Agenda and minutes

Venue: Birkenhead Town Hall, Hamilton Square, Birkenhead CH41 5BR

Contact: Andy Brannan  Area Forum Co-ordinator

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


The Chair, Councillor Jean Stapleton, opened the meeting and welcomed the forum members and 15 members of the public to the Area Forum meeting at the Birkenhead Town Hall. She invited the forum members to introduce themselves and to give a brief update. She informed the forum that Mike Parkinson had resigned as a community representative, due to personal commitments, and requested that the forum be thanked as he had enjoyed his time as a forum representative. She accepted his resignation and thanked Mike for his input on the forum.


Apologies were received from Stephanie Reid, Hazel Roberts, Lenny McCormick, Mark Hesketh, Gary Cummings and Mike Parkinson.


Resolved that:  Mike Parkinson’s resignation from the forum be noted.



Minutes and Matters Arising from Previous Forum


Michelle Gray informed the forum that the matters arising from the last meeting, dealt with by Andy Brannan, were detailed on pages 12-14 of the community engagement report (copies of the report were available at the meeting).

You Decide Results – the reports on the £20,000 allocation had been forwarded to the relevant departments (Technical Services and Regeneration). Information on where the projects will take place was being co-ordinated and further feedback on this will be given at the June forum meeting. 


The community engagement report also included the minutes from the last meeting, held on 28th October 2008, which were accepted as a true record.  


Resolved that:  The community engagement officer be thanked for the report, and the minutes of the last meeting held on 28th October 2008 be agreed.


Local Development Framework


John Entwistle (Corporate Services) gave a presentation on the Local Development Framework (LDF) – copies of which were available at the meeting.


The LDF is a new style development plan that will replace Wirral’s Unitary Development Plan (UDP) and be used alongside the Regional Spatial Strategy, covering the North West of England, issued by the Secretary of State. The LDF will be a key legal document covering 15-20 years and will consist of a Core Strategy and a spatial plan, and there are opportunities to consult on this at each stage of a long process until its submission to the Secretary of State.  The proposed adoption date for the LDF is 2011.


Forum members had already received a copy of the Issues, Vision and Objectives consultation document, covering issues, vision (to 2025 with 15 main elements linked to the Sustainable Community Strategy) and 29 objectives. Anyone wishing to get involved can request a copy of the consultation document by adding their details to the list available at the meeting or by contacting Hazel Edwards (0151 691 8225 / The deadline for comments is 5pm on 27 March 2009. Anyone wishing to be kept involved in the LDF process can request to be added to our contact database again by contacting Hazel Edwards.


The Chair thanked John Entwistle for his presentation and the following questions / issues were raised:


1.  What is land use?

A.  Land use covers all aspects of the use of all land within the borough – such as development, protection, and infrastructure.



2.  Is the framework concentrating on a particular area?

A. The framework covers the whole of Wirral, documents dealing with particular areas / topics will be looked at later in the process.


3.  Would someone be available to attend a resident’s group meeting to discuss the framework?

A.  Yes, please see me at the end of the meeting to arrange this.


4.  Philip Barton – anyone with an interest in land use should get in touch now, as by the time it is submitted to the Inspector it will be too late to make significant changes. Most people do not understand the old system, therefore it is essential that the consultation is done properly - more workshops are needed to increase involvement from different sections of society throughout the process, improve people’s knowledge and generate more interest in this. Up until recently Inspectors have been bowing to public pressure, but the government is tackling this.

A. This is a new and complex system that has been brought in across the country; the comments raised will be taken on board. There will be more consultation as we go through the later stages of the process.


5.  Peter Exley – is this seen as a strategic special review and are some types of land statutorily protected, therefore safe (e.g. parks)?

A.  David Ball – It is a land use planning document, covering all of the Wirral, identifying large scale areas of land and our  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Integrated Transport Block Funding


Mark Smith gave an update on the Integrated Transport Block (ITB) Funding (detailed on pages 22-25 of the Community Engagement report).


