Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Hope Centre (formerly Pensby Community Centre), Fishers Lane, Pensby, CH61 5XE

Contact: Tracey Smith  Area Forum Co-ordinator

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


Cllr. Wilkins welcomed everyone to the meeting and congratulated the young people on the amount of work that had been done on the building to make it look so good.  He also said that Cllr. Sarah Quinn was hoping to get to the meeting, but might be a little late.


Tony Garrett also gave apologies from Sandy Cameron, who represents the Older Peoples’ Parliament, but was not able to attend this evening. Tracey Smith area co-ordinator gave her apologies. Mark Traynor also gave apologies for Phil Miner.



Area Co-ordinator's Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

·  Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

·  Area Plans



Minutes of the previous meeting – David Steel said that the report on Page 11 was completely the opposite of what he said.  He had reported that the people in Pensby were NOT happy to have to go to Heswall to visit their GP.  He would like this corrected, and Christina Bebbington agreed that it would be.

Mary Johnson apologized for her error.  With this correction, the Minutes were accepted.


Christina Bebbington reported that Tracey Smith had prepared her Report, and copies were available for anyone who wished to have one.  She wished to draw attention to Page 14 – Diversity Day, which is to be held at Wallasey Town Hall on Wednesday, November 4th between 2pm. and 9pm.  It is hoped that as many members of the public will go along, as there are some very interesting things to see and learn – try new foods, learn about different cultures and there will be dancers, a sing along, tai chi and many other items.


Cllr. Wilkins raised the issue of parking problems in Boundary Lane, and reported that the Police have come up with some ways of trying to alleviate this.  He asked that those interested would please come and look at these rather complicated proposals after the meeting.


Area Plans.  Christina Bebbington said that there are ideas about the way these are established, and these are what the public wish to see in an Area Plan, and what the priorities for the local area might be.  This would mean ideas could come back at the next meeting for discussion.



You Decide Results


A meeting was held of the Forum members to look at the requests received in the ‘You Decide’ consultation, and the money has been allocated to the things that people have asked for.  We would like your views on some of the ideas.

One of the ideas was for more benches, and we would welcome ideas for good locations for siting them.  There is also a sum of money for tree planting, and we would like suggestions for sites, either Heswall, Pensby or anywhere locally.  The final one is the painting of SLOW signs on the road where there is a problem with speeding, and we would welcome your suggestions.  Please see one of us at the end, or if you wish to go away and talk about the position and then contact Tracey Smith on 691 8026 or email


Tony Garrett said that he has submitted a list for this, and fairly recently had visited Wrexham Town Centre where there are many benches along the main road, and these were being used.  There are two outside Greasby Library, and I think we should do something about the looks of Heswall, which is pretty depressed.  Maybe, one outside Linghams, one outside Tatler Estate Agents in Pensby Road, one out the church by the sandstone wall, and if there are any left over, I should like to see one under trees near the shore, which would replace the broken picnic table and the seats which have been taken away by the Council.  There is a picnic seat looking a bit dodgy, and there are two seats outside Heswall Library which need attention – they need repainting and repair.  This would be an improvement which is noted.


Cllr. Rowlands said that there are 5 trees per ward for replacement around the Borough, and 4 benches per ward.  5 Go Slow signs, and we need to find the most appropriate places to put them.  Please let us know where they are really needed.


Lady suggested Ridgewood Road, which is hazardous when you want to go into the Centre with children. A Go Slow sign would be of assistance there, but you do need to look after the trees you already have.  Some of the trees are in poor condition, there is one particularly in Kentmere Drive, which might well blow down in a bad wind.


Gentleman suggested another sign at the junction of Whaley Lane and Pensby Road as there is already a traffic problem there.  Many trees are being cut down because of disease – are they going to be replaced as well as the five additional trees?  Cllr. Wilkins agreed that quite a few trees have been removed because of a disease, some to stop the spread of the disease, and some for safety reasons.


