Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'MATTERS REQUIRING APPROVAL BY THE COUNCIL'

  • Councillor Adrian Jones - Personal - a personal interest in the Budget by virtue of his former Chairmanship of the Allandale Youth Club
  • Councillor Alan Jennings - Personal - a personal interest in the Schools Budget by virtue of a family member's employment with the authority
  • Councillor Ann McLachlan - Personal - a personal interest in the Schools Budget by virtue of a family member's employment with the authority
  • Councillor Brian Kenny - Personal - a personal interest in the Schools Budget by virtue of a family member's employment with the authority
  • Councillor Jeff Green - Personal - a personal interest in the Schools Budget by virtue of a family member's employment with the authority
  • Councillor Les Rowlands - Personal - a personal interest in the Schools Budget by virtue of a family member's employment with the authority
  • Councillor Mrs Kate Wood - Personal - a personal interest in the budget by virtue of her being a pensioner householder
  • Councillor Steve Williams - Personal - a personal interest in the Schools Budget by virtue of a family member's employment with the authority