In Autumn 2006 the forums were consulted on how this funding would be allocated. Nine of the forums requested that the funding remain in a central pot for funding larger schemes. Two of the forums (Heswall/Pensby/Thingwall and Bromborough/Eastham) requested that the funding be allocated by the forums. The success of this initiative piloted in 2007/08 in these two Area Forums, has led to continued de-centralisation of funds for 2008/09 for the two forums and officers being requested to consult with the remaining nine Forums to determine if they wish to receive de-centralised funding (this will be approximately £18,000 per area forum) for allocation on traffic schemes. If the forums decide to opt for this the funding they will be supported by an officer form Technical Services, who will offer guidance, advice, ideas and information on costs, risks, pitfalls etc. The funding would have to be spent within the financial year it is allocated. A report on the forums’ recommendations will be taken to Cabinet on 19th March 2009, so the decision needs to be made by within the next few days. The main advantage would be that the forum would be able to decide how the money is spent. The  main disadvantage – it is a small pot of money and would only fund small scale schemes, whereas if it remained in a central pot there would be a good chance that the area would receive a large scale traffic calming scheme every 2-3 years.


The Chair thanked Mark Smith for his update, the Forum debated this proposal and the following questions / issues were raised:


1.  Peter Exley – is this in addition to the amount that the Council would normally spend in the area?

A.  The £200,000 (approx £18,000 per forum) comes from the central LTP pot and there is discretion on how it can be allocated, as no criteria has to be applied or satisfied, enabling the option of decisions being determined locally.


2.  Councillor McLaughlin – Rock Ferry has had some big schemes put in place, which may not have been carried out if the funding was decentralised, what are the costs of some of the significant sized projects?

A. There has been a good deal of expenditure in this area, and smaller projects usually have less of an impact. Examples of approximate costs included:

·  typical puffin crossing -  £25,000 - £30,000

·  small residential traffic calming scheme  - £35,000 - £40,000

·  large residential traffic calming scheme - £60,000 - £70,000

·  pedestrian refuge - £5,000 - £7,000

·  road markings - £3,000 - £4,000


Councillor Meaden added that two puffin crossings and six central walkways had been installed in the Rock Ferry ward within the last 18 months.

3.  Councillor Kenny – how would it be guaranteed that a forum would receive the funding in the second year if it pooled its resources with another  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Public Question Time


The following questions / issues were raised:


The Community Engagement Co-ordinator gave details of a question raised prior to forum.


1.  What is the situation re: car parking at Arrowe Park Hospital (we have been there three times recently, the first time we collected a ticket on entering the car park and paid £2 only to find this wasn't necessary; we did the same the second time, thinking it was a one-off; however we were wiser the third time.  The pay machines are not blocked off; in fact one had an apology notice on it stating that it was out of order. I asked the question at the Help Desk, only to be met with a giggle and 'Oh, I didn't know.')?

 A. The charge to park for patients and visitors is £2.00 per visit. Due to equipment failure there are occasions when the fee cannot be taken and we raise the barrier and allow free exit from the relevant car park. The Trust is upgrading the car park equipment and work should be completed by March 2009. The new pay stations will be located at Arrowe Park and Clatterbridge Hospitals.


2.  Philip Barton - what has happened at Byrne Avenue Baths (though it was run by the Trust the Council objective was to work with communities to keep facilities open)? The closure means residents and groups (such as the Birkenhead Swimming Club having to travel further to facilities).

A.  David Ball – Byrne Avenue Baths was run by the Trust and was supported by the Council. The Trust made the decision to go into voluntary liquidation, over cash flow issue, and called in the receivers. This should have been run as a business, but overt he years the cost of maintenance has increased and the Trust were unable to keep up with this. The Council does work with Trusts, but it is not always possible to keep things going if they are not sustainable. 


Peter Exley added that despite the grants and dealing with the health and safety issues, the running costs for the baths were too high (particularly the cost of fuel to maintain the pool temperature.


