Agenda and minutes

Venue: Heswall United Reformed Church, Telegraph Road, Heswall, Wirral CH60 7SE

Contact: Tracey Smith  Area Forum Co-ordinator

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


Cllr. Rowlands welcomed everyone to the meeting, and wished to draw everyone’s attention to the Code of Conduct on Page 2 of the Introduction because there have been different thoughts on how the Area Forums are conducted.  This document has been produced so that everyone knows how to behave during the Area Forums.  The document states what the Area Forums are for and that everyone should have a chance to speak and air their views.


Cllr. Rowlands reported that as this was the first meeting of the new session, it would be necessary to elect a new Chairman.  It was suggested, and everyone agreed that there should be two Chairmen – Cllr. L. Rowlands for Heswall and Cllr. Wilkins for Pensby and Thingwall.

Mike Collins seconded this proposal, and the meeting unanimously agreed the arrangement


All the members of the panel introduced themselves and who they represented.



Area Co-ordinator's Report pdf icon PDF 928 KB

·  Minutes of last meeting and matters arising



Tracey Smith had prepared the Minutes and Cllr. Les Rowland proposed they be accepted and Mark Johnson seconded, and it was agreed that they were a true record.


Tracey asked anyone who had any queries to contact her, and details to where to contact her are on the front of the papers.


Tony Garrett asked whether the dental practice at 44 Ridgewood Drive was accepting NHS patients, also the new one at 336 Pensby Road, and he understood there is a new one in Irby.

Russell Favager reported that the one in Pensby is open, and it is a NHS dentist, but he was not aware of a new dentist in Irby but that a former NHS dentist had gone private, and he stated that, if they wished, all dentists could carry out private work.


Tony Garrett reported that Heswall Hills Station has a free car park, and there are always many cars parked there, but he reiterated that the car park should only be used by people using the train, not people in the area or people shopping.



You Decide


Tracey Smith reported the £20,000. was spent last year on Council services, particularly sport and youth activity, cleanliness and education.  Ten rubbish bins had been purchased, and these had been fitted at Thingwall Road, near the bus shelter, Fishers Lane at the start of the footpath

Irby Road by the Spar, the bus stop near Rosemead Avenue and Thingwall Road East.  There are still three left, and she asked for suggestions as to where they might be useful.

Liz Ashdown suggested one in the vicinity of the Chiropractic clinic on Pensby Road or one somewhere mid-way between the Chip Shop and Belmont Drive, going toward Heswall. Tony Garrett said that he had asked last time for one, with a top on, for the Banks Road car park.  Beryl Crocker said that one would be useful on Whitfield Lane Common.


£10,000.00. is also available for the Community, and Tracey introduced Joanne (who was sitting at the back) who is working with young people.  Anyone with any ideas should speak to her with their suggestions.


There is also £3,000. to go towards library books, DVDs and CDs etc.  This has not yet been spent, but it will be.  Cllr. Johnson pointed out that Heswall and Pensby Library might share.

£20,000. for the area.  Please fill in the details on Page 4.  There is a delegated budget of

£18,200. for the roads, the integrated transport plan.  Dropped kerbs, pedestrian routes.  Tracey will send out details to any who wants a copy.

A request was made for Pensby Primary School to be sent 200 You Decide Questionaires.

Cllr. Rowlands stated that he thought this scheme was working well, and that the money is being spent where it is needed.  A crossing is to be constructed in Telegraph Road, near to the Gayton roundabout where many people have trouble, especially at school times, and it is to be hoped that this will be installed shortly.  He proposed that all the Officers be thanked on behalf of the constituents.


Partner Organisations Update

·  Streetscene Integrated Transport Block Funding

·  NHS Wirral

·  Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

·  Merseyside Police/Community Safety

·  Fire Service

·  Older Peoples parliament




Merseyside Police/.Community Safety.

Inspector Kate Cunningham reported that crime in Heswall is low compared to other places on Wirral.  For the period April to May crime was down by 25%.  There were a couple of unpleasant burglaries in Heswall recently, and detailed investigation is going on into this.

One of the dedicated PCOs is at the back of the Hall, Alistair, and please talk to him if you wish.  Three more burglaries were committed than last year, but we have caught someone, who has admitted to some in Pensby, and he is now in custody.  If anyone would like their property marking, we will come and do so.  Surgeries are held regularly in Tesco and Aldi.

