now nurovirus which is very difficult to contain.  The public have been very good and I would just like to thank the public for bearing with us and staff for their hard work.  Announced that the Duchess of Wessex is coming on 2nd March to open the new Women and Children’s hospital.  There is an extensive report contained in the papers. (Pages 19 – 21)


Older Peoples Parliament:

Full report in papers (pages 11 – 15)


Q: Stan Thompson – Would like to thank Councillors for the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


General Public Question Time:

Ø  Public Open Forum:


  Opportunity for resident to raise issues and speak to forum members & partners from other organisations (Police, Health, Fire etc)

  Arriva will be at the meeting to address transport issues

  Anti-Social Behaviour Team will be at the meeting to address residents issues


Ø  Information on:


Ø  Census 2011This is your chance to make a difference.  We want everyone to take part in helping tomorrow take shape.  Government and local authorities depend on our information to help make sure you get the services you need in your community. And that means asking questions of a lot of people.


Ø  Date of next area forum and venue still to be agreed


Q: What are you doing about dog muck?  I believe wardens have been laid off.

A: Cllr Adrian Jones there are people who would not qualify for a shot-gun certificate, far less a firearms certificate, but can easily acquire “killer” dogs.  Responsible dog owners deserve respect. In my view a new licensing system should be introduced for ownership of large dogs.

A: Mark Smith Page 19 of the report details the steps we are taking in tackling dog fouling.  Let us know as we do have Enforcement Officers.

A: Steve Preston we have funding and we are taking on another 6 and they are going out on their quads tomorrow.



  • Cllr Adrian Jones Streetscene for dog foul number is 666 5256 
  • Jim Thompson we have given out 1000s of bags to people in parks.
  • Pavements in Wallasey Road, Liscard are a disgrace.
  • Cllr James Keeney – camera in that road has collapsed in front of Barclays.  
  • Carole Thomas – by St Peter and Paul’s Church grit bins on Atherton Road, that was gritted but the other side was not gritted at all.  Gorse hill was not gritted either.  People who live there were cut off and it is a main access to schools. 


Q: Father Leon Ostaszewski – Belvedere Road condition is worse and it is not due to the bad weather. 

A: Mark Smith – surfacing on the Belvedere Road will commence in next years programme, I have an e-mail here off Chris Jones.


Q: Cllr Karen Hayes – behind Iceland in Licscard, the grid is lose and banging all day can you take that back please Mark?



  • Carole Thomas – bus stop behind McDonalds, I have seen cars parked and then they drive away on their phones.
  • Cllr James Keeley – I have witnessed Police issue fixed penalties on a number of occasions.
  • Andy Bragg – This area is policed.


History Day:

Father Leon Ostaszewski – announced that on Saturday 5th March at Birkenhead Town Hall, 10am – 4pm is a History Day, there will be 40 stands and it is free.


The Chair Cllr Adrian Jones thanked all who attended and closed the meeting and announced the next area forum would take place on Tuesday 21st June 2011 venue to be confirmed.



  • Information was available at the forum meeting on the following topics:


United Utilities: Information cards were available detailing the programme of works for the area.  Website also gives up to date information, as is updated daily.  Peter said there will be full consultation with residents, including letters, leaflets drops, adverts in paper etc.


Census 2011

The census is a snapshot of the whole population and gathers data on how many people liver here, how we live our lives, how many children we have, if we have a car etc, it also collects data about what services we need in our area, like schools, hospitals, houses, roads & transport to name just a few.  Census Day is scheduled for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.