Mr. Garrett said that some trees have been cut down, or the branches lopped off a little, which is to safeguard the new Arriva buses.  If a double decker hits them,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Governance Review Consultation arrangements


Bill Norman said that the purpose of this consultation is to draw peoples’ attention to the Government’s decision for Councils to review their governance arrangements.  The change can only be made by a resolution within the ‘permitted resolution period’.  For all Metropolitan Districts, including Wirral, that must be before 31st December 2009.  There is a Council meeting currently scheduled for 14th December 2009 which would be the final Ordinary Council meeting at which the formal resolution must be passed.  This must be in place after the May elections in 2010, and the consultation is to ask you and all the residents which of the two suggestions is preferred.  They are: -


  1. New style Leader and Cabinet model of governance.
  2. Directly elected Mayor and Cabinet.


The present system is that we have a Leader and Cabinet model, but the Council Leader and the councillors and the cabinet and the leader can be removed by majority vote at the Council.  The whole of the 66 members set the Budget for the year and also the policies and the direction the Council will take overall.  They also have regulatory Finances, Town and Country Planning and Licensing.  The Cabinet probably deal with 80/90% of the day-to-day business, albeit they have to act within the policies set by 66 members of Council.


Under the new proposals all that will change.


Leader and Cabinet model.  The 66 elected councillors will appoint the leader, and his, or her; term would start on the day of their election and end when the Council holds its first annual meeting after the leader’s normal day of retirement as a Councillor.  In addition, the Leader and the Cabinet are elected every year, but with the new model, it will be for a four year period.  It is not clear what will happen if the Council want to change before the end of the period.


Mayor and Cabinet model.  This is the alternative model, and this is a directly elected Mayor.  You would still have 66 councillors who set the policy framework, and the Mayor would not be elected by the councillors.  He would be elected by all of you, the people of the Borough, and he would be able to select nine members of the Cabinet from the 66 elected members.  In addition, there will be no possibility of the elected members being able to remove the Mayor in that four year term.


We have to decide by the end of this year.  We cannot stay as we are, and we cannot go back to the old system.  The new style Leader and Cabinet and the Elected Mayor and Cabinet, and we are seeking your views over the next few weeks.  This will come to the Council on the 14th December.  There are details on the website and all your views will be directed to the Councillors.


Tony Garrett asked whether details were available to take away.  There were not many there, but if anyone wished to receive one, please contact  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Shoreline Management Plan


Cllr. Wilkins said that the consultation period has just started, and the consultation finishes on 18th January 2010.


There is in place a Management of the Shoreline Plan of the whole country, which was agreed in 1999.  Ten years later, it is necessary to review this, and in view of the changes of the level of the sea causing erosion of the coastline etc. In the North-west region the Great Orme’s head to Southport is of particular interest to us, as is the Dee estuary and the Mersey estuary.  If you are interested in this topic, if you have particular experience, the literature will be in libraries or on the website.


If you are interested in coastal erosion, particularly in the Dee, please investigate at the libraries also.



Public Question Time


In the back of the Hope Centre booklet there is a section to stop young people gathering.  In relation to this Centre, we do have a problem here.  Could this be applied around this building?


Sergeant Graham Parker said that this is an unusual area – incidents are not getting directly reported.  It is a simple thing to apply for and get.  We are not getting enough genuine reported incidents, and if we do receive them, we can apply for this power, and we will use it, but we would like to be sure that the incidents are being correctly reported as detailed in Section 30.


Cllr. Rowlands said in the You Decide cctv will be placed here, which will monitored, money has been provided for that, and this may help as over the next six weeks there will be a photo-record.

Mark Traynor said that he thinks one of the problems is how you report to the Police.  If you dial 999, the report will not be transferred, if you speak to a policeman it does not always get back to the Police.


Sergeant Graham Parker said that we may need a Section 30 here, but there is also the Community Patrol number, which is 0151 666 5265 which can be used, and which should record any problems which occur.