Anti-social behaviour figures show a decline 33% and 20% over the past two years.  In the summer months priority will be patrolling Whitfield Common, the Beacons and Dawstone Park.  We have meeting every two months with local people and our priorities are at the moment in Irby to reduce under-age drinking and in Ridgewood Park, Pensby, to monitor young people around the bus station, the Puddydale and Dawstone Park.  We want the young people to have a good time, but not to cause too much disturbance.  The Police are responding within ten minutes for 94% of the time to calls, and a little longer for less urgent cases.  Wirral as a whole is more satisfied with the services they get from the Police than the fifteen other areas in the country.  They are showing an improvement across the board, and our work is of a high standard.

Sandy Cameron said that the Police produce a very accurate web page, and Inspector Cunningham said there is a card if people wish to fill one in and receive the monthly report.

The Police have also been out with speed guns on Pensby Road and Fishers Lane, and it is a good thing.


Street Scene.

Phil Miner reported that there has been a major change with the day to day Partnership works.

The name of the company now carrying out all related works is COLAS.  They started in April, and so far it has shown a good improvement.


Wirral NHS

Russell Favager drew attention to Pages 26 to 29 of the Forum Papers, which show the main issues – National Carers Week and the link with your G.P. and the opening of a new All Day Health Centre ON THE Arrow Park site There is also a swine flu update included.


Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service.

Tony Mooney reported a comprehensive update in the Forum note.  He pointed out that, locally, they have been carrying out risk assessments, but there are some households that have not had full fire risk assessments.  If there are any buildings where we have noted work is needed, we leave a note.  With the better weather the danger of gorse etc. fires increases, and patrols are in place, and he asked the public to let them know  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Public Question Time


Mr. Keith Dawson who lives near the Church in Boundary Lane.  He wished to ask a question of the Police regarding the speed vehicles travel up and down the road.  It is very, very difficult if you are pushing a pram, and you are taking your life in your hands.  Alistair and Kim (CSOs) are aware of the problem, also the parking in the road.  A few parking tickets were given out, and this certainly helped, and it is hoped that word will get out that more tickets might be issued.  Inspector Cunningham stated that the CSOs have noticed the parking, and it might be a proposal to put double yellow lines.  The parking on the pavement is difficult, as sometimes people are causing an obstruction, and they can be given a ticket.

Liz Ashdown said that the same should apply to people parking on the grass verges.

Lady from Belmont Drive rang the Police Station (Heswall was closed) because there were so many cars parked it was dangerous for her to try and get out.  She was told to ring the Council as it was Street Scene’s responsibility.  Is there any way you can put a notice up that people must not park in a particular position?  Inspector Cunningham said that there is now only one none-urgent line to the Police, but she apologized and said that if you could not get out, they should have done something about it.

The same lady also stated that Downham Road South, up the hill, when collecting children from school and trying to get into Downham Road North.  She had spoken to a Community Police Officer, and was told, again, it was the Council.  Inspector Cunningham said the Council are responsible for the double yellow lines, and she is consulted.  She will visit and view the situation.

Phil Miner, Street Scene said there are Enforcement Officers who go round schools and they try to educate parents to walk to school.  Regulations have to be adhered to, and a list of places that need to have yellow lights is already quite excessive.  He said he will take the problem

back and report again.  Everyone here would know an area where they would like yellow lights.  The criteria mentioned should be in the public domain.  The guide lines are national, and the Council base on the statistics.

Douglas George stated that driving between May Road and Pensby Road it is often impossible to get through because of parked vehicles.  People park to go over to the cash point at Lloyds.

The other serious spot is in Pensby Road where people stop their car and go to Sayers for a lunch-time sandwich, or to the other cash point at HSBC.  Phil Miner said that this had been pointed out and highlighted, and they will try to do something about it in the future, but all these measures have to be approved by the Government.

It was also pointed out that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Date of future meetings

·  Wednesday 21st October 2009



The next Area Forum will be held on Wednesday, 21st October 2009 at 7 p.m. at the Hope Centre (formerly Pensby Community Centre) in Fishers Lane, Pensby with a presentation on Planning.