Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'MOTIONS ON NOTICE'

  • Councillor Brian Kenny - Personal - in item 6, by virtue of being a resident adjacent to Tower Grounds, New Brighton.
  • Councillor Brian Kenny - Personal - in motion 5, by virtue of being a member of Merseyide Fire and Rescue Authority.
  • Councillor Gillian Wood - Personal - in motion 5, by virtue of being a member of Merseyide Fire and Rescue Authority.
  • Councillor Harry Gorman - Personal - in motion 5, by virtue of being a member of Merseyide Fire and Rescue Authority.
  • Councillor Jason Walsh - McDonald - Personal - in motion 4 “Bank and Cash Services that Meet Local Needs” , by virtue of being an employee of a bank.
  • Councillor Julie McManus - Personal - in motion 6, by virtue of her employment in the community, voluntary and faith sector.
  • Councillor Lesley Rennie - Personal - in motion 5, by virtue of being a member of Merseyide Fire and Rescue Authority.
  • Councillor Sue Powell-Wilde - Personal - in motion 6, by virtue of her association with the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.
  • Councillor Tony Jones - Personal - in motion 6, by virtue of his association with the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.