Lady asked when you say gathering evidence, how do you measure it?

Sergeant Parker said that from the point of view of the Police, they have to be very careful.  Here, there is a designated play area for children.  It is very

difficult to send away, and we do not want to do this, but there is a balance, and I am mindful if we send them out on to the streets, they might cause more problems.


Lady replied that it is possibly a collection of boys and girls, and I wonder at what point you would have to intercede.


Ian Lowrie, Community Safety said that every month they have a meeting, chaired by Chief Inspector Gittens, and the information that comes through the 606 2020 number is fed to our Community Patrol Officers.  The whole of the Wirral is looked at for ‘hot spots’, and if it is necessary a Section 30 will be issued.  We have to be very careful because it is a very heavy item and we try to encourage young people into a better form of behaviour rather than a Section 30.  But, if it is given, we have to have the Police resources.  The anti-social behaviour team is always available to assist.


Gentleman said that ‘our desire is not to have a Section 30, but not to be terrorised by a group of young people, boys and girls.  It seems they do anything they like in school and on the streets, and how can we, as a community, change that?

Sergeant Parker said that they were not aware that the community is being terrorised, but Inspector Cunningham is not away, and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Partner Organisations Update

  • Streetscene
  • NHS Wirral
  • Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Merseyside Police/Community Safety
  • NHS Wirral
  • Fire Service
  • Older Peoples Parliament



Streetscene - Mark Trayner said that everything is in the Minutes that has been done over the past few months.


NHS Wirral – Russell Favager said all is written on Page 29 of the Minutes.

Tony Garrett asked are you saying anything about car parks.  The answer was no.  Mr. Garrett reported that at the Car Park User/Transport User Group meeting 16 extra spaces have been allocated for the blue badge users, making 86 on the site.  Also a 20 minute drop off space for each of the other entrances.  The new park and ride vehicle has been ordered (16 seats and 1 wheelchair).  It has not arrived (should have been September 2009).  It has been calculated that there are 1200 taken per week from Sainsburys to the Hospital.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Jonathan Cunningham reported that there is a fair amount of work going on at Arrowe Park creating ensuite rooms for women and children, and a new MRI scanner.  They have also secured some money from the Department of Health to ensure single sex wards and improvements to wards so that there are more single bedrooms.

The question was asked “if you are putting more buildings up, and you need more car parking spaces, should you now be planning for the future when you take the hospital out of Arrowe Park?

Jonathan Cunningham replied that it is re-furbishment of the existing buildings, and we are trying to permit the use of buses.

Lady asked about the big car park built on the large area with the trees surrounding it.  Many people now come up on to the pavement and park in the trees, and the hospital seems to be oblivious.

Gentleman said that the land actually belongs to the people, and there is creeping destruction of Arrowe Park.

Jonathan Cunningham stated that they do have an arrangement where staff are bussed in from Clatterbridge to Arrowe Park as well as the Sainsbury bus.

Gentleman said that the land belongs to the rate payers’ land, and they have constantly taken more land for use as car parks.


Merseyside Police/Community Safety. Sergeant Graham Parker reported that crime still remains low in the Heswall area, reported crime down by 21%.  We regret that we have to report six more burglaries of houses.  With regard to property being burgled, it is a good idea to have your valuable items marked, and we will do it for you if you contact the Police Station.

Anti-social behaviour is showing an 8% increase.  Most of this has been identified to a teenage disco, which started in Heswall six weeks ago, but it is generating some trouble.  Children are coming from Liverpool.  Staff from Heswall have been involved with this.


Community Safety – Ian Lowrie said their report is on Page 31.  They work right across Wirral, and do not just look after Council buildings, but work with the Police and feed information to them.  I look after the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Date of future meetings

Thursday 25th February 2010



Thursday, 25th February 2010.

Councillor Les Rowlands will be in the Chair.