3.  Hugh Langford – closures such as this end up depriving the community twice, but we need to look to the future. Other council facilities that are closing may be able to be taken over, and the Council should ensure that thrust get support to run the business in an effective way.

A.  David Ball – Community asset transfers won’t take place until the Council has looked at issues such as business plans / viability / sustainability / external support. We are working with various organisations to support local groups looking to do asset transfer.


Councillor Davies added that advice needs to be provided on large scale asset transfers, and that an extra £50,000 has been allocated in the Council’s budget next year. This could be used for consultancy / support staff to help communities.


Myrtle Lacey added that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Partner Organisations Update

·  Merseyside Police/Community Safety

·  Fire Service

·  Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

·  NHS Wirral

·  Older Peoples Parliament


Community Safety


Ian Lowrie informed the forum that there was a detailed update on pages 17 - 19 of the Community Engagement Report, and highlighted the following:


  • There has been a 75% drop in the annual number of thefts from vehicles
  • The domestic burglary performance has remained consistent
  • The LAA targets for domestic violence have been met through the dedication of / working with partner agencies
  • Anti Social Behaviour Advice Surgeries have been set up, involving taking the Respect Bus into communities giving advice and taking complaints directly from the public


He added that the Respect Bus was at the meeting, and encouraged everyone to visit this at the end of the meeting.


The Chair thanked Ian Lowrie for his update and the following questions / issues were raised;


1.  Philip Barton – when will the schedule 1 vehicle be purchased?

A.  There is no date for this at the moment, but will take this issue on board.


2.  Peter Exley – what lighting is used in the Respect Bus?

A.  The lights are run from a small generator, but more details on this can be given by Alf Mullen, who is on the Respect Bus this evening.




Acting Inspector Chris Lucan gave the following update:


  • Gary Finlay is now in custody, for murder
  • Alleygate success – James Elwin Norman is to be sentenced on 24th March for superglueing alleygate locks
  • Bogus official burglary warning – this forum area has been targeted by people posing as water board / council officials to carry out burglaries, so please check credentials carefully.


Crime levels in the area, in comparison to the previous year, are as follows:

  • All crime has fallen from 3974 to 3536
  • Violent crime has increased from 882 to 884, but we have gained an extra beat
  • Robbery has fallen from 43 to 34
  • Burglary of dwellings has fallen form 147 to 127
  • Theft of motor vehicles has fallen from 122 to 89
  • Theft from motor vehicles has fallen from 157 too 104
  • Woundings have fallen from 443 to 398
  • Common Assault has increased from 182 to 204, but account needs to be taken of addition of an extra beat and more reporting of assaults due to volume of police officers in Birkenhead


Position, in comparison with other police authorities:

  • All Crime – First
  • Violence – First
  • Robbery – Second
  • Burglary – First


The Chair thanked Acting Inspector Chris Lucan and the following questions / issues were raised by members of the public:


3.  Where was Gary Finlay picked up?

A.  He was picked up locally, after considerable investigation.


4.  What is happening at Well Lane Police Station?

A.  The roof is being replaced, but the station is still fully operational.


Fire Service


John Davies informed the forum that pages 15/17 of the Community Engagement Co-ordinator’s report contained a comprehensive update on the Service in Wirral, and highlighted the following:



Date of Next Meeting

June 2009 (Venue to be confirmed)



The next meeting will be held on Thursday 18th June 2009 at a venue to be confirmed.


Any Other Business


Peter Exley – it would have been helpful to have had a contents page in the community engagement report. Michelle Gray informed the forum that she would report this back to Andy Brannan.


There was no further business and the Chair thanked everyone for attending and urged them to visit the exhibition stand on Wirral Special Educational Needs Partnership and the RESPECT Bus.


The meeting closed at 8.40pm.


Resolved that:    Michelle Gray to pass request re: contents page for the community engagement report to Andy Brannan